
Tianshan Learn more about Tianshan

  • Tianshan Snow Chicken

    Tianshan Snow Chicken

    Tianshan snow pheasant belongs to the pheasant family and herbivorous birds, which is native to the top of Tianshan Mountain in China and is a rare species unique to China. Tianshan Snow Chicken is small in size, strong in physique, about 60 cm long, elegant in appearance, purple in mouth, orange in base and wax covering its nostrils, and its whole body feathers are well developed. Tianshan Snow Chicken is flexible in action, sharp in spirit, light and fast in activity. The weight of adult rooster is 1. About 5 kilograms, crowing at the age of 5 months, and the hen weighs 1. It weighs 2 kilograms and begins to lay eggs at the age of 6 months, producing 120-150 eggs a year. Eggs 40-50

  • Jianlan Tianshan Peony: is Jianlan Tianshan Peony fragrant? Characteristic price of Jianlan Tianshan peony

    Jianlan Tianshan Peony: is Jianlan Tianshan Peony fragrant? Characteristic price of Jianlan Tianshan peony

    Four seasons orchid inscription tree-shaped strange flowers, flowers are very fragrant, this grass is easy to grow teeth, easy to blossom. The relevant information is very few, and it is said to be from Sichuan.

  • What is the snow lotus fungus in Tianshan? What are the effects and effects? Can I soak the milk?

    What is the snow lotus fungus in Tianshan? What are the effects and effects? Can I soak the milk?

    What is the snow lotus fungus in Tianshan? Snow lotus fungus, also known as Tibetan Ling Mushroom, the full name of Tianshan Saussurea involucrata, the Chinese scientific name Xizang Ling Mushroom. It is a kind of natural yoghurt fermentative bacteria produced in Xizang and Linzhi area. The strain is fermented by yeast probiotics, accompanied by a small number of lactic acid bacteria (lactic acid chain).

    2020-11-11 Tianshan Mountain Saussurea involucrata fungus what is it efficacy effect what is it?
  • How to grow Tianshan snow lotus

    How to grow Tianshan snow lotus

    Tianshan snow lotus do not know if we have eaten, very nutritious and sweet taste. Today, Xiaobian will introduce to you the planting method of Tianshan snow lotus fruit. Let's have a look together! 1. How to plant Tianshan snow lotus fruit

    2020-11-09 Tianshan Mountains snow lotus fruit how to plant do not know
  • The effect of Tianshan Saussurea Fruit

    The effect of Tianshan Saussurea Fruit

    The effect of Tianshan Saussurea Fruit

  • How to grow snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain

    How to grow snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain

    Tianshan Saussurea involucrata as a very precious medicine, we have heard more than the actual existence. So how to grow snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain? Let's have a look! How to plant Saussurea involucrata in Tianshan Mountain 1.The seeds of Saussurea involucrata are tapered, and the seeds are easy to grow.

    2020-11-09 Tianshan Xuelian how planting as very Jane
  • How to eat Tianshan Saussurea and its efficacy

    How to eat Tianshan Saussurea and its efficacy

    How to eat Tianshan Saussurea and its efficacy

  • Introduction of snow chrysanthemum in 100 mu Tianshan Mountain in Bozhou

    Introduction of snow chrysanthemum in 100 mu Tianshan Mountain in Bozhou

    Introduction of snow chrysanthemum in 100 mu Tianshan Mountain in Bozhou

  • It is often mistaken for Tianshan snow lotus. Many people venture to pick it but do not know it is worthless.

    It is often mistaken for Tianshan snow lotus. Many people venture to pick it but do not know it is worthless.

    Some time ago, many people posted a "go-and-go trip" on the Internet, so many people chose to travel and take adventures, and some alpine areas became their destinations. There is nothing wrong with traveling, but in living conditions.

  • There is only one word difference between this foreign fruit and Tianshan snow lotus, but its status is very different.

    There is only one word difference between this foreign fruit and Tianshan snow lotus, but its status is very different.

    With the development of the global economy, cultural and economic exchanges between countries are increasing, and things that have never been seen before have gradually come into people's lives, which is a good thing for people, not only to see the lives of other people in the world.

  • "Tianshan snow lotus" snow lotus efficient planting technology detailed explanation!

