Planting Technology Lists
Prevention and control of impatiens mosaic disease
The symptoms occur in the rhizome. At first, it became brown and constricted at the rhizome, and then caused the symptom of standing blight. General flower beds in the rainy season, potted flowers are too wet, the disease is more. Pathogen PhytophthoranicotianaevanBredadeHaanvar.parasitica (Dastur) Waterhouse transmission route and disease conditions the pathogen overwintered in the soil in seeds or in the form of mycelium and oospore.
2019-01-16 -
How does impatiens suffer from powdery mildew?
[distribution] it happens all over the week. [symptoms] the disease mainly occurs on leaves and shoots, and seriously harms buds and capsules. The disease began in Beijing after June, and after July, the leaf surface was gradually covered with white powder layer, and gradually expanded to the whole leaf covered with white powder layer. In the later stage, yellow dots were formed on the powder layer, and the color gradually deepened and became dark brown, which was the closed capsule of the pathogen and was spherical under the magnifying mirror. The dark brown dots mainly appeared on the front of the leaves and the small dots on the back of the leaves were rare. In severe cases, the leaves withered and fell early. Shanghai is generally in bloom.
2019-01-16 -
Impatiens are extremely characteristic?
Impatiens extremely characteristic: impatiens, also known as henna, rhododendron, impatiens family. Is an annual herb. The plant height ranges from 30 to 80 cm, the stem is thick, branched and smooth, the nodes are dilated, green or dark brown, and the stem color is related to the flower color. Leaves alternate, lanceolate. There are glands on both sides of the petiole. Flowers single or several clustered leaf axils, Corolla butterfly, single, double, white, pink, red, purple and other colors. The florescence is from June to October. The seed bursts itself when it is ripe.
2019-01-16 -
The value and use of impatiens
At the height of summer when cicadas are fluttering, lotus flowers are blooming and jasmine is fragrant, impatiens also bloom at the right time. Impatiens such as crane top, like colorful Phoenix, graceful posture, charming. Both the fragrant red impatiens and the delicate blue impatiens bloom in the morning, when cold butterflies and hungry bees are having sweet dreams, which is the best time to enjoy the impatiens. Impatiens is a common material for beautifying flower beds and flower borders because of its rich colors and varieties. It can be planted in clusters, planted in groups and potted, and can also be raised in water for cut flowers. The whole plant of impatiens can be used as medicine, especially the pure white impatiens has higher medicinal value.
2019-01-16 -
Impatiens stem rot
Impatiens stem rot is also known as impatiens white silk disease. [pathogen] SclerotiumrolfsiiSacc. Belongs to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. [symptoms] Brown water-stained disease spots appeared at the base of the stem of the damaged plants, followed by white sericeous mycelium. In the later stage, the sclerotia with grain size of rape could be seen at the rot of the basal cortex of the stem. [incidence regularity] the pathogen overwintered in the remains of diseased plants or soil, and could be transmitted by diseased soil, diseased seedlings or water flow.
2019-01-16 -
Occurrence of blight of impatiens
Balsamine blight is common in China, and it is a common disease in impatiens cultivation. The disease mainly infects the root and stem. After the symptom rhizome was damaged, there was black constriction, and there was white mildew in the disease part when the environment was humid. The pathogen spread rapidly and occurred seriously, which led to the wilting and drying up of the upper leaves within a few days, and the whole plant died in serious cases. The pathogen RhizoctoniasolaniKuhn is called Rhizoctonia solanacearum, which belongs to the subphylum of semiknowns. The strain does not produce spores, and the hyphae grow for a certain time to interweave to form sclerotia.
2019-01-16 -
Impatiens green petal disease
Also known as henna green disease, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hebei, Beijing and other places sporadic distribution. It mainly harms the flower apparatus of impatiens, making it lose its normal ornamental value. Symptom-affected plants are mainly characterized by the change of flowers to leaves, that is, petals change from normal pink to green, slender like leaves; some petals become leaf-like, leaving only a small amount of red. The new plant showed symptoms after flowering in that year. In the high temperature season in summer, the flowering period is shorter than normal, and the petals in the inner layer of Corolla turn brown, die and fall off quickly. Under the same cultivation and management conditions, the diseased plants are shorter than the healthy ones, and the leaves are often curled up from the edge.
2019-01-16 -
Prevention and treatment of Impatiens Ring Disease
The disease occurs on the symptomatic lobe. Produce large round spots with dark brown periphery. There are obvious concentric wheel lines on the surface of the lesion. In the later stage, the middle part of the lesion turned grayish brown and scattered with small black spots. AscochytaphaseolorumSaccardo, a half-known pathogen. In the route of transmission, the pathogens overwintered and oversummer on the diseased remains by conidia and ascomycetes. Conidia can be transmitted by wind and rain. Later, conidia were produced on the disease spot and continued to spread, causing re-infection.
2019-01-16 -
Introduction to the varieties of Impatiens
1. The head impatiens are also known as the head impatiens. Is a variety of impatiens. Flowers terminal. Main stem or branch apical. Large flowers, double. Branches expand and form clumps. two。 Dwarf impatiens is a variety of impatiens. The plant is short, with a height of 20-30 cm. 3. Dragon claw impatiens is a variety of impatiens. The lateral branches meander and extend horizontally. 4. Ho's impatiens are also known as Glass Cui. It is a common species of the same genus. Perennial herbs, mostly cultivated in 2012. The plant height is 20-30 cm. The stem is translucent. Fleshy, stout, much branched. Leaves ovate
2019-01-16 -
Techniques for cultivating boxwood in Hokkaido
There are many breeding methods of Populus tomentosa in Hokkaido. Here are some common methods: 1. Cutting method: cutting method is divided into hardwood and tender wood cutting method. Hardwood cuttings take place between October of each year and the end of March of the following year. For units with sufficient provenances, cuttings can be cut slightly longer, units lacking in provenances, cuttings can be slightly shorter, cuttings are 8 to 15 cm long, cuttings are generally 3 to 5 cm deep, and roots can grow after 1 month. Rapid growth can be achieved as long as the cuttings are carried out according to the methods described below.