
cluster Learn more about cluster

  • Automatic clustering agent for mature silkworm

    Automatic clustering agent for mature silkworm

    (1) content introduction "automatic clustering agent for mature silkworm" is a new type of silkworm medicine to promote mature silkworm and mature silkworm to cluster automatically. at the same time, raw silkworm, diseased silkworm and weak silkworm do not climb on the cluster, so as to improve cocoon quality and reduce cocoon laying rate. (2) the advanced nature of technology "automatic clustering agent for mature silkworm" passed the appraisal organized by the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of higher Education in 1993, and the experts agreed that the achievement reached the leading level in China. In China, molting hormone is used to ripen the silkworms, and when they are mature, they pick up the silkworms one by one or ripen the silkworms.

  • Is there an aircraft carrier of Ella Fleece Ball, a rose variety still blooming at 37 degrees Celsius?

    Is there an aircraft carrier of Ella Fleece Ball, a rose variety still blooming at 37 degrees Celsius?

    Come on, let's learn about the blooming aircraft carrier of the monthly boundary-Ella fluffy balls, clusters, clumps, blooming warmly in the temperature of 37 degrees. When taking a photo, I came across a colleague who chose Hua Miao and drove away with a cart of Ella fluffy balls. It is really popular.

  • Mastering six major measures can improve cocoon quality.

    Mastering six major measures can improve cocoon quality.

    The poor quality of cocoon is directly related to the silk yield. The average silk yield of fresh cocoons in China has been maintained at about 11% for many years, while that in Japan is 19%. The reason is that apart from the influence of cocoon harvesting and drying technology and silk reeling process, the key lies in the cocoon quality.

    2020-11-08 Master good six measures energy improve cocoon quality
  • Prevention and control of blood cluster disease of freshwater soft-shelled turtle and turtle

    Prevention and control of blood cluster disease of freshwater soft-shelled turtle and turtle

    Blood cluster disease is a disease caused by the parasitism of blood cluster worms. Blood cluster worm is a kind of sporozoa, which belongs to true coccidia and kindred worms. The blood cluster worm parasites and propagates in the blood cells, hepatocytes and Kupffer cells of soft-shelled turtles and turtles. (1) pathogenic blood cluster worm. According to Chai Jianyuan et al. (1990), six species of blood cluster insects have been found in soft-shelled turtles and turtles in China. In the soft-shelled turtle (Trionyx sinensis), there are three stages: the merozoite of ① in the mature tissue of liver Kupffer's cells is oval.

  • Prevention and control methods of silkworm without cocooning

    Prevention and control methods of silkworm without cocooning

    First, the reasons why silkworms do not cocoon: 1. Pathological factors. For example, purulent disease and malacia are easy to be infected before the upper cluster, which destroys the secretory function of silk glands of silkworm, or pathogens produce a large number of toxic metabolites in silkworm body, so that the nerves of silkworms are paralyzed and cannot be cocooned. 2, physiological factors. The first is the abnormality of the central silk gland, mainly because the feeding temperature is too high or too low, the leaf quality is too tender, and the secretory gland is maladjusted, which causes abnormal silk gland, and the second is the abnormal silk gland in the anterior part, mainly because of feeding.

  • Other people's hydrangea garden is really envious and envious.

    Other people's hydrangea garden is really envious and envious.

    Clusters, good-looking clusters, really good-looking groups.

  • The reason why silkworms do not cocoon

    The reason why silkworms do not cocoon

    1. Pathological factors. For example, purulent disease and malacia are easy to be infected before the upper cluster, which destroys the secretory function of silk glands of silkworm, or pathogens produce a large number of toxic metabolites in silkworm body, so that the nerves of silkworms are paralyzed and cannot be cocooned. 2, physiological factors. The first is the abnormality of the central silk gland, mainly because the feeding temperature is too high or too low, the leaf quality is too tender, the secretory gland is maladjusted, and the silk gland is abnormal, and the second is the abnormality of the anterior silk gland. it is mainly due to excessive exposure to bad gases such as gas, fishy gas, alcohol and so on.

  • Feeding and management techniques of silkworm

    Feeding and management techniques of silkworm

    Feeding and management techniques of silkworm

  • Efficient production technology of test-tube plantlets of Phalaenopsis

    Efficient production technology of test-tube plantlets of Phalaenopsis

    Phalaenopsis is a kind of orchid with high ornamental value, which is known as "queen of orchid". Its plant type is very peculiar, it is a single-stem aerial orchid, and its roots like to expose above the plant material or protrude the basin bottom to absorb water and nutrients from the air. The pedicel is drawn from the axil of the leaf, curved and curved. There are nodes on the stem, and the flowers bloom on the upper node, one after another. Flowers vary in color, including scarlet, pure white, lilac, goose yellow and azure blue, and some varieties are bicolor or tricolor with stripes or spots

  • Longevity flowers in autumn should be pruned like this and drink some pregnant bud soup and plant full buds in clusters.

