
topping Learn more about topping

  • The latest time and method of cotton topping

    The latest time and method of cotton topping

    If cotton wants to increase production, topping is the focus of cotton pruning work. Topping can eliminate the top growth advantage of cotton, adjust the transport direction of water and nutrients in the body, and promote the improvement of yield and quality. So when will the cotton be topped? The

    2020-11-10 The latest cotton topping time and methods if you want increase production
  • Time and method of cotton topping

    Time and method of cotton topping

    Time and method of cotton topping

  • How to top cotton

    How to top cotton

    How to top cotton

  • How to hit the top of the latest cotton

    How to hit the top of the latest cotton

    Cotton is an important textile raw material in our life, and China is also a big cotton growing country in the world. Topping is an important measure to increase cotton production when planting. Cotton topping can eliminate the top growth advantage of cotton and regulate the transportation of water and nutrients in the body.

    2020-11-10 The latest cotton how topping yes we life
  • How does Persian chrysanthemum hit the top and pick the heart, the methods and matters needing attention of Persian chrysanthemum

    How does Persian chrysanthemum hit the top and pick the heart, the methods and matters needing attention of Persian chrysanthemum

    Persian chrysanthemum is a kind of highly ornamental flower plant, which can be seen in many parts of our country, and there are many people who raise it in our country, but there are many places that need to pay attention to if we want to raise it well, among which picking heart is a more important process in the process of growth, so how does Persian chrysanthemum hit the top and pick the heart?

  • Sesame topping time and precautions

    Sesame topping time and precautions

    Sesame topping time and precautions

  • The latest topping time of sesame and matters needing attention

    The latest topping time of sesame and matters needing attention

    Sesame is an important economic crop in China, which is planted widely. In order to increase the yield, sesame is often topped. The common crops that need topping are tomato, cotton, tobacco and so on. So does sesame need to be topped? When should I hit the top? Come together.

    2020-11-10 The latest sesame topping time and notes yes
  • Cotton topping is expensive at the right time.

    Cotton topping is expensive at the right time.

    Cotton has unlimited growth habits, under certain temperature conditions, the top continues to grow and elongate, and continue to differentiate into new stems, leaves and fruit branches. Topping is to knock off the top manually, so that it no longer produces new fruit branches, so that most of the cotton bolls can open bolls before frost. Therefore, this is a key task to manually regulate the growing period of cotton. Before topping, cotton plants had apical dominance, giving priority to the supply of water and nutrients, while after topping, priority was given to the organs with the fastest growth and development. It can be seen that topping is related to the transport and distribution of nutrients in cotton plants.

  • When is the best time to top the sesame?

    When is the best time to top the sesame?

    When is the best time to top the sesame? What's the method of hitting the top? Hope that experienced netizens can help introduce the reasons, time and methods of sesame topping in the farming network, which are listed below for netizens' reference. The reason for sesame topping: sesame topping can inhibit apical growth and reduce inefficiency.

  • The basics of bonsai modeling: you can learn all the ways of bonsai topping.

    The basics of bonsai modeling: you can learn all the ways of bonsai topping.

    The bonsai top of Wu Chengfa's works is the production of bonsai, that is, the top treatment of bonsai, most of which are the highest dry at the top of bonsai, with natural top and cloud top; it is related to the integrity and appreciation of trees, and each work is successful.

  • When does the petunia top the petunia to pick the heart (diagram)

    When does the petunia top the petunia to pick the heart (diagram)

    Topping and coring are very effective methods to promote the normal growth of plants in the process of planting. Topping and coring can remove the top advantage of plants, avoid excessive growth and waste the nutrients of the whole plant, and concentrate all the nutrients to the most.

    2020-11-08 Short Petunia when hit the top pick the heart method diagram
  • Crane top safflower picture appreciation, can crane top safflower be cultivated indoors

    Crane top safflower picture appreciation, can crane top safflower be cultivated indoors

    Since ancient times, the "red top" on the head of red-crowned cranes has often been regarded as a highly toxic substance, called "crane-top red". Would you believe it if I told you that there was a plant also called crane-top red? Do you know the plant Crane top safflower? To know if it can be raised indoors? Heding safflower is native to Dali.

  • It takes only one month to pinch off all the rose bracts from the toothpick seedling to the burst pot.

    It takes only one month to pinch off all the rose bracts from the toothpick seedling to the burst pot.

    Today, let's talk about how to top the rose, whether it's shrub rose, rattan rose or micro-rose. During the seedling period, we have to top it so that it can promote more new shoots. The last few rose trees have been beaten at the top, but this one has not been hit.

  • Ranking of the top ten fungicides

    Ranking of the top ten fungicides

    Farmers generally have to grow a lot of crops, during the need to use fungicides, otherwise easy to encounter serious insect pests, so also need to buy high-quality fungicides, the following editor to tell you about the top ten fungicides ranking. Top Ten fungicides ranking: Top

    2020-11-27 Top Ten Fungicides ranking Farmers Friends General want planting
  • The time and method of topping sesame

    The time and method of topping sesame

    The time and method of topping sesame

  • Study on the efficiency of Cotton Light Table in different planting patterns

    Study on the efficiency of Cotton Light Table in different planting patterns

    In order to further increase the cotton yield, it is difficult to increase the number of plants per unit area. In production, it is necessary to increase the density, improve the poor ventilation and light transmittance in the middle and lower part of the cotton population, and improve the light transmittance and photosynthetic efficiency in the middle and lower part of the cotton population. In this paper, through the study of cotton population photosynthetic efficiency and light transmittance of different planting patterns, in order to determine the reasonable cotton population structure in specific areas, and to provide a basis for high-yield and high-quality cotton cultivation. Materials and methods 1. The general situation of the test was conducted in 2002-2003.

  • Sorghum planting: how to control sorghum top rot?

    Sorghum planting: how to control sorghum top rot?

    How to control the top rot of sorghum? Please introduce the control methods of sorghum top rot, which mainly occurs from seedling stage to adult plant stage. the main symptoms of top rot are as follows: seedling stage, top leaves of adult plants show chlorosis, deformity, wrinkle or distortion, and there are many transverse knife-cut marks on the edge. some are tested or two along the main vein.

  • Cotton management after topping in July

    Cotton management after topping in July

    After the cotton is topped, it is generally controlled for 1 or 2 times. For the first time, in 3-5 days after topping, fields with 667 square meters of seedlings of about 12000 plants were given 4-5 grams of promethamine and 30 kilograms of water. The following technical measures should be taken after cotton topping in July. First, scientific control 1. After cotton topping is regulated according to the growth trend, it is generally controlled for 1 to 2 times. For the first time, three to five days after topping, the fields with 667 square meters of seedlings protected at about 12000 plants, 4 grams of promethamine and 30 thousand water.

  • Top the plant at the right time and use the right method to blossom more than one side bud in order to burst-nurture flowers

    Top the plant at the right time and use the right method to blossom more than one side bud in order to burst-nurture flowers

    Top the plant, choose the right time, use the right method, more lateral buds, blossom to burst! Flower friend asked: when is it better for general plants to top? First of all, we need to know what the purpose of topping plants is.

  • Which plants are suitable for office farming? TOP ranking of office plant varieties

    Which plants are suitable for office farming? TOP ranking of office plant varieties

    Add a touch of green to the busy work and life, and the whole repressed environment can shine again, which can greatly purify one side of the air and make the breath lighter.
