
How long is the rose blossom?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How long is the rose blossom?

Rose is a famous ornamental plant in the world. There are many colors of flowers, which are very popular with people. Do you know what the rose florescence is? it is said that it lasts for half a year.

Rose flowering stage

The flowering season of the rose is generally from May to September, and its flowering period is very long. The petals of the rose are mostly pink or light pink, similar to the shape of lotus medicine. Single, and most flowers are clustered in a flattened corymb. Of course, there is also a kind of yellow rose, flowering particularly early, and bright, often cherished by the horticultural community. In addition to pink roses, due to different varieties, there are some golden, bright red or milky white roses, and so on, the flowers are large and small, clams are generally clustered on the tip, the color is very bright, and with light fragrance, is a kind of fragrant and ornamental flowers.

Knowledge expansion of rose flower

The morphological characteristics of the rose: most of the plants of the genus Rosa are erect, spreading or climbing shrubs, most of which are prickles, needles or prickles, sparse without thorns, hairy, glabrous or glandular hairs. Leaves alternate, odd-pinnate, sparsely simple, margin serrate; stipules Adnate or inserted on petiole, without stipules. Flowers simple into corymbose, sparse corymbose or paniculate inflorescences; calyx tube (receptacle) globose, jar-shaped to cup-shaped, neck constricted; sepals 5, sparse 4, spreading, imbricate, sometimes pinnately divided; petals 5, sparse 4, spreading, imbricate arrangement, white, yellow, pink to red; disk surrounding mouth of calyx tube; stamens mostly divided into several whorls, inserted around disk.

Rose value: rose not only has great ornamental value, but also has other medical and health benefits. Aromatic oil can be extracted from rose petals, which is higher in value than gold and has high medicinal and edible value. The rose flower has the effect of clearing summer heat and dampness, relieving qi and stomach, and stopping bleeding. Rose root has the function of clearing heat and promoting dampness, expelling wind and promoting blood circulation, detoxification and detumescence, which is suitable for lung carbuncle, eliminating thirst, dysentery, arthritis, paralysis, hematochezia, frequent urination, irregular menstruation, falling injury, boil scabies and so on.

Rose varieties: there are about 200 species of roses in the world, with a wide variety and great variation. The main varieties of rose commonly cultivated are: pink rose, large flower type, single, pink or rose, multiple flowers clustered in corymbals; lotus rose, double, pink to pink, mostly clustered; seven sisters, double, dark pink, often 7-10 clustered together with fragrance; Baiyutang, white, double, often 7-10 clustered Japanese thornless rose, white, single, one village branch with many flowers, blooming in shape.

Rose flower language: the flower language of rose flower represents love and love thoughts. The blooming rose gives people a vision of love, but love is not only a beautiful dream, although the flowers will wither, the love in the heart will never wither, the rose is the beginning of love, the oath of love. In particular, the red rose is a good gift from first lovers.