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  • The latest aquaculture method of blue halo

    The latest aquaculture method of blue halo

    Biguanhuan is a perennial succulent herb or semi-shrub of the family Amygdaceae. It is native to South Africa and is a very drought-tolerant succulent plant. Because it looks a bit like a rabbit's ears, many flower friends are also called Little Rabbit Violet. It has a high view of breeding.

    2020-11-10 The latest Bibi Halo aquaculture method Bik is
  • Cultivation method of Ginger Flower in Pot

    Cultivation method of Ginger Flower in Pot

    1. Temperature ginger flower is a kind of subtropical plant, which likes high temperature and high humidity, so pot planting requires higher temperature. Generally speaking, the indoor temperature is above 10 degrees Celsius in winter. 2. Soil ginger flowers like water, but they should also have a soil with good drainage, otherwise they are easy to rot.

  • How to plant potted ginger flowers, the cultivation methods of ginger flowers / five techniques can be exploded.

    How to plant potted ginger flowers, the cultivation methods of ginger flowers / five techniques can be exploded.

    Ginger flower is not only beautiful in shape, but also has high edible and medicinal value. Many flower lovers choose to plant ginger flower precisely because of its many effects and functions, but they need to have some understanding of its planting skills before raising it. And how to plant potted ginger flowers? Let's take a look at the culture methods of ginger flowers.
