
spider mite Learn more about spider mite

  • What is orange spider?

    What is orange spider?

    What is orange spider? How to prevent? Panonychus citri (MeGregor), also known as Panonychus citri, belongs to Arachnida, Acari, Prostigmata, Tetranychidae, which is a very serious pest mite on citrus. It is widely used in Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangzhou, Guangdong, etc.

  • Occurrence and control of spider mites in peanut species

    Occurrence and control of spider mites in peanut species

    Peanut spider mites are common in Zhaoyuan City, mainly cinnabar spider mites and two-spotted spider mites, of which the most and most serious are cinnabar spider mites, and the occurrence area of two-spotted spider mites is less, but there is a rising trend in Zhaoyuan in recent years. Peanut spider mite in recent years

    2020-11-08 Species peanut leaf mite occurrence and control in
  • Control of red spiders growing cotton

    Control of red spiders growing cotton

    Cotton spider mite, also known as cotton red spider, fire dragon, fire spider. It belongs to Arachnida, Acarina, Tetranychidae. The main harmful mites are red spider mite, river spider mite and two-spotted spider mite. Small individuals, strong fecundity, more than 10 generations a year, stabbed by adult and nymph mites

    2020-11-08 Grow cotton scarlet spider control cotton spider mite also known as cotton
  • What are the natural enemies of the spider? What is the most effective way to eliminate it?

    What are the natural enemies of the spider? What is the most effective way to eliminate it?

    Red spider, also known as cotton red spider, commonly known as big spider, dragon, sand dragon, etc., scientific name leaf mite, widely distributed, eating miscellaneous, mainly harmful to a variety of vegetable crops, garden flowers and trees, citrus fruit trees and so on. So what are the natural enemies of spider spiders? The most effective way to eliminate

    2020-11-09 what are the natural enemies of spiders the most effective way to eliminate them?
  • Occurrence and Control of Soybean Red Spider

    Occurrence and Control of Soybean Red Spider

    Red spider is a general term for red spider mites, which is a composite population of several species of spider mites and belongs to the spider mite family. In Huachuan County, it occurs in different degrees every year, but it belongs to light occurrence year. However, according to this year's survey, due to the recent high temperature and drought, the damage of red spiders to soybeans in Huachuan County has risen from a secondary position to a major one.

  • How to control mites in apple trees in summer?

    How to control mites in apple trees in summer?

    How to control mites in apple trees in summer? Please introduce the harm of apple tree mites in summer: first, harm symptoms 1. Hawthorn spider mite. Also known as Hawthorn red spider, it mainly harms the leaves, buds and young fruits of apple trees. When the leaves are damaged, the red spiders live in groups on the back of the leaves, spinning and pulling the net, adhering to fine soil particles and eggs.

  • Harm regularity and control methods of leaf mites in main diseases and insect pests of deciduous trees and ginkgo biloba trees

    Harm regularity and control methods of leaf mites in main diseases and insect pests of deciduous trees and ginkgo biloba trees

    Ginkgo is a large deciduous tree with a DBH of up to 4 meters. The fruit of ginkgo is commonly known as ginkgo, so ginkgo is also known as ginkgo. Ginkgo trees grow slowly and have a very long lifespan. Under natural conditions, it takes more than 20 years from planting to bearing ginkgo fruit, and it takes 40 years to bear a large amount of fruit.

    2020-11-09 Deciduous large trees ginkgo trees main diseases and insect pests leaf mites
  • Harm regularity and control methods of leaf mites in main diseases and insect pests of deciduous trees and ginkgo biloba trees

    Harm regularity and control methods of leaf mites in main diseases and insect pests of deciduous trees and ginkgo biloba trees

    Ginkgo is a large deciduous tree with a DBH of up to 4 meters. The fruit of ginkgo is commonly known as ginkgo, so ginkgo is also known as ginkgo. Ginkgo tree grows slowly and has a very long life. under natural conditions, it takes more than 20 years from planting to bearing ginkgo fruit, and it takes 40 years to bear a large amount of fruit, so some people call it Gongsun tree.

  • What is the natural enemy of the red spider?

    What is the natural enemy of the red spider?

    Red spider, also known as cotton red spider, commonly known as big spider, big dragon, sand dragon, etc., scientific name spider mite. It is widely distributed and has mixed food habits, which can harm more than 110 kinds of plants. So what are the natural enemies of red spiders? What is the natural enemy of the red spider? the natural enemy of the red spider is Zhonghua.

    2020-11-11 Red spider natural enemy what is it red also known as cotton red
  • When the alarm comes to the high incidence period of red spiders, don't blame your flowers for not growing well.

    When the alarm comes to the high incidence period of red spiders, don't blame your flowers for not growing well.

