
30cm Learn more about 30cm

  • Do not hear the storm in the world, but you can see the long sun and moon in the basin-- exquisite bonsai

    Do not hear the storm in the world, but you can see the long sun and moon in the basin-- exquisite bonsai

    The jungle Finch is 30 years old, 30 years old, 30 years old, 85 cm high and wide 100cm Finch.

  • Introduction to the main species of Hemerocallis

    Introduction to the main species of Hemerocallis

    1. North cauliflower (Hemerocallis, H.litioasphodclusL-LvaL.): leaf blade dark green, banded, 30 Murray 60 cm long, 0.5 Murray 1.5 cm wide, arched. 6-9 flowers in a terminal open panicle, pale lemon yellow

  • Cultivation and Management Techniques of Ipomoea aquatica in Greenhouse

    Cultivation and Management Techniques of Ipomoea aquatica in Greenhouse

    Water spinach, formerly known as Yongcai, also known as rattan cabbage, water spinach, cabbage, Tongxin cabbage, heartless cabbage, urn cabbage, empty tube cabbage, bamboo leaf cabbage, white trumpet flower, its stem center is empty, so it is called water spinach. Widely cultivated as a vegetable in rural areas of southern china. Ipomoea

    2020-11-08 water spinach greenhouse cultivation management technology original name
  • Management of juvenile stage of Lycium barbarum

    Management of juvenile stage of Lycium barbarum

    After the seedlings planted by fixed stem pruning sprout, cut off the buds below 30 cm above the trunk basal stem (branch band). Above the branch belt, 3-5 lateral buds or lateral branches with 3 cm-5 cm spacing are selected as backbone branches (the first layer crown of the crown) to form a small crown, and the height is 40 cm-50 cm.

  • Emei Peony Emei Mountain Qidi Jian Lan Quji Lanqi Flower

    Emei Peony Emei Mountain Qidi Jian Lan Quji Lanqi Flower

    Emei peony, also known as Emei Mountain Butterfly, was produced in Emei Mountain in the 1990s. If the strange flowers of the four seasons of the old varieties represent the strange butterflies of the rich mountains, then this flower is the classic flower of the new and old species of strange flowers, with leaves 30-40cm long and 1 wide.

  • Planting and management of Arnebia euphratica

    Planting and management of Arnebia euphratica

    Planting and management of Arnebia euphratica

  • The third cultivation method of lily: high border cultivation

    The third cultivation method of lily: high border cultivation

    The third cultivation method of lily: high border cultivation. It is suitable for places with higher groundwater level and more Rain Water. High border cultivation in the south, cultivated land after harvesting, deep about 30CM, combined with cultivated land applied 2500KG per mu as base fertilizer, generally wide ridge planting, ridge base width 60CM, need width about 30CM, height 25~30CM, between ridges is ditch, bottom width is about 30CM. In high border cultivation, topdressing should be carried out during the growing period in order to promote the president and squeeze the high yield.

  • Study on dose absorptivity of Cotton to Dexamethasone

    Study on dose absorptivity of Cotton to Dexamethasone

    The characteristics of infinite growth habit and great plasticity of plant type of cotton determine that it must be adjusted many times during its growth period, especially under the cultivation mode of "early, dense, dwarf and film", through directional induction to shape the reasonable field structure and obtain the best time and space distribution of cotton bolls. in this paper, by using large-scale spraying machinery, taking Xinluzao 23 as the object, the absorption rate of acetylamine in different stages of cotton growth and development was studied as follows. 1. The traction power of the spray machinery is between 30 and 65 horsepower, and the volume of the spray can is between 1.7 and 2.2 cubic meters.

  • Propagation methods of sage

    Propagation methods of sage

    Sage, also known as Salvia miltiorrhiza, Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae, Perilla, etc., is a 2012 or perennial herb and evergreen shrub, but sage also blossoms, and the flowers are light blue or purple. Sage has its own fragrance, strong and pungent aroma, it is not difficult to plant, it is relatively cold-resistant, and its drought tolerance is very strong.

