
Carthamus tinctorius Learn more about Carthamus tinctorius

  • Matters needing attention in the Culture of Carthamus tinctorius

    Matters needing attention in the Culture of Carthamus tinctorius

    The pot of safflower needs to be turned regularly according to the size of the plant, the smaller the plant type is, the shorter the interval time is, the soil can be changed when turning the pot, and the pot should be watered thoroughly. Pruning Carthamus tinctorius has strong germination and rapid growth, so it is necessary to control the plant type by pruning and pruning.

  • Bonsai modeling of Carthamus tinctorius

    Bonsai modeling of Carthamus tinctorius

    The artificial spherical bonsai of Carthamus tinctorius is made into a spherical shape. Carthamus tinctorius is very resistant to pruning, it can be trimmed and disk tied, and shaped into a ball. During the growing season of Carthamus tinctorius, the mature leaves and tips of Carthamus tinctorius can be pruned.

  • Matters needing attention in breeding Carthamus tinctorius

    Matters needing attention in breeding Carthamus tinctorius

    When cultivating safflower trees, it is necessary to turn the basin regularly, and the soil can be changed when turning the basin to provide sufficient nutrients for the plant. pay attention to watering thoroughly when putting on the basin. Moreover, Carthamus tinctorius has strong germination and rapid growth, so it needs to be pruned to control the plant type and maintain its high appreciation value.

  • Bonsai maintenance of Carthamus tinctorius is embellished in the garden and green space

    Bonsai maintenance of Carthamus tinctorius is embellished in the garden and green space

    Bonsai maintenance of Carthamus tinctorius is embellished in the garden and green space

  • How to raise Carthamus tinctorius bonsai Culture methods and matters needing attention

    How to raise Carthamus tinctorius bonsai Culture methods and matters needing attention

    Carthamus tinctorius is not only a very good garden tree but also a very good bonsai plant. Planting Carthamus tinctorius can shape different plant forms through continuous pruning and modeling, which is a kind of planting pleasure, but these are all based on red.

    2020-11-08 Safflower sequel bonsai how raise breed method and safflower
  • Sowing and propagation of Carthamus tinctorius

    Sowing and propagation of Carthamus tinctorius

    The germination rate of Carthamus tinctorius will be very high in spring and summer, and it can germinate about 25 days after sowing. Sowing in autumn and winter can be carried out from November to December, and spring sowing in early March. It is best to soak in water for 1-2 days before sowing, or you can choose to soak with gibberellin.

  • The latest course of cultivation techniques of Carthamus tinctorius

    The latest course of cultivation techniques of Carthamus tinctorius

    Safflower couplets, also known as safflower couplet tree, Phoenix tree, fire tree, safflower tree and so on, are deciduous trees of the genus Phoenix in Leguminosae. Because of their bright red or orange flowers with bright green pinnate compound leaves, they are regarded as one of the most colorful trees in the world. In the botanical gardens and

    2020-11-10 Latest Carthamus tinctorius cultivation techniques methods tutorials
  • Cultivation techniques of Carthamus tinctorius

    Cultivation techniques of Carthamus tinctorius

    Cultivation techniques of Carthamus tinctorius

  • Control methods of diseases of Carthamus tinctorius

    Control methods of diseases of Carthamus tinctorius

    If anthrax is found to have diseased leaves on Carthamus tinctorius, we should immediately deal with it, destroy the diseased leaves, prevent infection, improve drainage conditions, create a good ventilation environment, and carry out drug treatment. We should change the soil of Carthamus tinctorius and plant it with new soil.

  • Grafting Propagation of Carthamus tinctorius

    Grafting Propagation of Carthamus tinctorius

    Cutting and grafting is suitable for spring and autumn, the same choice of full branches, choose the flat side as the long cutting surface, cut with ribbon film for entanglement, and then cover the upper part of the scion with a film bag, so as to be isolated from the dry air, improve the survival rate of grafting and prolong the grafting period. The method of bud grafting is usually carried out in summer and autumn.

  • Propagation methods of Carthamus tinctorius

    Propagation methods of Carthamus tinctorius

    Carthamus tinctorius mostly adopts the method of cutting propagation, and chooses the fields with good drainage, sufficient sunshine and fertile soil, and selects the branches with sturdy and full and prominent bud eyes from the strong mother plant to carry on cutting. Fully water the soil after cutting, then seal it with a thin film.

  • Cutting Propagation of Carthamus tinctorius

    Cutting Propagation of Carthamus tinctorius

    Choose the well-drained and fertile soil, the branches should be well-developed and full branches from the strong mother plant, you can choose the twigs or old branches, the branches retain 1-2 leaves, and then cut them. 1/2 or 1/3 of the branches are inserted into the soil, and then fully watered.

  • What are the culture methods and matters needing attention of Carthamus tinctorius? How do you breed? What's the value?

    What are the culture methods and matters needing attention of Carthamus tinctorius? How do you breed? What's the value?

    The other name of safflower banana is also called red banana, ornamental plantain, refers to plantain, red banana, so the cultivation methods and points for attention of safflower banana? How do you breed? What's the value? It is understood that when safflower banana is cultured, it needs to pay attention to water and fertilizer. It likes fertilizer more, but it does not have high requirements for fertilizer.

  • Culture method of Carthamus tinctorius

    Culture method of Carthamus tinctorius

    Culture method of Carthamus tinctorius

  • Main points of propagation of Carthamus tinctorius

    Main points of propagation of Carthamus tinctorius

    The flowers of safflower Wenshulan are elegant and clean, and they like warm, moist and sunny environments. Nowadays, people often plant Carthamus tinctorius in potted plants and cultivate them in spacious rooms to decorate the environment. Artificial propagation of Carthamus tinctorius is mainly based on ramet propagation, and sowing method can also be used for breeding.

  • How much does a red flower cost?

    How much does a red flower cost?

    Loropetalum chinense, this is a plant, is a lot of people like to cultivate, but also change color, beautiful to do not want, what is the cultivation method of Loropetalum chinense? How much does it cost to grow a safflower tree? The cultivation method of safflower tree: safflower tree is indeed more tolerant to shade, but I want it to bloom more.

  • The latest Culture method of Carthamus tinctorius

    The latest Culture method of Carthamus tinctorius

    Carthamus tinctorius is an evergreen shrub or small tree of Hamamelidaceae, with dark gray or light grayish brown bark, alternate leaves, luxuriant branches, graceful posture, resistance to pruning and flat binding, can be used for hedges and can also be used for making.

    2020-11-10 The latest safflower successor breeding method also known as
  • Culture methods of Carthamus tinctorius Culture skills of Carthamus tinctorius

    Culture methods of Carthamus tinctorius Culture skills of Carthamus tinctorius

    Culture methods of Carthamus tinctorius Culture skills of Carthamus tinctorius

  • Planting value and Seedling-raising and forestation techniques of Carthamus tinctorius

    Planting value and Seedling-raising and forestation techniques of Carthamus tinctorius

    Although safflower lotus originated in the south, because safflower lotus has very high ornamental value (including medicinal value), it is loved by the majority of flower friends, and now it has become a high-quality ornamental tree selected in courtyard scenic spots. As a unique ornamental plant in Shimen Park

  • Introduction and breeding skills of Carthamus tinctorius, a strong girl in flowers

    Introduction and breeding skills of Carthamus tinctorius, a strong girl in flowers

    Introduction and breeding skills of Carthamus tinctorius, a strong girl in flowers
