
How to raise yellow cicadas culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The yellow cicada flower is in the shape of a yellow trumpet, which looks particularly beautiful and has high ornamental value. It can often be seen in parks or residential areas. At the same time, many people will raise yellow cicada potted plants at home as decorative potted plants. So the yellow cicada

The yellow cicada flower is in the shape of a yellow trumpet, which looks particularly beautiful and has high ornamental value. It can often be seen in parks or residential areas. At the same time, many people will raise yellow cicada potted plants at home as decorative potted plants. So how on earth should yellow cicada flowers be cultivated and maintained? Next, let's study with the editor.

How to raise yellow cicada flowers

1. Position. Yellow cicada plants like hot, humid, sunny places, especially need bright light. It should be placed in a place with direct sunlight and should be exposed for three or four hours a day.

2. Temperature. Yellow cicada grows well in high temperature environment, and the temperature should not be lower than 16 ℃. The maintenance room in northern winter is not less than 5 ℃, otherwise it will cause frost damage.

3. Watering. During the growth period, the yellow cicada should be watered frequently, especially in the summer growing season, and the leaves are long and dull when there is a lack of water. It is advisable to water less during overwintering.

4. Fertilization. During the vigorous growth period of yellow cicada, topdressing was applied every half a month.

5. Cultivation and changing pots. Yellow cicada flowers should be planted in loam with good drainage and fertile soil. The best time to change basins is in spring.

6. Reproduction. Yellow cicada flowers are propagated by cutting in spring and summer. Select healthy branches, cut the stem tip 8-10 cm as cuttings, and plant them in the basin. Cover the new plant with plastic film and put it under the condition of 20 ℃. It can take root in about 20 days. Hydroponic culture is also easy to take root, cut about 10 centimeters into the mineral water bottle, generally 15 days can take root.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of yellow cicada

I. Culture methods

1. Watering

The yellow cicada likes high temperature and high humidity, and the soil should always be kept moist, especially from spring to autumn, and water should be controlled during the dormant period. if the plants are frostbitten, the amount of water should be moderate, because it is very difficult for plants to absorb nutrients during the recovery period. watering too much, the plant can not absorb, but will lead to its root rot.

2. Temperature

Yellow cicada can not tolerate cold, avoid frost, the lowest temperature in winter should be kept above 15 ℃, if the long-term low temperature of 5-6 ℃, branches and leaves will be damaged.

3. Soil

Yellow cicadas like fertile, well-drained soil, so peat soil or rotten leaf soil should be used for potted plants.

4. Lighting

The yellow cicada is a strong light plant that can survive in semi-shaded environment, but it should be exposed to sunlight for at least 5 hours a day.

5. Fertilization

When planting yellow cicada, applying rotten cooked cake fertilizer or garbage as base fertilizer, and applying compound fertilizer once before flowering in spring and in summer can promote more flowering and prolong flowering time. During the growing period of the yellow cicada, fertilizer is applied every 20 days to promote its branches to flourish and flowers to bloom continuously. If the plant is frostbitten, stop fertilizing.

II. Points for attention

1. Keep the light intensity

To provide sufficient light for the yellow cicada, it is best to transfer it to the outdoor sun in summer and put it in a place with direct sunlight indoors in winter.

2. Pay attention to soil matrix during cultivation.

The growth of yellow cicada likes fertile and moist sandy loam, while clayey soil grows poorly, avoiding stagnant water and saline-alkali soil.

3. Less watering in winter

Although Huang Chan likes fertile and moist soil, he should also reduce the number of watering times in winter and keep the soil moist.

Control ambient temperature in summer and winter

The suitable temperature for the growth of yellow cicada is 18-30 ℃, and it can grow normally when it is above 35 ℃. The optimum temperature in winter dormancy period is 12-15 ℃, which can not be lower than 10 ℃. Plants below 5 ℃ will suffer frost injury.

Growing environment

Yellow cicada plants like hot, humid, sunny places, especially need bright light. It should be placed in a place with direct sunlight and should be exposed for three or four hours a day. The temperature should not be lower than 16 ℃. The yellow cicada is native to tropical America and is cultivated in the gardens of Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, Taiwan and Beijing (in greenhouse).

How to cut yellow cicada

1. Preparation: the cuttings are usually carried out in early spring or early summer. The branches and twigs from last year are taken as cuttings. The cuttings are required to be 10 mi 15 cm long, with 2 mi 3 nodes.

The basin soil generally requires loose, fertile, well-drained and humus-rich soil, which can be mixed with garden soil, rotten leaf soil and rotten chicken manure at the ratio of 6 to 3 / 0.5.

2. Specific steps: wet the seedling bed first so as not to damage the cuttings. Air-dry the cuttings in the shade, and after the cut milk is completely dry, insert it into the sand bed, and the cutting depth can be cut into the soil, otherwise the survival rate is relatively low. Pour water in time after insertion to make the cuttings close to the soil. Under the condition of 20 ℃, it can take root in 50 days, and after rooting, it can be transplanted.

Although the flowers are beautiful and delicate, they also need to be maintained, and if they are not properly maintained, it is easy to cause the phenomenon of not blooming or yellowing leaves, so it is best to understand its habits and maintenance methods before cultivating yellow cicadas in pots.