
How to plant potted ginger flowers, the cultivation methods of ginger flowers / five techniques can be exploded.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ginger flower is not only beautiful in shape, but also has high edible and medicinal value. Many flower lovers choose to plant ginger flower precisely because of its many effects and functions, but they need to have some understanding of its planting skills before raising it. And how to plant potted ginger flowers? Let's take a look at the culture methods of ginger flowers.

Ginger flower not only beautiful flower shape, it also has a high edible and medicinal value, many flower friends because of the efficacy and role of ginger, so choose to plant it, but before raising it need to have a certain understanding of its planting skills, and potted ginger how to plant? Let's look at the cultivation method of ginger flowers together.

How to grow potted ginger flowers

To raise ginger flowers, you need to create a good environment, and do a good job of daily maintenance management, so what is the growth environment of ginger flowers? The answer is that it likes high temperature, high humidity environment, the requirements for human soil are fertile, slightly acidic, temperature needs to be above 10 degrees, light, moisture, nutrients should be sufficient but not excessive.

Cultivation method of ginger flower

I. Soil

The soil for cultivating ginger flowers should try to meet one condition, that is, fertile, loose, well drained and slightly acidic, so the commonly used soil includes garden soil, moldy soil, peat soil, etc. In addition, some fine sand, organic fertilizer, etc. can be added to ensure that it is fertile and breathable.

II. Temperature

Ginger flowers are produced in tropical Asia. They like high temperature environment, so they will grow vigorously in summer. When planting, flower friends should ensure that the temperature is above 10 degrees, otherwise its aboveground parts will wither quickly, and the underground parts will also enter dormant state.

III. Watering

How do you plant potted ginger flowers in terms of watering? The answer is to try to keep the soil moist but not stagnant, do not water frequently when the soil is wet, and avoid root growth because it is too wet. In summer, when the temperature is high, you can sprinkle some water on the leaves, otherwise the ginger flowers will turn yellow because they are not drought-tolerant.

IV. Fertilization

The most suitable fertilizer is microbial fertilizer, and then combined with fermented organic fertilizer, the effect is better than the traditional fertilization method, in the whole cultivation method of ginger flowers, mainly will use two kinds, namely base fertilizer and topdressing, in which the base fertilizer in the pot, plant division, transplanting, and topdressing is flexible according to the growth situation.

V. Reproduction

Ginger flowers can be used both asexual reproduction, but also sexual reproduction, the way is generally divided, the speed of flowering and does not affect flowering, reproduction time is generally in February-March, ideally in July-August flowering, flower friends can depend on the local climate to choose the time flexibly, to ensure that the temperature of reproduction is 20-25 degrees.

Ginger Farming Notes

1. Pest prevention

Ginger flower is easy to be harmed by anthracnose, aphids and so on. When planting, it is necessary to prevent diseases and insect pests, mainly because the environment should be suitable, ensuring sufficient light without lack of light, sufficient moisture without ponding, moderate temperature but low, environmental ventilation is not airtight, etc., and then do a good job of soil and plant disinfection.

2, fertilizer water should not be more

Whether it is fertilization or watering, in the process of operation to follow a principle, that is, would rather water several times, do not water too much water at a time, fertilization is the same, ginger absorption nutrients and water needs a process, if excessive fertilizer is not conducive to its absorption.

The cultivation method of potted ginger flowers 1. Temperature

Ginger flower is a subtropical plant, like high temperature and high humidity, so potted planting on the temperature requirements are higher, generally speaking, winter indoor temperature reached more than 10 degrees Celsius.

2. Soil

Ginger flowers like water, but they also need good drainage soil, otherwise they will rot easily, and the soil should contain enough nutrients for ginger flowers to grow.

3. Moisture

Ginger flower is a very cold resistant plant, so keep the soil moist at all times, especially in summer, not only keep the soil moist, but also spray water on the leaves.

4. Fertilization

When planting ginger flowers, it is necessary to apply base fertilizer, biological fertilizer or phosphate fertilizer can be selected, and topdressing should be applied once every 10 days to ensure the supply of nutrients. Secondly, in rainy days, foliar fertilizer should be sprayed on leaves.

