
The living habits of snakes

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Snakes are sensitive to temperature, and the external temperature of 20-30 degrees is the most suitable for them to survive; when it is higher than 33 degrees, they will look for a shady place to cool down. The snake has no limbs, and the scales on its body can protect the body; it usually eats rats, and all kinds of trees or corners of ancient walls

Snakes are sensitive to temperature, and the external temperature of 20-30 degrees is the most suitable for them to survive; when it is higher than 33 degrees, they will look for a shady place to cool down. Snakes have no limbs, and their scales can protect their bodies; they are usually rat-eating, and they can be seen shuttling back and forth in all kinds of trees or in the corners of ancient walls.

The living habits of snakes

1. The snake walks in a variety of ways, either walking in a straight line or winding its way, which is determined by the structure of the snake. The snake's whole body is divided into three parts: head, torso and tail. Between the head and the torso is the neck, the boundary is not very obvious, and the trunk and tail are bounded by the cloacal anal foramen.

2. The snake has no limbs, and its whole body is covered with scales, which can protect the skin. Snakes are divided into poisonous snakes and non-poisonous snakes, the head of non-venomous snakes is generally conical, the front end is thin and the back end is thick; the venomous snakes are triangular in shape; the trunk of the snake is in the shape of a long tube.

3. The internal structure of the snake is divided into ten parts: skin system, skeletal system, muscle system, respiratory system, digestive system, cloacal system, nervous system, sensory organs and chromosomes. The breath of a snake: the respiratory organ of a snake is the lung.