
Fulu Learn more about Fulu

  • Fulukao breeding method Fulu Kao variety Daquan

    Fulukao breeding method Fulu Kao variety Daquan

    Fulukao breeding method Fulu Kao variety Daquan

  • Fulu examination flowering period

    Fulu examination flowering period

    Fluke, also known as Little Sky Blue Hydrangea, is originally from Mexico. Now it is cultivated in gardens all over China, which is of high ornamental value. So when is the florescence of Fulu examination? How should I plant it? I would like to introduce you as follows: first, the examination of Fu Lu in the flowering period

    2020-11-09 Fu Lu Kao florescence also known as Xiao Sky Blue Hydrangea
  • Fulu Kao Fulu Fuluhua five-colored plum grass oleander Platycodon grandiflorum carnation and plum blossom Xiaoyang

    Fulu Kao Fulu Fuluhua five-colored plum grass oleander Platycodon grandiflorum carnation and plum blossom Xiaoyang

    Scientific name: Phloxdrummondii alias: Fuluhua, Fuluhua, Prunus mume, oleander, Platycodon grandiflorum, Prunus mandshurica, Hydrangeaceae and Hydrangeaceae: Huayu (plus grass prefix) family, Fulukao Origin: originated in southern North America, is now widely cultivated all over the world. Source of name: the genus name Phlox means Flame, and the original flower is red because of Phlox. The name of the species is in memory of Drummond. Morphological characteristics: plant height 15 to 45 cm. Stem erect, much branched

  • Fulu Fulu Fuluhua five-colored plum grass oleander Platycodon grandiflorum plum blossom small sky blue hydrangea

    Fulu Fulu Fuluhua five-colored plum grass oleander Platycodon grandiflorum plum blossom small sky blue hydrangea

    Scientific name: Phloxdrummondii alias: Fuluhua, Fuluhua, Prunus mume, oleander, Platycodon grandiflorum, Prunus mandshurica, Hydrangeaceae and Hydrangeaceae: Huayu (plus grass prefix) family, Fulukao Origin: originated in southern North America, is now widely cultivated all over the world. Source of name: the genus name Phlox means Flame, and the original flower is red because of Phlox. The name of the species is in memory of Drummond. Morphological characteristics: plant height 15 to 45 cm. Stem erect, much branched

  • How to raise Fu Lukao

    How to raise Fu Lukao

    Fu Lukao is called Fuluhua, Fuluhua and five-colored plum. Native to southern North America, it is widely cultivated all over the world. Annual herbs, not cold-resistant, like warmth, avoid extreme heat. The flowering period is longer, the seeds are propagated, and the soil cover should not be too thick when sowing, and it is better to be slightly transparent. The optimum temperature for germination is 15-20 degrees Celsius.

  • Flowering stage of tufted Fulu examination

    Flowering stage of tufted Fulu examination

    Clump Fu Lukao, also known as Needle Sky Blue Hydrangea, has a good ornamental value because of its long flowering period and beautiful fragrance. So, when is the flowering time of the Cong Fu Lu examination? First, when is the flowering period of the Cong Fu Lu examination? The first florescence of Fulu is at 4.

    2020-11-09 Clump Fu Lu Kao florescence Cong Sheng aka Needle
  • When will the Fulu test be sown?

    When will the Fulu test be sown?

    Fulukao's flowers are light red, crimson, purple, white, light yellow and other colors, very beautiful. This kind of multi-row pot is used to decorate flower beds in early spring and is also cultivated in many people's family gardens. So, when will Fulukao be sown? When will the Fulu test be sown? Blessing

    2020-11-08 Fu Lu test when sow yes flowers there are
  • The sowing method of Flukao

    The sowing method of Flukao

    First of all, the preparation of the soil, first of all, to disinfect the soil before planting, if possible, you can use a sieve to filter the soil and remove larger pieces of soil and stones. Second, the seed germination should be treated before planting, and the seed should be treated properly.

  • How long is the breeding method and breeding florescence of Sugen Fu Lukao?

    How long is the breeding method and breeding florescence of Sugen Fu Lukao?