  • The landscape competition in Germany is despised. Let's take a look at the Hungarian one.

    The landscape competition in Germany is despised. Let's take a look at the Hungarian one.

    The Hungarian Landscape Competition is sponsored by the Green Aquarium (ADA Hungary)-the largest water plant landscaping competition in Hungary. At the end of the 2016 competition, four winners won special awards (including 3 in the normal cylinder group category and 1 in the micro cylinder category.

  • High-yielding cultivation techniques of Arnebia euchroma

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of Arnebia euchroma

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of Arnebia euchroma

  • What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

    What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

    What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

  • A bumper harvest of fish and rice increases economic benefits several ways of fish culture in paddy fields

    A bumper harvest of fish and rice increases economic benefits several ways of fish culture in paddy fields

    A bumper harvest of fish and rice increases economic benefits several ways of fish culture in paddy fields

  • Breeding methods of Polygonum multiflorum

    Breeding methods of Polygonum multiflorum

    Breeding methods of Polygonum multiflorum

  • The latest breeding method of Polygonum multiflorum

    The latest breeding method of Polygonum multiflorum

    Polygonum multiflorum, alias Jiaoteng, Chishouwu, wisteria, etc., is a perennial twining herb of Polygonaceae, often born in valley thickets, hillside forests, gully stone gaps, etc., tender stems, leaves and roots are edible, and its tuber roots are used in medicine. It is a common precious and fine traditional Chinese medicine and a method of propagation.

    2020-11-10 The latest Polygonum multiflorum breeding method alias Jiaoteng
  • The method and time of transplanting leek

    The method and time of transplanting leek

    There are two methods of transplanting leek: pinch planting and single plant transplanting. After the row spacing is determined, the holes are opened according to the hole spacing in the ditch, the hole depth is 10~13cm, 30 plants are planted when the hole distance is 17~20cm, and 15 plants are planted when the hole spacing is 7~9cm. The depth of single plant planting is 10cm 13c according to the predetermined row spacing.

    2020-11-09 Leek transplant method and time leek divide
  • Renhua Magnolia has a long history.

    Renhua Magnolia has a long history.

    Another representative variety of ink orchid snow white claw art is also one of the famous products that have been frantically hyped. The claws are as white as lightning. The cultivation is easy and the reproduction rate is high.

  • Zhao Qingquan: see the Spirit of one Branch and one Leaf-- talking about the Literati Tree again

    Zhao Qingquan: see the Spirit of one Branch and one Leaf-- talking about the Literati Tree again

    One branch, one leaf sees the spirit-- again talk about literati tree production, photography, writing | Zhao Qingquan copyright belongs to teacher Zhao Qingquan. I have a special fondness for literati trees for a long time. At first, when I was reading the score of painting, I found that the paintings in ancient China, especially.

  • Prevention measures and comprehensive management to avoid onion whitening, short and fine air

    Prevention measures and comprehensive management to avoid onion whitening, short and fine air

    1. Select excellent varieties of Changbai scallions, such as Zhangqiu scallions, cereal scallions (whip scallions) and so on. 2. Select the land with deep soil layer, fertile soil and good drainage, and plough fine rake deeply, generally ploughing more than 30 cm, digging 20 cm 30 cm deep, 15 cm 30 cm wide, and furrow distance 70 cm 80 cm wide, in order to cultivate soil. Before planting, ditch fertilization, 1000-5000 kg per mu of farm manure, and then deep loosening furrow, so that the combination of dung and soil. 3. It is appropriate to plant between Grain in Beard and Lesser Heat sooner rather than later.

  • Selected works of Zhao Qingquan bonsai master made by literati tree

    Selected works of Zhao Qingquan bonsai master made by literati tree

    Scene name: dusty tree species: black pine height: 106 cm tree age: 25 years author: Zhao Qingquan's creation of "Dust" began in early 2004. The material is a mountain-picked black pine (figure 1, 2). Before starting, it was examined repeatedly and finally selected.
