
The latest course of cultivation techniques of Carthamus tinctorius

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Safflower couplets, also known as safflower couplet tree, Phoenix tree, fire tree, safflower tree and so on, are deciduous trees of the genus Phoenix in Leguminosae. Because of their bright red or orange flowers with bright green pinnate compound leaves, they are regarded as one of the most colorful trees in the world. In the botanical gardens and

Safflower couplets, also known as safflower couplets, Phoenix trees, fire trees, safflower trees, etc., are deciduous trees of the genus Leguminosae. Because of their bright red or orange flowers with bright green pinnate leaves, they are regarded as one of the most colorful trees in the world. They are widely planted in botanical gardens and parks in southern China. As ornamental trees or street trees, let's take a look at the cultivation techniques of Carthamus tinctorius.

Growth habits of Carthamus tinctorius

Carthamus tinctorius is a tropical tree species, which begins to blossom after planting for 6 ~ 8 years. It likes the environment of high temperature, humidity and sufficient sunshine. It is suitable for growth at 20-30 ℃, not hardy, and the winter temperature is not lower than 10 ℃. The sandy loam with deep, fertile and rich organic matter is suitable for fear of stagnant water, good drainage, drought resistance and barren soil. Generally, the height of 1-year-old can reach 1.5-2 meters, and that of 2-year-old can reach 3-4 meters, and the flowers can be planted for 6-8 years. In South China, winter buds germinate in early February, and the growth peak is from April to July. In late July, due to high temperature, the growth decreases. After the middle and late August, the temperature drops and the growth accelerates. The growth slows down after October, and leaves fall from December to January of the following year.

Propagation techniques of Carthamus tinctorius

Carthamus tinctorius was mainly propagated by sowing method, and the seeds matured in December. The pods were collected, and the seeds were dried and stored, and sown in the following spring. Soak the seeds in boiling water before sowing, continue to soak for 1-2 days after cooling, change the water for 1-2 times, germinate 6-7 days after sowing, and produce seedlings in more than 20 days, and the annual seedlings can reach about 1.5 meters. Seedlings are sensitive to frost, comprehensive fertilizer can be applied in the early stage, less nitrogen fertilizer can be applied, and fertilization should be stopped after autumn to promote Lignification as soon as possible. In winter, if the leaves have not fallen off, they can be cut off manually and covered with film or covered with a single plant to prevent frost. One-year-old seedlings can be planted in the nursery.

Cultivation techniques of Carthamus tinctorius

The main results are as follows: 1. garden selection: Carthamus tinctorius does not have high requirements for soil, and can grow well in areas with poor soil quality, because its roots have rhizobium and can fix nitrogen and increase soil fertility, but stagnant water will make rhizobium die and affect plant growth. the soil should be fertile, deep, well drained and planted in the sun.

2. Timely transplanting: the seedlings of Carthamus tinctorius should be transplanted once after growing for 1 or 2 years, and the transplanting should be carried out in early spring. When the row spacing is about 60 cm, 3-year-old seedlings can be used for planting. The planting site should be open and sunny, and should be fully watered when the weather is dry. Transplanting to spring germination before the survival rate is high, can also be planted in the rainy season, but to cut off part of the branches and leaves to ensure its survival.

3. Pruning in time: Carthamus tinctorius has strong sprouting ability, which can be used to cultivate large seedlings by cutting dry method, loosening the soil every year, weeding 2 or 3 times a year, watering at the right time, applying topdressing in spring and autumn, and removing root sprouting tillers in time to ensure good tree growth. The trunk grows branches and leaves at any time, and if it is allowed to grow naturally, the shape of the plant will change greatly, so it needs to be pruned frequently.

4. Pest control: the pests of Carthamus tinctorius are mainly nocturnal moth insects. The larvae feed on plant leaves and often eat up the host leaves, which seriously affect the growth and ornamental of trees, especially in July, August and September. The prevention and control should seize the period of larval cluster damage and spray powder before the dew is dry in the early morning. 2.5% trichlorfon powder or 1.5% parathion (1605) powder and 1.5% dimethoate powder can be sprayed with 1.5 kg / mu.