
The latest four bean planting technology tutorial

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Four-edged beans are also called wing beans, carambola beans, four-edged beans. As the name suggests, it has four ribs, similar to carambola. It is a kind of beans with some characteristics. Its roots, stems, leaves, flowers, pods and seeds can be eaten. It can be said that the whole body is a treasure and has high economic value.

Four-rowed beans, also known as wing beans, carambola beans, four-sided beans, as the name implies, it has four edges, similar to carambola, is a kind of characteristic beans, its roots, stems, leaves, flowers, pods, seeds can be used to eat, it can be said that the whole body is a treasure, high economic value. So do you know how to grow it? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Deep ploughing and land preparation

For the soil, the four-sided requirements are not very strict, but to ensure that the soil is not too barren, hardened, and free of diseases and insect pests, if there are conditions, it is best to choose a plot with fertile soil and deep soil layer as the planting site. Proper soil preparation should be carried out after the planting site is selected. in order to improve the permeability and fertility of the soil, compassion promotes the better growth and development of the four edges. Need to turn the soil about 35 cm deep, and then clean up the weeds on the ground, in the application of sufficient basic fertilizer, you can disinfect and make trouble after turning deeply, effectively kill germs and insect eggs, and avoid diseases harming the growth of four-rowed beans.

2. Sowing seeds at the right time

The sowing time is finally chosen after the temperature warms up in spring, because the four-rowed bean has poor cold tolerance, so the surrounding temperature should be about 18 degrees. The seedbed should be set up a week before sowing, plastic film should be laid in order to improve the temperature of the seedbed, and proper watering should be carried out. After water infiltration, the field bed should be made and planting holes should be dug. When sowing, put 2-4 seeds in each hole, cover a layer of fine soil and film after sowing, keep warm and moisturizing, and keep the temperature at about 28 degrees before emergence, so as to promote seed germination as soon as possible.

3. Transplanting and planting

In order to increase the field permeability after emergence, the temperature of the nursery bed had better be controlled at 25 degrees, not less than 18 degrees at night, and the soil should be watered in time when the soil is too dry, and as the temperature gradually picks up, the ventilation rate should be increased slowly. when the temperature is stable above 15 degrees, the plastic film can be lifted. Transplanting can be carried out when the seedlings grow out of 3-4 true leaves, and the transplanting should be carried out on a sunny day at a temperature of about 18 degrees, so as not to harm the roots of the seedlings, and pay attention to the transplanting density.

4. Field management

After transplanting, it is necessary to do a good job of weeding in the middle tillage. The growth of the four-rowed bean is very slow at the seedling stage, and the weeding in the middle tillage can improve the ability of preserving soil moisture. Nitrogen fertilizer should be applied during the whole growth period of the four-rowed bean, which is very sensitive to nitrogen fertilizer. And the root system has a strong ability of nitrogen fixation, once too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied, it is easy to cause its overgrowth, thus reducing the flowering and pod setting rate. There are regular watering, four-rowed beans prefer book fees, to keep the soil moist, so as not to affect its growth, but the more water, the better, can not cause stagnant water, so as not to cause root rot, rainy days to do a good job of drainage.

The above is the introduction of four-rowed bean planting technology, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.