
Planting Technology Lists

  • Propagation methods and cultivation management of Impatiens balsamina

    Propagation methods and cultivation management of Impatiens balsamina

    Method of reproduction: reproduce with seeds. 1. It is appropriate to select and prepare soil with sufficient sunshine, moist soil, fertile, loose and well-drained soil. Apply basic fertilizer and prepare the land to make a border, a high border in the south and a flat bed in the north, with a width of 1.2 m. 2. The seed of the sowing method is small and has a long life, and the germination rate is still 79.7% when stored at room temperature for 3 years. Live, March in the South and April in the North. Row spacing 35cm, open the shallow trench of lcm, spread the seeds evenly into the ditch, cover the soil with a little suppression, and then water it. Post-broadcast protection

  • Black spot of Impatiens balsamina

    Black spot of Impatiens balsamina

    [symptoms] the lesion of the damaged leaves was round, oval, dark brown, slightly wheeled, 2mm in diameter and slightly darker at the edge. Some disease spots can expand and connect into pieces, overgrowth of light green or olive black mildew, that is, the conidiophores and conidia of the pathogen. The old leaves in the middle and lower parts are easy to be infected, and in severe cases, the diseased leaves shrink and die. [pathogen] AlternariatenuisNees. It belongs to the subphylum of semi-knowns and Alternaria. Conidiophores erect, brown

  • Anthracnose of Impatiens

    Anthracnose of Impatiens

    Shanghai, Hangzhou. [symptoms] both branches and leaves can occur, mainly on branches and leaves. At the initial stage of the disease, withered yellow or brown spots appeared on the leaf surface, and then gradually developed into round to nearly round, light brown to brown, with dark edges, not obvious wheel lines, and small black spots scattered on the disease spots; with the development of the disease, the adjacent disease spots are connected to form irregular large disease spots, which make the leaves shrink and wither, resulting in shedding. In wet weather, pink gel gushes from small black spots, which can occur from June to September, and sometimes cause blackening and decay on branches.

  • The blight of impatiens

    The blight of impatiens

    [symptoms] mainly damage the stem. The first root and stem showed oil-stained dark green strip patches, which became black-brown and irregular after rapid expansion, and in severe cases, the stems and leaves all blackened, and the plant was quickly folded and the root neck sunken, resulting in plant lodging and death. Under the condition of humidity saturation and long duration, the disease developed sparse white mold, that is, the sporangium and sporangium of the pathogen. [morphological characteristics of pathogens] grow fast and produce more spores on CMA, OMA and V4A medium, and grow on PDA medium

  • Impatiens-- Impatiens

    Impatiens-- Impatiens

    Flower / plant name: impatiens Latin name: Impatiensbalsamina alias: henna, peach red, acute family: Impatiens origin and habits: native to India, southern China, Malaysia. All parts of the world are cultivated. Is an annual herb. Like warm fear of cold, like plenty of sunshine, should be deep tide moist, loose and fertile, well-drained slightly acidic soil. The florescence is from June to September. Morphological characteristics: plant height 20-150cm, succulent stem. Ye Musheng, Pei

  • Impatiens root rot

    Impatiens root rot

    Impatiens occurs in all cultivation areas, which can cause plant death. The symptoms mainly infected the root neck and the following parts of Impatiens balsamina, the primary gray-brown disease spot, and then expanded rapidly, making the root slightly swollen and turned into black-brown rot; the root neck tissue lost water and wrinkled after decay. The aboveground part showed sudden wilting of the diseased plant, and gradually intensified, like a temporary lack of water, but irreversible after watering. The pathogen of the disease is fungus, Rhizopus nigricans. The pathogen overwintered in the soil with the residue of the diseased plant. The soil is too wet, high temperature,

  • Impatiens brown cloud agate snail

    Impatiens brown cloud agate snail

    Impatiens brown cloud agate snail scientific name AchattnafulicaFerussac, synonym A.couroupaLesson, A.fulicaTIyon, stalk eye, agate snail family, alias African snail. Originated in coastal areas of East Africa, it was introduced into Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Fujian, Hainan, Taiwan and other places in China in the 1930s. The hosts are impatiens and other flowers, vegetables and fruit trees. The damage is characterized by omnivorous pests with many young snails.

  • Occurrence and control of black spot of Impatiens balsamina

    Occurrence and control of black spot of Impatiens balsamina

    The black spot of Impatiens balsamina is an important disease in the production and cultivation of Impatiens balsamina. It occurs widely in China and causes serious damage. Symptoms of the disease damage leaves, especially in the lower part of the old leaves easy to infect the disease, the affected leaves appear round or oval spots, dark brown, 2 - 10 mm in diameter, with inconspicuous ring patterns, dark edge color. When the disease occurs seriously, the spots can be expanded to connect with patches, and there are light green or black mildew on the spots, that is, conidia and conidia of the pathogen. causing the diseased leaves to shrivel and die.

  • Impatiens red diamondback moth

    Impatiens red diamondback moth

    DeilephilaelpenorlewisilButler is the main pest of Impatiens balsamina, which is distributed in Northeast, North, East and Northwest China. The host not only has impatiens, but also has autumn orchid, grass flower and so on. The insect feeds on leaves in the form of larvae, which affects the growth and development of plants, and is the main pest of impatiens. Morphological characteristics the adult is 33-40 mm long and the wingspan is 55-70 mm. Wings and body are red

  • Impatiens mosaic disease

    Impatiens mosaic disease

    Impatiens mosaic disease is common in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanning and other places in China. [pathogen] Cucumber mosaic virus (Cucumbermosaicvirus,CMV), see Gladiolus virus disease. [symptoms] the new leaves at the top of the plant produce flowers and leaves, sometimes deformed; when they are serious, the apical tips are clustered and the plants are short. [incidence regularity and epidemic characteristics] the virus has a wide host range, with more than 60 species of aphids, including peach aphid, cotton aphid and corn aphid (Ap).
