
Diphenyl ether Learn more about Diphenyl ether

  • How does growing soybeans prevent weeds?

    How does growing soybeans prevent weeds?

    How does growing soybeans prevent weeds? Please introduce the main weeds for planting soybeans: crabgrass, barnyardgrass, goosegrass, chenopodium, green bristlegrass; broad-leaved weeds: amaranth, snakehead, iron amaranth, Abutilon theophrasti Summer soybeans are usually sown in June, in the season of high temperature and rainy, weeds occur fiercely, densely, and long.

  • Difenoconazole and what compound

    Difenoconazole and what compound

    Difenoconazole is a low toxic fungicide, which can be used to control powdery mildew, early blight and anthracnose in cereal crops, rice, soybean and other crops. I.

    2020-11-08 Diphenyl ether methyl ring azole and what compound phenyl ether yes
  • What pesticide does kiwifruit anthracnose use?

    What pesticide does kiwifruit anthracnose use?

    Kiwifruit anthracnose is a disease caused by a subphylum fungus, which greatly affects the yield of kiwifruit, so what pesticides should be used for kiwifruit anthracnose? I. the main symptoms of kiwifruit anthracnose anthracnose generally opens from the edge of kiwifruit leaves.

    2020-11-08 Kiwifruit anthracnose with what pesticides kiwifruit
  • What kind of herbicide is used in red root amaranth

    What kind of herbicide is used in red root amaranth

    The vitality of red root amaranth is relatively tenacious. If red root amaranth has been planted before, and then other crops need to be removed, what herbicide does red root amaranth use? What herbicides can be used in red root amaranth ethyl carboxyfluoxane and fluorosulfonamide can be used in red root amaranth

    2020-11-08 Red root amaranth with what herbicide red root
  • What is the effect and function of Banlangen? Additional planting technology!

    What is the effect and function of Banlangen? Additional planting technology!

    Radix Isatidis is a common traditional Chinese medicine, which is usually excavated in autumn and can be used as medicine after processing. The root is called Radix Isatidis and the leaf is called Daqing Leaf. So, what is the effect and function of Banlangen? Additional planting technology! I. the work of Banlangen

    2020-11-08 Radix Isatidis its efficacy and function what is it attached planting
  • Can difenoconazole be used in florescence?

    Can difenoconazole be used in florescence?

    It is best not to use difenoconazole during flowering, otherwise it will affect fruit setting. Plants in full bloom had better not spray any pesticides, so as not to affect the normal pollination of flowers and fruit setting. The most suitable spraying period for difenoconazole is in the early stage of the disease, try not to wait until late.

    2020-11-09 Diphenyl ether methyl ring azole florescence can can not in the best
  • Pay attention to temperature and Light Control Technology of Tomato in Winter

    Pay attention to temperature and Light Control Technology of Tomato in Winter

    Due to the low temperature, overcast and rainy weather, low temperature and high humidity, tomato seedling cultivation in spring often leads to the occurrence of seedling diseases such as quenching disease, which leads to seedling failure. Therefore, the place with loose soil, fertile soil, sunny terrain, no stagnant water and no eggplant crops within 2 years should be selected as the seedbed. Generally choose cloudy or sunny days.

  • Points for attention after Apple bagging

    Points for attention after Apple bagging

    Points for attention after Apple bagging

  • Notes after bagging the latest apples

    Notes after bagging the latest apples

    Apple is widely planted in China and is one of the most popular fruits. With the development of science and technology, many fruit growers have found that bagging apples can keep them hydrated and colored earlier. So bagging technology is becoming more and more widespread, but it is bagging apples.

    2020-11-10 The latest Apple bagging after precautions in our country
  • What disease did rose get this month? how to treat it?

    What disease did rose get this month? how to treat it?

    This issue is a series of programs called "Flower cultivation 1000 questions", horticultural lecture hall. Welcome your questions, all the questions you left me, we will answer you as soon as possible. Hello everyone has been brewing for a long time, gardening lecture hall today and.

  • Control of Weeds of Schisandra chinensis

    Control of Weeds of Schisandra chinensis

    1. The investigation results of weed species in Schisandra chinensis field showed that barnyardgrass, Digitaria, amaranth, Chenopodium, Chenopodium and Chenopodium were the most serious weeds in Schisandra chinensis field. 2. Routine control of weeds in Schisandra chinensis orchard

    2020-11-08 Schisandra chinensis
  • 30% Aimiao EC has a good effect on rice.

    30% Aimiao EC has a good effect on rice.

