
Microorganism Learn more about Microorganism

  • There is a market for "microorganism +" ecological agriculture

    There is a market for

    There is a market for "microorganism +" ecological agriculture

  • Don't forget "soil microorganism" when applying organic fertilizer.

    Don't forget

    Don't forget "soil microorganism" when applying organic fertilizer.

  • Microorganism inoculant gives orchid winter to be able to use?

    Microorganism inoculant gives orchid winter to be able to use?

    Microorganism inoculant gives orchid winter to be able to use?

  • Gymboree microorganism fattening flowers is strong, disease-free and without any side effects.

    Gymboree microorganism fattening flowers is strong, disease-free and without any side effects.

    Gymboree microorganism fattening flowers is strong, disease-free and without any side effects.

  • Notes on organic liquid fertilizer

    Notes on organic liquid fertilizer

    Notes on organic liquid fertilizer

  • A simple treatment for diarrhea in sheep

    A simple treatment for diarrhea in sheep

    The simple treatment of sheep diarrhea is a common disease caused by pathogenic microorganism infection and digestive system dysfunction, which is harmful to sheep industry. First, the principle of treatment: clean the intestines and stomach, protect the mucous membrane, stop fermentation and antiseptic, maintain the heart, prevent poisoning and dehydration. Treatment: 15g of ① artificial salt, 30g of paraffin oil, once of adult sheep, reperfused with sulfadimethoxine and 2.4g of baking soda. For patients with ② watery diarrhea, activated carbon 20-40 grams, secondary green 3 grams, and tannic acid protein 2 grams can be used.

  • Simple treatment of sheep diarrhea

    Simple treatment of sheep diarrhea

    Sheep diarrhea is a common disease caused by pathogenic microorganism infection and digestive system dysfunction, which is harmful to sheep industry. First, the principle of treatment: clean the intestines and stomach, protect the mucous membrane, stop fermentation and antiseptic, maintain the heart, prevent poisoning and dehydration. Treatment: 15g of ① artificial salt, 30g of paraffin oil, once of adult sheep, reperfused with sulfadimethoxine and 2.4g of baking soda. For patients with ② watery diarrhea, activated carbon 20-40 g, secondary green 3 g, tannin 2 g, sulfonamidine can be used.

  • New compound fertilizer: coated compound fertilizer

    New compound fertilizer: coated compound fertilizer

    The coated compound fertilizer takes granular soluble nitrogen fertilizer as the core, calcium and magnesium phosphate fertilizer as the coating layer, adding potash fertilizer, micro-fertilizer and its mixture, pesticide, herbicide and microorganism to the coating layer, and using nitrogen-phosphorus slurry and inorganic acid compound fertilizer as binder. Plant nutrition complex is made by special coating method. It's obvious.

  • Environmental factors of breeding organic Rex rabbit

    Environmental factors of breeding organic Rex rabbit

    The environmental factors affecting the production of organic rex rabbits are air, temperature, humidity, airflow, harmful gas content, dust, light and noise, pathogenic microorganism pollution, etc. Scale rabbit breeding

    2020-11-08 breeding organic rex rabbit of environment factor pair
  • Rabbit spirochete disease

    Rabbit spirochete disease

    The pathogenic Treponema burgdorferi is a slender spiral microorganism, gram-negative, but chromatic aberration. The exudate or lymph smear was fixed and Giemsa staining had a good effect. Tissue sections can be stained by Warthin method. The shape and movement of the spirochete can be clearly observed with a dark field microscope, so the disease can be diagnosed. The epidemic characteristics of the disease only occurred in rabbits and rabbits, and the pathogen mainly existed in the tissue of the disease. Contaminated bedding grass, utensils and feed are the medium of transmission. Mainly in matching

  • Can orchids survive when their roots are dry?

    Can orchids survive when their roots are dry?

    Can orchids survive when their roots are dry?

  • Comprehensive prevention and treatment of fish hepatobiliary syndrome

    Comprehensive prevention and treatment of fish hepatobiliary syndrome

    In recent years, with the increasing intensity of aquaculture, the incidence of fish hepatobiliary syndrome is getting higher and higher. Hepatobiliary syndrome can occur in all kinds of farmed fish, especially carp and grass carp, and the incidence of adult fish is generally high. There are many causes of hepatobiliary syndrome in fish, which can be summed up in the following aspects. ⑴ pathogenic microorganism infection. Such as Aeromonas hydrophila, Edwardsiella and pathogenic microorganisms such as rhabdovirus and reovirus will directly or indirectly cause hepatitis in fish. Pathogen microbiosis

  • Profit and cost of black water gadfly culture, the use of black water gadfly

    Profit and cost of black water gadfly culture, the use of black water gadfly

    The profit and cost of black water gadfly culture: the culture cost is about 5000 yuan, and according to the calculation that the farming area of each household is 200m ², the method of combined transformation of black water gadfly and microorganism can produce about 20 tons of protein feed raw material dry powder and about 10% microbial fertilizer.

    2020-11-08 Blackwater gadfly breeding profit and cost use summary
  • What matters should be paid attention to in raising ducks in summer?

    What matters should be paid attention to in raising ducks in summer?

    Summer is the prime time for raising meat ducklings, but the environment with high temperature and humidity is easy to make ducks contain feces to rot and ferment. Solitary pathogenic microorganism. Cause the epidemic disease. It is bad for the growth of ducklings. At the same time, there are too many other adverse factors in summer. So what's the point of raising ducks in summer?

    2020-11-11 In summer raising ducks have which should pay attention to matters summer is
  • Processing method of liquid fish protein feed

    Processing method of liquid fish protein feed

    Liquid fish protein feed is waste or low-value fish processed by aquatic products. After mincing or grinding, a certain amount of acid or microorganism is added to ferment, and the fish body enzyme produces autolysis to liquefy it into slurry products. Because this protein feed has the quality of storage resistance, it is also called acid storage feed. lactic acid bacteria fermentation (molasses fermentation) natural lactic acid bacteria fermentation no pollution source or no disease raw fish minced, according to its weight ratio of 15% added molasses or sugar cane sugar

  • Green plant honeysuckle efficacy complete

    Green plant honeysuckle efficacy complete

    Green plant honeysuckle efficacy complete

  • Bottle Culture and Brown spot of Fugui Bamboo

    Bottle Culture and Brown spot of Fugui Bamboo

    The difficulty of raising rich bamboo can be said to be very low, and the methods of hydroponic culture and soil culture are very suitable, but do not think that the raising difficulty of rich bamboo is very low, it does not pay attention to the usual feeding, rich bamboo will also get sick. The editor will give you a detailed analysis of the method of bottle culture of rich bamboo and the brown spot of rich bamboo.

  • Is green corn stalk poisonous to feed cattle?

    Is green corn stalk poisonous to feed cattle?

    Every autumn harvest season, a large number of agricultural products will have some residue after harvest. For example, after corn harvest, corn stalks will stay, many people feel lost pity, will choose to feed cattle with green corn stalks. Is it poisonous to feed cattle with green corn stalks? not

    2020-11-11 green corn straw feed cattle poisonous every autumn harvest
  • Aquaculture technology

    Aquaculture technology

    Aquaculture technology

  • Crystal Grape planting Technology

    Crystal Grape planting Technology

    There are many varieties of grapes on the market, and crystal grapes are also very popular at a high price. So what is the crystal grape growing technology? First, crystal grape planting technology to grow crystal grapes requires the orchard to be built on low and flat terrain and easy to row.

    2020-11-09 Crystal grape planting technology market face now sell