
1998 Learn more about 1998

  • Rare 1998 Old White Tea

    Rare 1998 Old White Tea

    The last twenty cakes. It is rare that after the baptism of time, the old white tea in 1998 absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, the internal composition of the tea changed, the aroma components volatilized, the soup color turned red, the taste became mellow, and the aroma was quiet and mild.

  • El Nino must guard against the "1998 flood disaster" at the end of this year.

    El Nino must guard against the

    El Nino must guard against the "1998 flood disaster" at the end of this year.

  • General Forecast of Pearl River Prevention and Control: or reappearance of 1998 Flood

    General Forecast of Pearl River Prevention and Control: or reappearance of 1998 Flood

    General Forecast of Pearl River Prevention and Control: or reappearance of 1998 Flood

  • Nutritional requirement of pigs NRC (1998)

    Nutritional requirement of pigs NRC (1998)

    Nutritional requirement of pigs NRC (1998)

  • High quality early Indica Rice-Jiayu 948

    High quality early Indica Rice-Jiayu 948

    In the urban trial in Hangzhou in 1995 and 1996, the average yield per mu was 367.0 kg and 356.0 kg, an increase of 3.53% and 4.71% over the control Zhejiang 852. In 1998, the average yield of the demonstration square of 1768 mu in Qianjin Township of Pinghu City was 527kg, and that of Hongcun Village, Jiangtang Town, Jinhua County was 530kg per mu, of which the yield of 1.2mu of direct seeding high-yielding key fields reached 645.2 kg per mu. It was approved by the Provincial quality Review Committee in May 1998. It is suitable for central and northern Zhejiang.

  • Boyou 122 (Rice)

    Boyou 122 (Rice)

    Boyou 122 is a weak photosensitive hybrid rice combination of BoA and Guanghui 122 used by Rice Research Institute of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. From 1997 to 1998, he participated in the provincial late rice regional trial, and the per unit yield was 415kg/667m2 and 481kg/667m2, respectively. In 1997, the yield was 0.24% lower than that of Boyou 64, and 7.6% higher than that of Boyou 903 in 1998. The appearance quality of rice was identified as late rice grade II. High resistance to rice blast (the whole group resistance ratio is 93.38%, the middle C group resistance ratio is 92%)

  • Huayou 5, a New Japonica Hybrid Rice combination

    Huayou 5, a New Japonica Hybrid Rice combination

    Huayou 5, a new japonica hybrid rice combination, is a new combination with high quality, high yield, multi-resistance and early maturity, which is cultivated by Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The yield comparison test was completed from 1997 to 1998, and entered the regional trial of hybrid rice in Liaoning Province in 1999. The yield of the comparative experiment from 1997 to 1998 was 574.8-698.1 kg per mu, which was 11.1-27.4% higher than that of the control Liaojing 454Mei17. 1. growth characteristics the growth period of the combination is 155 days and the plant height is 10.

  • Fuyou 964 (rice)

    Fuyou 964 (rice)

    Fuyou 964 is a new combination made of Fuyi A and Fuhui 964 by Rice and Wheat Research Institute of Fujian Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In 1997~1998, he participated in the regional test of hybrid late indica rice in Fujian Province, and in 1999, he participated in the production test in Fujian Province. Fuhui 964 is a new restorer line bred from the cross between Guawadao22, which has strong restoring ability to CMS line, and Minghui 63, a strong restoring line. Plant height is higher, plant type is slightly scattered, tillering ability is stronger, stem is thick and tough, leaf color

  • ⅱ you 128 (Rice)

    ⅱ you 128 (Rice)

    Education unit: Rice Institute of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Approval: it was approved by Guangdong crop Variety approval Committee in 1998 and by the National crop Variety approval Committee in 1999. Variety approval number: national examination and approval rice 990008. Variety source: Ⅱ-32AX Household Hui128. Characteristics: it belongs to late-maturing temperature-sensitive hybrid rice combination. The plant height is 100ml 105 cm, the plant type is compact and the stem is stout. 163000 effective panicles per mu and 140mur150 grains per panicle.

  • Yuexiang Zhan, a New Indica Rice Variety with High Harvest Index and High quality

    Yuexiang Zhan, a New Indica Rice Variety with High Harvest Index and High quality

    Yuexiangzhan is the latest "high-efficiency index" conventional high-quality rice bred by the Rice breeding High-tech Research Laboratory of Rice Research Institute of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. This variety passed the early conventional regional test in 1996 and 1997 and the mixed regional test of South China early indica conventional rice and hybrid rice in 1997 and 1998. In February 1998, it passed the provincial determination of crop varieties in Guangdong Province, and now it has become the corresponding species in the regional test of early and high quality millet in Guangdong Province. the variety popularized in the whole province, and listed in the extension project of the Ministry of Agriculture. Yuexiangzhan is a variety with both early and late use. The early growth period in Guangzhou is 125 days.

  • Qingshu No. 2 (Potato)

    Qingshu No. 2 (Potato)

    Variety source: the crop Institute of Qinghai Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences was selected from Minamata of Plateau No. 4 / Magura formation in 1992 (formerly 92-32-8). In November 1999, it was approved by Qinghai crop Variety approval Committee and named Qingshu No. 2. The yield ranked first at 5 points in the regional trial of Qinghai Province for 2 years. Among them, the average yield in 1997 was 33197.55 kg / hm2, 21.1% higher than that of Jiushu 202, and 37467.0 kg / kg in 1998.