    Rice sheath blight, rice grain smut, rice false smut, brown sheath rot and other diseases often occur in rice, which have the characteristics of outbreak and epidemic, which will lead to serious loss of rice yield, affecting both yield and quality. There are many agents used to control the above rice diseases in production, but according to our experiments, the application of 30% Aimiao EC on rice can not only ensure the effect of disease control, but also increase rice yield and improve rice quality. 30% of Aimiao EC is made up of propiconazole and diphenyl ether methyl ring.

  • Control of weeds in Schizandra chinensis

    Control of weeds in Schizandra chinensis

    1. The results of investigation on weed species in schisandra chinensis field showed that barnyardgrass, crabgrass, amaranth, chenopodium album, equisetum, Setaria chinensis, etc. were seriously damaged in schisandra chinensis field, among which crabgrass, commelina communis and chenopodium album were especially seriously damaged. 2. The conventional control of weeds in schisandra chinensis garden can be combined with the cultivation of the garden at the same time, 4~5 times a year, the cultivation depth is about 10 cm, so that the soil is loose and breathable, and it plays a role in drought resistance and water conservation. Weeding is to avoid nutrient loss, plants have adequate nutrition health

  • Chemical weeding techniques in Schisandra chinensis field

    Chemical weeding techniques in Schisandra chinensis field

    In recent years, the production of traditional Chinese medicine in Dandong has developed rapidly, especially the cultivation area of Schisandra chinensis has increased year by year, which has become a new bright spot of economic growth in our region. But the weeds in Schisandra chinensis seedling field and Honda have always been a headache for drug farmers. Traditional manual weeding is laborious and laborious, and the use of herbicides can effectively improve production efficiency, but there are few experiments. We tested the chemical weeding technique in Schisandra chinensis field with large cultivated area and achieved good results. 1. The investigation results of weed species in Schisandra chinensis field showed that Dandong

  • Introduction: pollution-free control methods of rice diseases and insect pests

    Introduction: pollution-free control methods of rice diseases and insect pests

    Methods of non-pollution prevention and control of rice diseases and insect pests: (1) Rice field tillage: during the peak period of pupation of rice borer in winter (March 20 in southern Jiangxi, April 1 in central Jiangxi, and April 10 in northern Jiangxi), ploughing winter fallow fields and green manure fields, soaking in deep water, so that the borer can not normally Eclosion, to kill pupae and reduce the occurrence base.

  • How to identify the harm of different kinds of herbicides?

    How to identify the harm of different kinds of herbicides?

    What growth regulators can be used to grow chili peppers? There are several kinds of growth regulators that can be used in hot pepper: growth regulators are the general name of substances that regulate plant metabolism, growth and development. The correct use of growth regulators can promote or inhibit the growth of pepper and enhance its stress resistance.

  • What disease can be treated by azolyl ether promethazine?

    What disease can be treated by azolyl ether promethazine?

    Promethazine is a broad-spectrum and quick-acting protective fungicide, which has a special effect on cucumber downy mildew by inhibiting the oxidation of pyruvate in pathogenic bacteria. Pyrazolyl carbendazim is a new broad-spectrum fungicide and mitochondrial respiratory inhibitor. With protection, treatment, leaves

    2020-11-08 Azolyl ether propane zinc energy cure what disease proxen zinc yes a kind of
  • What are the plant growth regulators?

    What are the plant growth regulators?

    What should vegetables pay attention to when using plant growth regulators? Plant growth regulators have been widely used in vegetables, which has brought considerable benefits to vegetable farmers. however, some vegetable farmers rely too much on plant growth regulators, increase the dosage at will, increase the concentration, cause drug damage, and cause unnecessary losses. To avoid.

  • Buddhist flower art seems indifferent, but it is ethereal and classical.

    Buddhist flower art seems indifferent, but it is ethereal and classical.

    Speaking of "Buddhist" life, I immediately think of the Chinese-style home, which is light and at peace with the rest of the world. A home full of classical charm is more suitable for self-cultivation. The beauty of Chinese household temperament is pleasing to the eye, among which it is just right.

  • Diphenylamine: the toxic cause of diphenylamine in organic thurian, due to the accidental entry of lubricating oil into the production process.

    Diphenylamine: the toxic cause of diphenylamine in organic thurian, due to the accidental entry of lubricating oil into the production process.

    Organic thurian Suilibao detected diphenylamine drug investigation, lubricating oil inadvertently entered the production process, how is this all the same? How does the lubricating oil appear in the manufacture? Let's take a look. The chemical agent "diphenyl" was detected in the product "Suilibao" of Fushou Suri.

    2019-01-11 Second aniline organic Su Li bacteria medium drug toxicity reasons due to