    Yacon is rich in moisture and fructooligosaccharides, crisp and sweet taste, high nutritional value, yacon like to grow in warm environment, but not low temperature, about half a year can be harvested, the following is the Tianshan yacon efficient planting technology

    2020-11-09 "Tianshan snow lotus " snow lotus fruit high efficiency planting technology
  • The fairy in the sky-- Tianshan snow lotus

    The fairy in the sky-- Tianshan snow lotus

    Snow lotus, because its top is shaped like a lotus, is named snow lotus, or snow lotus for short. Perennial herbs, 15-35 cm tall. Rhizome thick, neck covered with numerous brown leaf remnants. Stems stout, glabrous. Leaves dense, basal leaves and cauline leaves absent.

  • Cordyceps sinensis flower eating method suitable for pregnant women

    Cordyceps sinensis flower eating method suitable for pregnant women

    In fact, for pregnant women, the best way to absorb the nutrition of Cordyceps sinensis flower is to cook soup, all kinds of ingredients can be matched, so as to nourish the body. Of course, you can also directly soak in water to drink, or grind into powder to wash clothes and boil porridge, all of which are OK.

  • It is the most cold-fearless flower in the world that can bloom at minus 20 degrees for five years before it is regarded as a fairy.

    It is the most cold-fearless flower in the world that can bloom at minus 20 degrees for five years before it is regarded as a fairy.

    There are many strange plants in the world, some of which are particularly heat-resistant and some of which are particularly hardy. In the plateau and mountain areas of our country, there is a kind of flower, which is called the most unafraid of cold in the world, which can grow in extremely cold conditions. Its seeds can.

  • The snow lotus is named because its top looks like a lotus flower, which represents pure white love, tenacity and purity.

    The snow lotus is named because its top looks like a lotus flower, which represents pure white love, tenacity and purity.

    Saussurea involucrata (Compositae) (Saussurea involucrata (Kar.) Et Kir.) Sch.-Bip.), because its top is shaped like a lotus, so it is named snow lotus, or snow lotus for short. It is a perennial herb, tall 1.

  • Tianshan cold orchid

    Tianshan cold orchid

    The traditional varieties of draft flowers and both flowers and leaves are not very correct, but they are also worth appreciating. More importantly, incense, it is not clear whether it is cold fragrance or delicate fragrance, anyway, it smells very refreshing, but there is nothing to be found.

  • Daquan of special chicken breeds in aquaculture

    Daquan of special chicken breeds in aquaculture

    In recent years, the chicken industry in China has developed rapidly. In addition to ordinary broilers, there are more and more special chickens in the market. They attract many consumers and farmers because of their unique quality and characteristics. And our country is vast in territory and rich in resources, and different natural rings

    2020-11-27 Breeding special breeder breed Daquan in recent years our country
  • * * Qitai uses embryo transfer technology to breed new red deer breeds

    * * Qitai uses embryo transfer technology to breed new red deer breeds

    The application of embryo transfer technology to the breeding of Tianshan red deer will cause a shock in the field of wildlife conservation in China. On December 18, 2003, Ma Mingkui, director of Qitai Forest Farm, pointed to the red deer in the red deer farm and told reporters: "366, 66, 399, these three red deer are pregnant." The work began in September 2003 and a total of 13 red deer underwent embryo transfer. They are all red deer from the red deer farm in Qitai Forest Farm. This farm is also the only Tianshan red deer provenance protection and breeding base in China. In the tower

  • * * Qitai uses embryo transfer technology to breed new red deer breeds

    * * Qitai uses embryo transfer technology to breed new red deer breeds

    The application of embryo transfer technology to the breeding of Tianshan red deer will cause a shock in the field of wildlife conservation in China. On December 18, 2003, Ma Mingkui, director of Qitai Forest Farm, pointed to the red deer in the red deer farm and told reporters: "366, 66, 399, these three red deer are pregnant." The work began in September 2003 and a total of 13 red deer underwent embryo transfer. They are all red deer from the red deer farm in Qitai Forest Farm. This farm is also the only Tianshan red deer provenance protection and breeding base in China. In the tower

  • Seedling raising technique of Tianshan spruce

    Seedling raising technique of Tianshan spruce

    The main results are as follows: 1. Loam and sandy loam with better drainage and irrigation conditions should be selected for cultivating spruce seedlings. Spruce seeds are small, only by intensive cultivation can we improve the sprouting rate of seedlings and cultivate high-quality strong seedlings. The soil was ploughed deeply in autumn, with a depth of 250.30 cm, and 3 tons of base fertilizer was applied every 667m2. Combined with soil preparation for soil disinfection, 0.1% carbendazim or methyl thiophanate solution was sprayed with 1 kg solution for every 667 square meters. Make the bed with fine rake in spring, strive to break the soil finely, and irrigate the bottom water 3 days before sowing. II. Species