  • A New glutinous Rice Variety-- Zhe Nong Da 454

    A New glutinous Rice Variety-- Zhe Nong Da 454

    Zhejiang Agricultural University 454 is a new mid-ripening and late waxy variety selected by the Department of Agronomy of Zhejiang University from the double cross combination C 889 / Zhong 8029ip / Tai 202. After 4 years and 7 generations of ward identification and selection, the disease was finalized. The trial planting was expanded to more than tens of thousands of mu in 1998 and was approved by the Variety approval Committee of Zhejiang Province in March 1999. The characteristics of Zhejiang Agricultural University are about 80cm in height, medium tillering ability, thin and tough stem, more grains per panicle, high seed setting rate, large and full grain, yellow mature green stalk, oval grain, yellow hull and spike tip.

  • Dalong rouge Chunlan

    Dalong rouge Chunlan

    Dalong Rouge descended from the mountain in Xiaotian Town, Shucheng, Anhui Province in 1998. The local florist class is super digging. In the spring of 1998, Gong Renhong, an orchid friend in Hefei, bought this orchid and named it. Chunlan, Rui Die, famous products. The grass is bow-shaped and broad, the grass is powerful and protruding; the leaf is U-shaped, the tail is acute; the more the leaf is in the middle, the leaf surface.

  • ⅱ Youxie 8 (Rice)

    ⅱ Youxie 8 (Rice)

    [basic situation] Ⅱ Youxie 8 is a new hybrid rice combination of high quality, high combining ability and disease resistance of wide compatibility restorer line Chenghui 448 and Ⅱ-32A, which was selected from the progeny of 871028 and Iemont. In recent years, through the experiment and demonstration of various regions (cities) in Sichuan Province, Ⅱ you 448 shows the characteristics of high quality, high yield, disease resistance, early maturity and wide adaptability. [characteristics] the combination participated in the regional test of medium indica medium maturity group in Sichuan Province from 1996 to 1997.

  • Nenfeng 16 (soybean)

    Nenfeng 16 (soybean)

    Nenfeng 16, a new soybean variety, was bred by Nenjiang Institute of Agriculture, Heilongjiang Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1992 with Nen 8422-3 as female parent and Nen 79705-16 as male parent. The hybrid combination number was 9232. The F1 generation was planted in 1993, and the southern propagation generation was carried out in winter of that year. The F3 generation was planted in 1994, and the F4 generation was selected in 1995. The code was Nen 9232-8. From 1996 to 1997, internal identification, comparison test and identification test in different places were carried out. 1998 - 1999

  • Beidao No. 1

    Beidao No. 1

    Japonica rice is bred by Suihua Northern Rice cropping Comprehensive Research Institute. From 1997 to 1998, the average unit yield of 8311.0kg/hm2 in the regional trial was 8.0% higher than that of the control Dongnong 416, and the average unit yield of 7691.8kg/hm2 in the production test in 1999 was 9.1% higher than that of the control Dongnong 416. The number of childbearing days is 131days, and the active accumulated temperature is 2506.8 ℃. Plant height 89cm, panicle length 17.4cm, 101grains per panicle, 1000-grain weight 26g. Medium tillering ability, strong culm resistance, like fertilizer and water

  • Beinuo No.1 glutinous rice

    Beinuo No.1 glutinous rice

    It is a success of Suihua Northern Rice cropping Comprehensive Research Institute. The average unit yield of 7957.5kg/hm2 in the regional trial from 1997 to 1998 was 8.3% higher than that of the control Longnuo 1, and the average yield of 7373.2kg/hm2 in the production test in 1999 was 6.9% higher than that of the control variety Longnuo 1. Glutinous rice, the number of growth days is 135days, and the active accumulated temperature is 2621.8 ℃. Plant height 95cm, panicle length 16-17cm, 109 grains per panicle, 1000-grain weight 2.

  • Hongyou 5355 (Rice)

    Hongyou 5355 (Rice)

    The main results are as follows: (1) Variety source: it is a medium indica late maturing combination made by Ziyuhong Ai An and CDR5355 selected by Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Mianyang College of Economics and Technology. (2) characteristics: the whole growth period is 146.4 days, which is 0.7 days shorter than that of Shanyou 63, plant height is 113.7 cm, ear length is 24.6cm, ear has 147.1 grains, seed setting rate is 82.87%, 1000-grain weight is 29.7g, rice quality is excellent, and rice blast resistance. (3) yield performance: average of provincial and regional tests in 1997-1998

  • A brief introduction to Hawaiian papaya, what is the output of Hawaiian papaya? is the price high?

    A brief introduction to Hawaiian papaya, what is the output of Hawaiian papaya? is the price high?

    Hawaiian papaya is a kind of papaya grown in Hawaii. Do you know this kind of papaya? If you want to know the output and price of Hawaiian papaya, let's take a look! Hawaii's papaya industry is in Hawaii, and papaya has been planted more than one.

    2019-06-04 Hawaii papaya introduction output how price
  • First-class improved varieties of kernel apricot

    First-class improved varieties of kernel apricot

    1. At present, among the main varieties of kernel apricot produced in China, there is only one variety of Dragon King Hat, which is called "Dragon Emperor Big Almond" in the world. The fruit is flat and round, with an average weight of 18 grams and a maximum of 24 grams, with orange peel and thin pulp. The nucleation rate is 17.5%, and the dry nuclear weight is 2.3 grams. The kernel rate is 37.6%, the average weight of dried kernel is 0.8-0.84 grams, the kernel is flat and hypertrophic, the base is conical, the kernel skin is brown, the kernel meat is milky white, fragrant and crisp, and slightly bitter. 5-6-year-old average plant
