
Yellow cicada Learn more about Yellow cicada

  • Maintenance measures and matters needing attention of yellow cicada flower

    Maintenance measures and matters needing attention of yellow cicada flower

    First, the yellow cicada likes the environment with high temperature, humidity and plenty of light, so put the yellow cicada in the courtyard or in a place with direct sunlight, but be careful not to breed indoors, so as to avoid accidental poisoning. Second, the yellow cicada flower is resistant to moisture and likes a humid environment

  • Conservation measures and matters needing attention of yellow cicada flower

    Conservation measures and matters needing attention of yellow cicada flower

    First, the placement and lighting of yellow cicadas like the environment of high temperature, humidity and plenty of light, so put them in the courtyard or in places with direct sunlight, but be careful not to breed them indoors, so as to avoid accidental poisoning. Second, the yellow cicada flower is resistant to moisture and likes a humid environment

  • Conservation measures and precautions for yellow chanhua

    Conservation measures and precautions for yellow chanhua

    First, the yellow cicada flower likes the environment of high temperature, humidity and sufficient light, so it should be placed on the balcony or in a place with direct sunlight. 2. Watering Cicada flowers are resistant to water and humidity and like a humid environment. Therefore, they should be watered frequently during the growth period of Cicada flowers, but less watering should be done in winter.

  • The reproduction method of yellow cicada orchid

    The reproduction method of yellow cicada orchid

    Like ordinary orchids, the propagation methods of yellow cicada orchids are basically divided into two types: dividing plants and sowing. The ramets of Cymbidium viridis can be carried out in spring and autumn. As long as the plant grows strong, the yellow cicada orchid with dense pseudobulbs can be divided. Before dividing plants, we should reduce the irrigation times of yellow cicada orchid in order to make the pot soil drier.

  • How to raise yellow cicadas culture methods and matters needing attention

    How to raise yellow cicadas culture methods and matters needing attention

    The yellow cicada flower is in the shape of a yellow trumpet, which looks particularly beautiful and has high ornamental value. It can often be seen in parks or residential areas. At the same time, many people will raise yellow cicada potted plants at home as decorative potted plants. So the yellow cicada

    2020-11-08 Yellow cicada flower how to raise culture method and matters needing attention yellow cicada
  • The propagation mode of yellow cicada flower

    The propagation mode of yellow cicada flower

    The first way to sow seeds should first collect the seeds of yellow cicadas, but the seeds of yellow cicadas are not hidden for a long time, so it is best to sow after picking. The second way is to press the strip to select the branch near the ground, then cut the branch and press it into the soil.

  • Can the yellow cicada be raised at home?

    Can the yellow cicada be raised at home?

    Yellow cicadas are beautiful in color and are often planted by the roadside for people to watch. Many people want to know whether yellow cicadas can be raised at home. Can yellow cicadas be farmed at home? yellow cicadas can be raised at home, but not suitable. The milk of yellow cicada is poisonous, and it is not small for people and animals.

    2020-11-09 Yellow cicada can be at home breeding Mo yellow cicada color delicate and beautiful
  • The planting mode of yellow cicada flower

    The planting mode of yellow cicada flower

    The first way-sowing and planting should first collect the seeds of yellow cicadas, but the seeds of yellow cicadas are not hidden for a long time, so it is best to sow after picking. The second way is to plant strips and choose the branches near the ground, then cut the branches and press them into the soil.

  • The method of Cuttage Propagation of soft Branch Yellow Cicada

    The method of Cuttage Propagation of soft Branch Yellow Cicada

    The cultivation difficulty of soft branch yellow cicada is not high, and the flowering period is long and the flower color is bright, so it is very suitable for ornamental. In fact, the soft branch yellow cicada also has a certain medicinal value, and it has a certain effect on detumescence and killing insects. In general, artificial propagation of soft wood yellow cicada can be done by cutting.

  • Pest Control of Cymbidium chinense

    Pest Control of Cymbidium chinense

    As a kind of orchid, yellow cicada orchid diseases and insect pests are basically divided into white silk disease, anthracnose and scale insect three kinds, below we come to understand one by one. White silk disease white silk disease Zhu Ai yo occurs mostly in the rainy season. At the beginning of the disease, the leaf base of yellow cicada orchid will be covered with white thread, which will eventually lead to root rot.

