
wettability Learn more about wettability

  • How to Use Carbendazim

    How to Use Carbendazim

    How to Use Carbendazim

  • Main diseases of Welsh onion

    Main diseases of Welsh onion

    After entering the prosperous period of green onion growth, the harm of diseases and insect pests also entered the high incidence period. The main diseases and insect pests are purple spot, downy mildew, soft rot, onion maggots, onion thrips, onion leafminer, beet armyworm. 1. Purple spot disease: spraying 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500-600 times, 58% metalaxyl manganese.

  • Experiment on the efficacy of 10% chlorothioline wettable powder in the treatment of tea leafhopper

    Experiment on the efficacy of 10% chlorothioline wettable powder in the treatment of tea leafhopper

    Efficacy test of 10% chlorothioline wettable powder against tea green leafhopper Abstract: field experiments showed that 10% chlorothioline wettable powder had good control effect on tea small green leafhopper, and the control effect was still more than 80% after 14 days. Key words: chlorothioline; tea small green leafhopper; control effect 10% chlorothioline wettable powder is a nitromethylene internal absorption insecticide. The mechanism of action of chlorothioline is selective inhibition of nicotinic acid acetylcholinesterase receptor in insect nervous system.

  • Safety interval of several common pesticides (with quick look-up table of pesticide safety interval)

    Safety interval of several common pesticides (with quick look-up table of pesticide safety interval)

    When some vegetable farmers use pesticides to control diseases and insect pests, they often do not pay attention to the pesticide safety interval before the vegetables are on the market, resulting in excessive pesticide residues on vegetables. For this reason, the majority of vegetable farmers should be reminded to strengthen their understanding and pay attention to the interval between the listing of vegetables after drug use to ensure that

    2020-11-09 Several common pesticides safety interval period attached period speed look-up table
  • Common pesticides in grape cultivation

    Common pesticides in grape cultivation

    Common pesticides in grape cultivation

  • Main Diseases and insect pests of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz and their Control techniques

    Main Diseases and insect pests of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz and their Control techniques

    Main Diseases and insect pests of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz and their Control techniques

  • What is the difference between powder and wettable powder?

    What is the difference between powder and wettable powder?

    What are the characteristics of powder and wettable powder? What is the difference between powder and wettable powder? Can powder and wettable powder pesticide be mixed? The following farming help planting network for a brief introduction, for netizens reference. Powders and wettable powders are two common pesticide formulations. The pesticide physical properties of these two formulations...

  • Plant garlic must be disease and pest control technology!

    Plant garlic must be disease and pest control technology!

    What are the common diseases and insect pests of garlic? How to prevent and cure it? The following will be introduced separately. 1. Botrytis cinerea 1. Select resistant varieties. It is reported that the garlic in Cangshan is high.

  • What diseases can carbendazim control?

    What diseases can carbendazim control?

    What diseases can carbendazim control?

  • How to treat the disease of white melon?

    How to treat the disease of white melon?

    White melon is our common melon, also known as cantaloupe, is an annual trailing herb of Cucurbitaceae. It is widely cultivated in various parts of China because of its long history and wide variety. So, how to treat the disease of white melon? 1. How to treat the disease of muskmelon 1. Frost

    2020-11-08 White melon white melon disease how cure white melon
  • How to prevent downy mildew of cabbage

    How to prevent downy mildew of cabbage

    In the early stage of the disease, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times 800 times liquid, 70% mancozeb wettable powder 800 times liquid and other medicament prevention and protection. The early stage of the disease in mid-September is a critical period for prevention and treatment. 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc wettable powder N700 times, 20% flumorph wettable powder l000 times, 60% fluorine.

  • Disease control of pollution-free muskmelon

    Disease control of pollution-free muskmelon

    The main pests harmful to muskmelon are maggots, mole crickets, small tigers, grubs, leaf miners, yellow melons, aphids and red spiders. (1) ground maggot: also called root maggot or melon maggot. It's the larva of a fly. The body is about 5 mm long and shaped like maggots, harming the young roots, buds and stems of melon seedlings. The common prevention and control methods are as follows:.

  • Control techniques of garlic diseases in growth period

    Control techniques of garlic diseases in growth period

    1. Garlic rust in case of heavy rainfall years, early spring timely inspection of the disease center, timely prevention, generally choose 15% triadimefon wettable powder 1000 times solution, or 15% triadimefon wettable powder 1500 times solution plus 70% mancozeb wettable powder 1000 times solution in early April to control the first time, 10 to 15 days later to control once, generally depending on the disease control 2 to 3 times. 2. Garlic leaf blight, leaf spot, gray mold, etc. 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800 times solution, or 64% kill

  • What medicine is used for grape black pox?

    What medicine is used for grape black pox?

    The grape can be sprayed with 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600700 times liquid, 80% propiconium zinc wettable powder 8001000 times liquid and other medicament control before flowering. In the early stage of the disease after flowering, 70% methyl thiophanate can be sprayed with 8001000 times liquid and other chemicals to control.

    2020-11-09 Grape black acne use what medicine in grape flowering before
  • What are the common diseases and insect pests in the grape growth stage? What kind of medicine do you use? When do you take the medicine?

    What are the common diseases and insect pests in the grape growth stage? What kind of medicine do you use? When do you take the medicine?

    Grape is a very common cash crop, many people will grow grapes. However, the problem of grape diseases and insect pests gives many fruit growers a headache. Let's take a look at the common diseases and insect pests in the grape growth stage. What kind of medicine do you use? 1. In the budding stage, the winter buds are inflated but

    2020-11-08 Grape growth stage have what common diseases and insect pests use
  • How to use carbendazim?

    How to use carbendazim?

    How to use carbendazim? What diseases can carbendazim control? How to use the effect is good? Please give an introduction to carbendazim, which belongs to benzimidazole, is a highly efficient and low toxic internal absorption fungicide. Because of its obvious top transport performance, it is also used for seed dressing and soil watering in addition to leaf spray.

  • Common Diseases and Drug use of Pepper

    Common Diseases and Drug use of Pepper

    Blight: control with ethyl phosphine and manganese-zinc wettable powder. Virus disease: prevention and treatment with Zhiyanling emulsion and poison clear water agent. Root rot: control with sulfur suspension emulsion, methyl carbendazim, carbendazim wettable powder and Shuangxiaoling water agent. Botrytis cinerea: dampness with Pythium

    2020-11-08 Pepper common disease and medication abstract blight B phosphine
  • Guidelines for the use of pesticides commonly used in vegetables

    Guidelines for the use of pesticides commonly used in vegetables

    Guidelines for the use of pesticides commonly used in vegetables

  • Which diseases does carbendazim treat?

    Which diseases does carbendazim treat?

    Which diseases does carbendazim treat?

  • Effect of paclobutrazol on flowers

    Effect of paclobutrazol on flowers

    Effect of paclobutrazol on flowers