    Longevity flowers in autumn should be pruned like this and drink some pregnant bud soup and plant full buds in clusters.

    The longevity flower is a favorite flower for many flower friends. The plant is small and exquisite, the flower is in clusters, the color is bright, and it is very beautiful. In September, the weather slowly begins to cool, and the longevity flower also enters the bud blooming stage, and it is necessary to let it bloom more.

  • Cocoon collection and sale of silkworm

    Cocoon collection and sale of silkworm

    1. The suitable time for cocoon collection: after the cocooning of mature silkworm, molting and pupation, with the development of pupa, the skin becomes hard and the skin color becomes darker, when the skin color changes to yellow, it is the suitable time for cocoon collection. The spring silkworm period is 6-7 days after the upper cluster. The summer and autumn silkworm period is 5-6 days after the upper cluster, and the late autumn silkworm period is 7-8 days after the upper cluster. The cocoon is picked too early, the silkworm has not yet pupated, the hairy foot cocoon is not easy to be evenly baked during cocoon drying, the cocoon quality is reduced, and the hairy foot cocoon is easy to seep the dirt out of the cocoon layer during cocoon cooking, which makes the color of raw silk worse.

  • These two flowers will bloom in clusters and burst into balls when they are thrown into the soil

    These two flowers will bloom in clusters and burst into balls when they are thrown into the soil

    A few pots of flowers are raised on the balcony, blooming into groups, colorful, and instantly have their own small garden. Here are two kinds of flowers, good to feed, flowering clusters are very beautiful. Hydrangea flowers bloom especially good-looking, grouped in groups, colorful...

  • When the cover is raised, the rose is watered, and the flowers are clustered.

    When the cover is raised, the rose is watered, and the flowers are clustered.

    Rose cultivation, watering, fertilization, soil, light, pruning, all indispensable, everything is the key to today's flowers to say is the problem of watering, as long as there is a little more material inside, the flowers will go from blossoming to clusters...

  • The fertilization skills of crape myrtle blossom clusters of balconies into a sea of small flowers

    The fertilization skills of crape myrtle blossom clusters of balconies into a sea of small flowers

    Crape myrtle flowers are gorgeous and generous, with clusters of flowers and bright colors, so they are of high ornamental value. Planted in the balcony, flowering into a small flower sea, crape myrtle has 4 varieties, red, silver, Cuiwei and so on, flowering, is very lively. Master the positive.

  • Kaohsiung processing Zone LCD industrial cluster gather kinetic energy to assist Jingjiedda layout market

    Kaohsiung processing Zone LCD industrial cluster gather kinetic energy to assist Jingjiedda layout market

    In the face of the lack of momentum in the global economy and the general decline in investment in factory expansion, the import value of the Kaohsiung processing Export Zone from January to July this year (105) is 37% higher than that of the same period last year, and the export value has also increased by 13%, showing strong competitiveness. The garden.

  • Lovely flower cluster hydrangea culture

    Lovely flower cluster hydrangea culture

    Lovely flower cluster hydrangea culture

  • Let you raise silkworms in summer and autumn at ten o'clock.

    Let you raise silkworms in summer and autumn at ten o'clock.

    I think we are still very familiar with silkworms. Sericulture has a history of thousands of years since ancient times. In ancient China, some people have planted mulberry and sericulture, so we should pay attention to certain techniques and skills in the process of sericulture. Let you have summer and autumn at ten o'clock

    2020-11-08 Ten o'clock let you summer and autumn raise silkworms for silkworms I think everyone
  • The gathering area of edible mushroom comprehensive service industry in Qingyuan County, Zhejiang Province won the honor again.

    The gathering area of edible mushroom comprehensive service industry in Qingyuan County, Zhejiang Province won the honor again.

    Recently, Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission announced the first batch of dynamic adjustment list of 100 modern service industry agglomeration demonstration zones in 2015. Qingyuan County Edible Mushroom Comprehensive Service Industry agglomeration area was once again awarded the provincial modern service industry agglomeration demonstration zone title. It is understood that the development and reform department of Qingyuan County will

    2016-01-16 Zhejiang Qingyuan County Edible Fungi Comprehensive Service Industry agglomeration area
  • Culture methods and management of potted orchids

    Culture methods and management of potted orchids

    Culture methods and management of potted orchids

  • How long is the rose blossom?

    How long is the rose blossom?

    How long is the rose blossom?