    It is found that there are white dots and red dots behind the leaves, and there are some things that look like spider silk, which makes people panic. There is no need to estimate what insect pest it is. It must be an outbreak of red spiders! If you meet a flower friend, you will find that Hongzhu.

  • How to control pests when planting cotton?

    How to control pests when planting cotton?

    How to control pests when planting cotton? Please introduce the methods of planting cotton can use the following methods to control insect pests: 1. * Integrated control of leaf mites in cotton field * cotton area is one of the areas with the most serious occurrence of cotton leaf mites in China. Especially after planting cotton with plastic film, it creates conditions for cotton spider mites to enter the cotton field ahead of time.

  • Disease and insect pest of national orchid-- leaf mite

    Disease and insect pest of national orchid-- leaf mite

    Disease and insect pest of national orchid-- leaf mite

  • What are the most effective ways to kill the vegetable pest red spider? What medicine is the most effective? What are the natural enemies?

    What are the most effective ways to kill the vegetable pest red spider? What medicine is the most effective? What are the natural enemies?

    Red spider, also known as cotton red spider, commonly known as big spider, big dragon, sand dragon, etc., scientific name spider mite, is one of the pests in crop production, the harm is very serious, what are the most effective ways to kill red spiders? What medicine is the most effective? Damage characteristics of red spiders

    2020-11-09 Kill vegetables pests red spiders the most effective method yes
  • Occurrence characteristics and control techniques of soybean red spider

    Occurrence characteristics and control techniques of soybean red spider

    The soybean red spider is a cinnabar spider mite, which belongs to the family Tetranychidae. Affected by high temperature and drought in 2007, soybean red spider occurred in an area of 120 million mu in Heilongjiang Province, resulting in a serious reduction in soybean production. According to the survey, in recent years, the damage of soybean red spiders has become the main position, generally reducing soybean production by 20-30% and serious plots by 70-90%. First, morphological characteristics. The adult is 0.3-0.5 mm long, reddish brown and has 4 pairs of feet. The female mite is 0.5 mm long and has eggs.

  • How to prevent and control common insect pests in the dance of falling flowers

    How to prevent and control common insect pests in the dance of falling flowers

    The dance of falling flowers is a well-growing plant with fresh green leaves and elegant fragrance of flowers. However, once you meet the abominable red spider, the dance of falling flowers will become the falling flowers of the dance. What are the common pests in the dance of falling flowers? How to prevent and cure it? Common pests in the dance of falling flowers: red spider, red spider, alias red leaf mite

  • Special treatment and control of orchid red spider disease

    Special treatment and control of orchid red spider disease

    Red spider is also called mite, there are many kinds, take Shi leaf mite as an example: Shi leaf mite is a common kind of leaf mite, harmful to orchids and other flowers. The mouthparts fixed the back of the leaf, pierced into the leaf tissue through the leaf epidermis and spongy tissue layer, ingested the green granules and cellular inclusions of the palisade cells, first harmed the lower leaves, and then gradually.

  • What is a red spider and how to prevent it?

    What is a red spider and how to prevent it?

    What is a red spider? What are the hazards of red spiders and how to prevent them? Also ask the netizens who know to help introduce the red spider, also known as cotton spider mite, which is mainly harmful to the growth of corn, sorghum, legumes, sugar beets, melons, vegetables and other crops in the middle and later stages. Therefore, the farming web sorted out the harm of red spiders and the prevention and control prescription.

  • Control methods of main harmful mites of cherry blossoms in Sichuan

    Control methods of main harmful mites of cherry blossoms in Sichuan

    In Mianyang area of Sichuan Province, the main mites harmful to cherry blossoms are Elm Tetranychus, Hawthorn spider mite and so on. When the young mites, nymph mites and adult mites suck the leaf sap, there are many small green spots in the injured leaves, and the leaves are pale and scorched, which affect not only the plant growth and flowering, but also the photosynthesis. Morphological characteristics: the female adult of Ulmus pumila is 0.45 mm long, 0.29 mm wide, round, the back is raised, crimson, and the male adult is 0.3 mm long. Summer eggs are orange and winter eggs are crimson. Hawthorn spider mite

  • How did flower red spider disease come from?

    How did flower red spider disease come from?

    How did flower red spider disease come from?

  • What are the corn spider control methods? What medicine is most effective?

    What are the corn spider control methods? What medicine is most effective?

    Red spider spider in maize is one of the most important outbreak pests in maize production. In different corn production areas, it occurs in different degrees every year, especially after July in the north, the continuous high temperature and drought will provide extremely favorable strips for the occurrence of red spiders.

    2020-11-09 corn red spiders control methods have what use