
What is a set of species? Which crops can be intercropped? Technology of planting Potato between Maize and Maize

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Planting is plant cultivation, including all kinds of crops, trees, fruit trees, flowers and plants, medicinal and ornamental plants, including food crops, cash crops, vegetable crops, green manure crops, forage crops, forage crops and so on. So what is a set of species? Which works

Planting is plant cultivation, including all kinds of crops, trees, fruit trees, flowers and plants, medicinal and ornamental plants, including food crops, cash crops, vegetable crops, green manure crops, forage crops, forage crops and so on. So what is a set of species? Which crops can be intercropped? What are the techniques of planting potatoes between corn and corn?

What is a set of species?

In a piece of land, more than two kinds of crops are planted at intervals of a certain number of rows at the same time. The common growth period of two kinds of interplanting organisms is long. Intercropping is often the intercropping of tall crops and short crops.

Which can be intercropped?

1. Cotton + corn: interplanting corn in cotton field can attract eggs to reduce the damage of cotton seedlings. Sowing 1 row of corn every 10 meters in cotton field (50-60 piers per mu, 2-3 plants per mu) can effectively improve the ecological structure of cotton field, attract cotton bollworm and corn borer to lay eggs, so as to reduce the number of eggs on cotton seedlings. In cotton fields where corn is intercropped, the number of eggs laid on cotton seedlings is reduced by an average of 60% to 70%.

2. Cotton (or rape) + garlic: planting garlic between cotton or rape can repel pests and reduce eggs. Allicin, a fungicide volatilized from garlic, has a pungent smell, which can "avoid" aphids that harm cotton or rape, and the occurrence of the second generation of cotton bollworm on cotton is obviously reduced, and other pests will also "flee". According to the investigation, intercropping fields did not use drugs to control seedling aphids, and cotton seedlings did not roll leaves, while monoculture fields under the same conditions controlled seedling aphids twice, and the highest rate of rolled leaf plants still reached 25%. There are only 12 eggs in 100 plants of cotton bollworm in intercropping fields, while the number of eggs in 100 plants in monoculture fields is more than 500.

3. Cotton + wheat: wheat-cotton interplanting, this method is very beneficial to control cotton aphids at seedling stage. Due to the barrier effect of wheat, interplanting cotton not only directly affected the migration of cotton aphid, but also the temperature of cotton field was about 1 ℃ lower than that of monoculture field. Coupled with the role of natural enemies of wheat, seedling aphid could be controlled without pesticide control.

4. Cotton + mung bean intercropping: cotton mung bean intercropping, in May and June, the single cropping field cotton plant is small, which is not conducive to the concealment and habitat of natural enemies; the intercropping field mung bean grows quickly, and the field microclimate is conducive to the survival and reproduction of natural enemies, and bean aphids are good food for natural enemies, so the number of natural enemies increases and cotton pests are reduced, which can generally be reduced for 1 or 2 times.

5. Cotton + sorghum: planting a small amount of sorghum beside the cotton border ditch in cotton fields can attract natural enemies such as spiders, aphid cocoon wasps, aphid flies, ladybugs and flower bugs to inhibit the occurrence and damage of cotton aphids, cotton bollworm and other pests.

6. Corn + cucumber: intercropping cucumber with corn can reduce the occurrence of cucumber virus disease. Planting cucumber in the corn line can reduce cucumber mosaic disease by 61.6%. It can also use corn straw to make cucumber strips, saving money and labor.

7. Corn + sweet potato: the branches and leaves of these two crops grow longitudinally and horizontally, which is beneficial to ventilation and light transmission and strengthen photosynthesis.

8. Corn + pumpkin (or peanut): corn interplanting pumpkin or peanut can effectively reduce the damage of corn borer. Pumpkin nectar can attract the parasitic natural enemy of corn borer, black egg wasp, through the parasitic effect of black egg wasp, it can effectively reduce the damage of corn borer. In addition, corn intercropping with peanuts can also significantly reduce the damage of corn borer. Corn pointed leaves, peanut round leaves, planted together will not block each other's light, providing light energy efficiency.

9. Corn + spicy (green) pepper: intercropping between corn and spicy (green) pepper can reduce the disease of hot (green) pepper. Due to the shading effect of corn, pepper sunburn and virus disease decreased by 72% compared with monoculture field; planting corn and green pepper interlaced could reduce green pepper virus disease by 56.9%.

10. Corn + Chinese cabbage: corn intercropping Chinese cabbage can reduce many diseases of Chinese cabbage. In the maize intercropping cabbage field, because the field temperature decreased by 0.5 ℃ and the ground temperature decreased by 2 ℃, the cabbage virus disease decreased by more than 20%, the white spot disease decreased by 18%, and the occurrence of cabbage soft rot and downy mildew was also significantly reduced.

Attached: potato planting technology between corn and corn

1. Select improved varieties. Maize varieties with high yield and disease resistance were selected, such as Huidan 4, Great Wall 799, era 1, Beiyu 16 and so on. Potato varieties with high yield and disease resistance were selected, such as Huihui-2, Hezuo 88, Zhongdianhong, Shengli 2, Xin 85 and so on.

2. sow seeds at the right time. The seed amount of 2 kg per mu of corn and 110 kg of potato per mu were sown on April 15-20 and March 15-25 respectively.

3. Planting specifications. Two rows of potatoes were interplanted with two rows of corn, that is, between 2:2, the soil moisture of corn was 200cm, and two rows of corn were planted, in which the small row spacing was 40cm, the plant spacing was 18cm, and the plant spacing was 18cm. 3300 plants per mu were planted, and the potato was planted in a wide row of corn with two rows, the row spacing was 80cm, the plant spacing was 30cm, and the mu was planted in 2200 ponds. That is, the distance between the two rows of potatoes in the 2-meter-wide area is 80 cm, the distance between the two rows of corn is 40 cm, and the distance between potato and corn is 40 cm.

4. Apply sufficient base fertilizer. With the combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, the base fertilizer was applied along the ditch in the corn row when sowing, 50 kg per mu of calcium, 5 kg of urea and 5 kg of potassium sulfate, and 30 kg of calcium and 5 kg of potassium sulfate per mu in the potato ditch. Or use 30-40 kg of ternary compound fertilizer at 10:5:10 per mu as base fertilizer.

5. Scientific topdressing. Combined with mid-tillage and soil topdressing in time, maize applied seedling fertilizer at 5-leaf stage, urea 10 kg per mu, jointing fertilizer at 7-Murray 8-leaf stage, urea 15-20 kg per mu, panicle fertilizer at 9-10 leaf stage, urea ~ 20 kg per mu, each fertilization combined with mid-ploughing shovel or middle ploughing to cultivate soil; potato applied topdressing early with mid-ploughing shovel or mid-ploughing soil, applying urea 5kg / mu.

6. Pest control. ⑴ underground pest: use 2.5% kung fu or 2.5% enemy to kill 1 1000 times liquid spray when corn seedlings emerge. ⑵ corn borer or aphid: it can be combined with the prevention and control of corn leaf spot. Spray prevention with 2.5% kung fu or 2.5% enemy kill 1 1000 times, 18% Ye Jing 1 1000 times, 40% Fuji 1 1 000 times or 75% tricyclazole 15000 times, every 7 days, 2 times in a row. ⑶ potato late blight: in potato rosette stage, 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc wettable powder or 70% mancozeb wettable powder was sprayed with 500 times liquid, once every 7 days, 2 times in a row.