
Quadrangular Learn more about Quadrangular

  • Qinghai spruce

    Qinghai spruce

    The producing area is distributed in Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia. Morphological characteristics of trees, up to 23m high, DBH 60cm. Annual branches are light green, biennial branches are light pink or brownish yellow, often covered with white or no powder, old branches are light brown to brown; winter buds are conical, and the tip of the persistent bud scale at the base of the branchlet is often spreading or inverted. Leaves quadrangular-striate, slightly curved or straight, long 1.0~2.5cm, ca. 2mm wide, apex obtuse or with obtuse tip, cross section quadrangular. Globules unisexual, monoecious

  • The difference between round leaf mint and mint

    The difference between round leaf mint and mint

    Plant difference: the round leaf mint stem is obtusely tetragonal with stripes; the mint stem is quadrangular with four grooves. Leaf difference: round mint leaves are round or ovate, with rounded edges; mint leaves are oblong-lanceolate, with a sharp apex. Flower distinction: round-leaf mint cylindrical spikes with white-purple or light blue flowers; mint umbels with white flowers.

  • Pomegranate Flower-- mature Beauty

    Pomegranate Flower-- mature Beauty

    Flower of pomegranate, deciduous shrub, or small tree pomegranate; pomegranate with grayish brown trunk, flaky peeling, yellowish green smooth twigs, often quadrangular, mostly spiny, apical buds. Pomegranate flowers simple leaves opposite or fascicled,.

  • The causes of bud shedding of the latest four-rowed bean and its control methods

    The causes of bud shedding of the latest four-rowed bean and its control methods

    Four-rowed beans, also known as winged beans, quadrangular beans, are cultivated in Hainan, Guangxi, Taiwan and other places in China. Not only tender leaves and pods are edible, but also roots are edible, with high nutritional value. However, in the process of planting four-rowed beans, there is always a phenomenon of bud shedding, which is serious.

    2020-11-10 The latest quadrangular beans buds shedding causes and control methods
  • Shell flower type exotic leaflet opposite flower white shaped like shell pot plant simple, elegant and beautiful

    Shell flower type exotic leaflet opposite flower white shaped like shell pot plant simple, elegant and beautiful

    Shell flower (Labiatae) shell flower (scientific name: Moluccella laevis Linn.) is an one-or two-year herb of the family Labiatae. Plant height 50 Mel 60 cm, stem quadrangular, unbranched. Leaves opposite, heart-shaped round,.

  • The difference between Populus tomentosa and Populus tomentosa

    The difference between Populus tomentosa and Populus tomentosa

    Leaf blade: the former is thinly leathery, spoon-shaped, and also Obovate or narrowly ovate. The latter is leathery, oblong, broadly Obovate, broadly oval or ovate-shaped. Appearance: the former is a shrub, initially pubescent, and then glabrous. The latter will have pubescence and will not fall off.

  • Blue spruce

    Blue spruce

    Native to the United States, it is named for its bright silver-blue leaves. Evergreen trees, up to 15 m high, crown up to 5 m, crown conical to columnar. Bark scaly, grayish red. Branchlets strong, brownish red. Leaves 2 cm ~ 3 cm long, quadrangular, stiff, bright silver-blue-green. The cone is green at first, then light brown, 7 cm ~ 12 cm long. Bright leaf color is very decorative, mixed with other tree species, can achieve outstanding color effect. Like light, slightly resistant to overcast.

  • What do pomegranate flowers mean? why do the leaves turn yellow?

    What do pomegranate flowers mean? why do the leaves turn yellow?

    Pomegranate flowers, I believe many people have seen, is very beautiful. What does pomegranate flower mean? Why do the leaves turn yellow? Pomegranate flower: pomegranate flower, deciduous shrub or small tree pomegranate flower; pomegranate plant, pomegranate tree trunk grayish brown, flaky peeling, twigs yellowish green smooth, often quadrangular

  • The only love of charming Duojiao-- shell flower

    The only love of charming Duojiao-- shell flower

    The shell flower is an one-or two-year herb of the family Labiatae. Plant height 50 Mel 60 cm, stem quadrangular, unbranched. Leaves opposite, cardioid-rounded, margin sparsely dentate; petiole nearly as long as leaves. Flowers white, Corolla lip-shaped; nutlets.