  • Diseases and insect pests of yellow cicada orchid and its control

    Diseases and insect pests of yellow cicada orchid and its control

    Summary of the condition of white silk disease: White silk disease mostly occurs in the season of Meiyu. In the early stage, the leaf base of yellow cicada orchid is covered with white hyphae. These hyphae will gradually cause the rhizome of yellow cicada orchid to rot. Control method: remove all the bacterial pot soil from the yellow cicada orchid potted plant.

  • The meaning of the praying mantis catching the cicada yellow sparrow

    The meaning of the praying mantis catching the cicada yellow sparrow

    The meaning of the praying mantis catching the cicada yellow sparrow

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of yellow cicada

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of yellow cicada

    First, the placement and lighting of yellow cicadas like the environment of high temperature, humidity and plenty of light, so put them in the courtyard or in places with direct sunlight, but be careful not to breed them indoors, so as to avoid accidental poisoning. Second, watering yellow cicada flowers are resistant to water and like a humid environment

  • Propagation methods and matters needing attention of yellow cicada flower

    Propagation methods and matters needing attention of yellow cicada flower

    The yellow cicada is native to tropical America and its florescence is from May to June. The yellow cicada is named because its color and shape are very similar to those of the yellow cicada. The ornamental value of yellow cicada flowers is relatively high, and now they are often made into potted plants to watch in the hall, and their figures can also be seen in the flower beds in the park.

  • What kinds of yellow cicadas are there?

    What kinds of yellow cicadas are there?

    Yellow cicada belongs to the genus Apocynaceae. There are 15 species of this genus, which are distributed in tropical America. The common species and cultivated species introduced into China are yellow cicada, soft branch yellow cicada, double soft branch yellow cicada, small leaf soft branch yellow cicada, white cicada, purple cicada. Yellow cicada is evergreen shrub, leaves 3-5 verticillate, ovate-lanceolate, entire.

  • What are the characteristics of the yellow cicada?

    What are the characteristics of the yellow cicada?

    Yellow cicada is a plant with dense plants, green leaves and bright flowers. It is suitable for large and medium-sized potted plants to decorate living rooms, balconies and other places. Let's get to know it together.

  • This is the case with the Yellow Cicada.

    This is the case with the Yellow Cicada.

    Cicada is a dense plant, green leaves, flowers bright plants, suitable for large and medium-sized potted plants, used to decorate the living room, balcony and other places, let us know it together.

  • How to raise yellow cicada flowers

    How to raise yellow cicada flowers

    Yellow cicada is an evergreen shrub that can be planted in courtyards, roads or potted plants. How to raise yellow cicadas? How to raise yellow cicadas 1. Generally choose cuttage propagation, planting in half a year to two years when the temperature rises steadily from March to April.

    2020-11-08 Yellow cicada flower how raise yellow cicada flower is a kind of evergreen shrub both
  • The flowers are shaped like yellow cicadas-- red cicadas.

    The flowers are shaped like yellow cicadas-- red cicadas.

    Red cicada flower, plant height about 20-40 cm, the whole plant has white body fluid. It is suitable for potted plants or garden planting and beautification, but not suitable for shade shed plants. Leaves opposite, long heart-shaped, smooth on both sides. The Summer Solstice autumn flowering, funnel-shaped flowers, Corolla 5-lobed, peach red.

  • The distinction between yellow cicada and yellow oleander

    The distinction between yellow cicada and yellow oleander

    The yellow cicada Allemandaneriifolia and the yellow flower oleander Thevetiaperuviana belong to the genus Cicadaceae and the yellow flower oleander genus respectively. They are similar in shape and are often confused. Now the two are distinguished from the three aspects of leaves, flowers and fruits. Leaves: yellow cicada leaves 3 to 5 whorled, elliptic or ovate-oblong, 6 to 12 cm long, apex acuminate, base cuneate; leaves of yellow oleander alternate, linear-lanceolate, 10 to 15 cm long, pointed at both ends, flowering