5. Prevention and control of pests and diseases

Potted ginger flowers are prone to leaf disease virus and anthracnose, which can be controlled by spraying 3.95% virus bik 600-800 times solution on leaf surface.

How to raise ginger flowers in potted plants

With the improvement of everyone's living standards, everyone likes to raise some flowers and plants to decorate the room in their spare time, and at the same time, they can cultivate their moral character. Ginger flower is a kind of common flower, generally more common outdoors, but ginger flower is so beautiful, many people want to plant it indoors as a potted plant, so how to maintain ginger flower as a potted plant?

How to raise ginger potted plants

Ginger flowers originated from Indonesia, and there are a lot of wild ginger growing in the western plateau of China. Its nature likes high temperature, high humidity, semi-shade environment, avoid drought, frost, like loose, fertile, humus-rich slightly acidic soil. It is generally planted in the ground and can also be potted. The optimum temperature for growth is 18 ~ 28 ℃, and the ground part dies in winter. During the growing season, apply decomposed manure and liquid manure 2 ~ 3 times. Nutrient consumption, to ensure the healthy growth of stem blocks. Frost stems, leaves gradually wither, should be cut off and soil to stay winter. It mainly adopts root-division propagation, often in spring, underground rhizomes are cut open, each section needs to take 1 ~ 2 terminal buds, potted respectively, do not need to be watered immediately after planting, keep the pot soil moist, and then water after the rhizome sprouts.

Ginger flower cultivation method

Ginger flower is a fresh water herb, flowers are not only fresh and beautiful, but also taste elegant fragrance, is a natural air freshener, but also a plant with great ornamental value. Ginger flowers prefer high temperature, high humidity growth environment, not cold, afraid of freezing.

1. Temperature and soil

Because ginger itself likes high temperature and high humidity environment, so to ensure the temperature of the growth environment, the temperature in winter is generally only kept above 10℃. Ginger flower's requirement for soil is to choose loose, good drainage fertile sandy soil to ensure the nutrients needed for its growth.

2. Water

Ginger flower is a drought-tolerant plant, so in summer dry and hot time to maintain a humid environment, but also to keep the soil moist, but also often spray water on the leaves, to maintain the humidity of the leaves.

3. Fertilization

Ginger flowers in the planting time to apply base fertilizer, then you can choose some biological fertilizer, machine fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer as base fertilizer, and then apply to the pot; wait until the growth period to properly carry out topdressing, about every 10 days for topdressing, but also often in rainy days to spray foliar fertilizer.

Ginger Farming Notes

First, winter temperatures. In winter, it is necessary to keep the temperature above 10℃ to avoid frostbite. At ordinary times, it is also necessary to ensure high temperature and humidity.

Second, the sun. Ginger flowers like warm, so they can keep enough light during the growing period to make ginger flowers grow better.

3. Pay attention to fertilization. Pay attention to the time and frequency of fertilization. During the growth period, it is usually fertilized once every 10 days.

Is ginger suitable for indoor cultivation?

Ginger flower is a kind of flower distributed in the south and southwest of China, also known as wild ginger flower, butterfly ginger, 1-2 meters high. Most of them are white flowers, and their medicine has three points of poison. After all, they are medicinal plants, so this flower contains certain toxic ingredients.

In the average family, it does not prevent us from viewing, but there are always some people who will be allergic to its flower poison, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms. The fresh and elegant flowers are fragrant. They like to grow in high temperature and overcast environment. They prefer acidic sandy soil. When winter comes, the temperature drops, the parts above the chart will wither, and the underground parts will go dormant for winter.

Its fragrance diffuses all around, very suitable to buy a, insert indoors, as long as there are no allergic symptoms, it can be cultivated for a long time. Its light fragrance is really refreshing. It can absorb harmful dust and chemical gases in the air, filter the air, and make the room cleaner and fresher. Ginger flower petals contain a certain amount of volatile essential oils, can be added to water boiled tea to help us resist the cold.

As mentioned above, in fact, in our lives, there are thousands of beautiful flowers, although some flowers planted in the room have a lot of benefits, but there are also some flowers not suitable for planting indoors, so everyone should pay attention to oh!