    Sugen Fulu test flowers are very good-looking, many people like this kind of flower very much, what is the breeding method and breeding method of Sugen Fulukao? How long is the florescence of Sugen Fu Lukao? Sugen Fu Lukao's culture method: open field cultivation, should choose leeward to the sun and well drained land

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of Flowers and plants

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Flowers and plants

    Fulukao is known as small Sky Blue Hydrangea, Yanlaihong, Jinshan Begonia and so on. They are annual herbs of the genus Hydrangea of the family Carpinaceae. They are cultivated in gardens all over China, with short plants and rich flowers, which can be used as plant materials for flower beds, flower borders and rock gardens. They can also be used as potted plants for indoor decoration, and higher varieties of plants can be used as cut flowers.

  • When is the flowering time of the Fulu test? How tall can you grow? What is the difference between it and Zhiying?

    When is the flowering time of the Fulu test? How tall can you grow? What is the difference between it and Zhiying?

    Clump Flukao general pointer leaf sky blue hydrangea, perennial short herbs, flowers several branches top, into a simple Cymes, can also bloom twice a year, each time can bloom for about 40 days. The first flowering period is from April to May, and the second flowering period is from August to September, extending to December.

    2020-11-09 Cong Sheng Fu Lu test florescence is when can grow how high
  • What to do with the long bugs of Fulu tung? pest control of Fulutong / 2 insects and 2 diseases

    What to do with the long bugs of Fulu tung? pest control of Fulutong / 2 insects and 2 diseases

    Keeping a pot of green plants indoors is the choice of many people today, and Fulutong is loved by the majority of flower friends because of its large and green leaves. However, when cultivating flutong indoors, many flower lovers will encounter the phenomenon of long worms, so what about the long bugs? The following are several common diseases and insect pests of Fulutong

  • The breeding method of Fulukao

    The breeding method of Fulukao

    Although Guangzhao Fulukao is an ornamental flower, its real origin is a wild flower by the side of the road. It is often said that roadside wild flowers give some sunshine, so we can rest assured to give them enough light, proper shade is also more conducive to its growth. We can often see the temperature on a hot summer day.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of paulownia rotunda

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of paulownia rotunda

    Round-leaf Fulu, also known as round-leaf Nanyangsen, round-leaf Nanyang ginseng, is an evergreen shrub or small tree of Araliaceae and Nanyang forest. The plant is multi-branched, the stem is grayish brown and is covered with lenticels. Branches soft, leaves alternate, 3-foliolate pinnately compound or simple, leaflets broadly ovate or suborbicular, base cordate

  • Main Points of Cutting of Phloea rotundifolia

    Main Points of Cutting of Phloea rotundifolia

    Forsythia rotundifolia is native to the Pacific Islands and is not difficult to cultivate artificially. Due to its bright and varied leaves, it has become a very popular foliage plant in recent years. Artificial propagation of round leaf Fu Lu Tong can be used for cutting methods, Xiaobian will briefly introduce you

  • Where can I sell Fulukao seeds? How to raise seedlings?

    Where can I sell Fulukao seeds? How to raise seedlings?

    Fulukao, also known as Yanlai Hong, Jinshan Begonia, etc., Corolla dish-shaped, with light red, crimson, purple, white, light yellow and other colors, has a good ornamental value, often do urban greening and park flower bed decoration, planted in many areas. If you want to plant a fortune test, then plant

    2020-11-27 Fulu test seed where have sell how raise seedlings
  • The main producing areas and planting methods of Fulukao

    The main producing areas and planting methods of Fulukao

    [alias] oleander, plum blossom, Platycodon grandiflorum. [families and genera] Carpinaceae, Phlox. Annual herbs, plant height 15-45 cm. Stem erect, much branched, with glandular hairs. Basal leaves opposite, others occasionally alternate, broadly ovate, rectangular orbicular to lanceolate. Cymes terminal

  • What is blue mustard also called?

    What is blue mustard also called?

    Blue mustard is a perennial herb with beautiful flowering and fresh aroma. It has strong adaptability and is suitable for breeding.

  • The mode of reproduction of Fu Lu Kao

    The mode of reproduction of Fu Lu Kao

    Ramet propagation if you plant a potted plant at home, you can choose a simple method of ramet propagation. Ramets are generally chosen to be carried out in spring or autumn, which is its growth period. It has strong germination ability and often bursts lateral buds during the growing period. we can dig out the mother plant and plant it to ensure the integrity of the root system as far as possible.

  • Mr. Hu Dayu, appreciation of bonsai in Yu he Garden

    Mr. Hu Dayu, appreciation of bonsai in Yu he Garden

    Hu Dayu triangle maple bonsai garden-- Mr. Hu Dayu bonsai garden original author | Zhang Fulu, Henan correspondent of Zhongpenhui Network.