  • How to grow four-rowed beans

    How to grow four-rowed beans

    Because four-rowed bean planting has certain requirements on temperature, growers in the south can choose outdoor planting, while the north needs greenhouse planting. The soil is suitable for loose and fertile soil, the moisture should be grasped well, it should be kept moist and can not be waterlogged, and it is easy to bubble.

    2020-11-08 Quadrangular beans how species abstract because quadrangular planting right
  • The characteristics and detailed introduction of wild peony

    The characteristics and detailed introduction of wild peony

    The characteristics and detailed introduction of wild peony

  • What is the difference between Big Wolf Grass and Needle Bidens?

    What is the difference between Big Wolf Grass and Needle Bidens?

    Bidens mandshurica and Bidens bipinnata are two recommended types that are difficult for people to distinguish, so what is the difference between Bidens rubescens? 1. The difference between Bidens rubescens and Bidens bipinnata L. Stem: the stem of Rabdosia rubescens is nearly round, and the stem of Bidens bipinosa is obtusely quadrangular; 2.

    2020-11-08 Big Wolf Bazao Ghost Needle Grass the difference what is it Baocao
  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of Peppermint

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Peppermint

    Peppermint is a perennial root herb with fragrant and cool taste. With creeping rhizomes with nodes, each node with two opposite buds and bud scales. The stem is quadrangular, erect, the upper part is velutinous, and the lower part has only a few hairs along the ribs. Leaves opposite, oblong-lanceolate to elliptic, 8-10 cm long

  • How to control perilla rust

    How to control perilla rust

    Perilla is an annual erect herb. Stem 0.3-2 m tall, green or purple, obtusely quadrangular, 4-grooved, densely villous. Leaves broadly ovate or rounded, 7-13 cm long and 4.5-10 cm wide, apex mucronate or pointed, base rounded or broadly cuneate, margin at base

    2020-11-08 Perilla rust how to control perilla yes annual upright
  • Where is the producing area of iron walnut in Yunnan?

    Where is the producing area of iron walnut in Yunnan?

    Mainly distributed in Nujiang, Kunming, Xishuangbanna, Luoping and other places. The shell of the fruit is hard and thick, which can be used to make all kinds of beautiful and durable handicrafts; in some places, special iron walnuts are selected to play with walnuts. I. shape characteristics of Yunnan iron core

    2020-11-08 Yunnan iron walnut origin where main distribution in Yunnan
  • What's the difference between colourful leaf grass and perilla? After reading it, you'll know how to tell the difference.

    What's the difference between colourful leaf grass and perilla? After reading it, you'll know how to tell the difference.

    The shapes of colourful leaf grass and perilla are so similar that many people may not distinguish between the two plants, resulting in frequent mistakes. So what's the difference between colourful leaf grass and perilla? Let's take a look. First, the shape feature 1. The shape of colored leaf grass: colored leaf grass has always been able to

    2020-11-08 Color leaf grass and perilla there is what the difference after reading you color
  • The stunning dragon spits beads

    The stunning dragon spits beads

    Dragon spitting bead: shrub of the family Verbenaceae, having young branches quadrangular, yellowish brown tomentose, glabrous when old. Leaf blade papery, narrowly ovate or ovate-oblong, apex acuminate, base subrounded, entire; Cymes axillary or pseudoterminal, dichotomous.

  • [drunken fish grass flower] growth of drunk fish grass flower

    [drunken fish grass flower] growth of drunk fish grass flower

    [drunken fish grass flower] growth of drunk fish grass flower

  • Planting method of shell flower

    Planting method of shell flower

    Shell flower, also known as collar flower, elephant ear, is a 2012 herb of the genus Labiatae. It is native to western Asia. Plant height 35100cm, stem quadrangular, unbranched. Leaves opposite, cardioid-rounded, margin sparsely dentate; petiole nearly as long as leaves. Flowers white, Corolla lip-shaped; nutlets smooth

  • The latest four bean planting technology tutorial

    The latest four bean planting technology tutorial

    Four-edged beans are also called wing beans, carambola beans, four-edged beans. As the name suggests, it has four ribs, similar to carambola. It is a kind of beans with some characteristics. Its roots, stems, leaves, flowers, pods and seeds can be eaten. It can be said that the whole body is a treasure and has high economic value.

    2020-11-10 latest quadrangular bean planting technique method tutorial