
snake order Learn more about snake order

  • The shipment of snake species

    The shipment of snake species

    1. In addition to catching snakes on their own, most of the snakes are purchased from other snake farms. Equipment for holding snakes should be prepared in advance before the purchase, such as cloth bags, wire cages, bamboo baskets, snake boxes and so on. Transport a small number of snakes can be used cloth bag, easy to carry, requires that the cloth bag is unbreakable, appropriate length, diameter should not be too large. At the same time, the snake in the bag should hold the bag in the air, and the bottom of the bag should not be put on the ground to prevent the snake from landing and jumping on the body with the help of the support point to cause injury. When carrying snakes in wire cages, pay attention to ventilation and

  • What are the management priorities of the snake farm?

    What are the management priorities of the snake farm?

    In order to make the farmed snakes grow fast, reproduce more and have a high survival rate, we should not be too careless in the management of snake farms and the prevention of snake diseases. Only by doing well the management of snakes in advance can we put an end to the occurrence and spread of snakes. To sum up, attention should be paid to the following aspects: the ⑴ snake farm should be kept clean and hygienic. Snake singing and snake nests must be inspected every day (except in winter). Dead snakes or snakes that have been bitten but not swallowed should be picked out in time, so as not to cause decay and environmental pollution caused by high temperature. Drinking water in snake ponds or snake ditches

  • How to fatten snakes

    How to fatten snakes

    Autumn is the season when snakes eat a lot, and it can be said that it is the peak period for snakes to eat throughout the year. Therefore, the fattening work of artificial snake breeding in autumn is so important, and it is also an "extraordinary period" of snake management. The following work needs to be done in order to achieve the purpose of fattening. ⑴ cleaned up the snake farm. In autumn, in order to facilitate feeding or snakes to better accept the sun, to facilitate the absorption and digestion of food, it is necessary to locally cut or selectively pull out the weeds that shade the snakes in summer. Don't be too far from the ground when cutting with a sickle. Stay away from it.

  • What are the prevention and control methods of snake parasites?

    What are the prevention and control methods of snake parasites?

    Snake is the general name of degenerated reptiles, belonging to the order reptiles, there are non-venomous snakes and venomous snakes. It is favored by many farmers because of its high economic value, but in the process of breeding, snakes are prone to parasites, so how to prevent and cure them?

    2020-11-11 Snakes parasites prevention and control methods there are which snakes yes limbs
  • Self-propagation and autotrophic management techniques of snakes

    Self-propagation and autotrophic management techniques of snakes

    The following points should be paid attention to in the self-propagation and autotrophy technology of snakes: First, seed selection: Healthy and plump female snakes should be selected as seed snakes every spring. No matter poisonous snakes or non-poisonous snakes, they generally lay eggs from late June to July. The female snakes should be fed nutritious and calcium-rich food before and after laying eggs, so as to make them full and drink as much as possible. The female snake does not need to consider whether mating, female snake mating once can lay five years of fertilized eggs. 2. incubation: in order to prevent the snake eggs from drying up and sinking, the produced snake eggs should be put into the incubation tank in time for artificial incubation.

  • This kind of grass is the favorite of snake players. snakes are extremely sensitive to it, commonly known as snake panic.

    This kind of grass is the favorite of snake players. snakes are extremely sensitive to it, commonly known as snake panic.

    In some areas of the south, people like to eat some game, but some of it is inevitably poisonous, but even so, they can not resist the temptation of game, but in order to prevent themselves from catching.

  • Management technology of keeping snakes at constant temperature in winter

    Management technology of keeping snakes at constant temperature in winter

    In order to further improve the economic benefit of artificial snake breeding, the snake can not hibernate and grow and develop like spring, summer and autumn, the following measures should be taken: first of all, the temperature problem should be solved, and the constant temperature throughout winter should be required.

    2020-11-08 Winter constant temperature snake breeding management technology in order to further
  • Feeding and management of keeping snake at constant temperature in winter

    Feeding and management of keeping snake at constant temperature in winter

    In order to further improve the economic benefit of artificial snake breeding, the snake can not hibernate and grow and develop like spring, summer and autumn, the following measures should be taken: first of all, the temperature problem should be solved, and the constant temperature throughout winter should be required.

    2020-11-08 Winter constant temperature snake breeding law breeding management in order to further
  • Key technical points of self-breeding and self-feeding management of snakes

    Key technical points of self-breeding and self-feeding management of snakes

    Snake self-breeding technology should pay attention to the following points: first, species selection: every spring, strong, fat female snakes should be selected as species, regardless of venomous snakes or non-venomous snakes, generally lay eggs from late June to July. Female snakes should be fed nutritious and calcium-rich food before and after spawning, so that they can eat and drink as much as possible. There is no need to consider whether female snakes mate or not. female snakes can produce fertilized eggs for five years at a time. Second, hatching: in order to prevent the snake eggs from drying up and sinking, the snake eggs produced should be put into the incubator in time for artificial hatching, be sure to maintain the temperature and check regularly.

  • A timid man raising snakes

    A timid man raising snakes

    A timid man raising snakes

  • On the self-breeding technology of snakes

    On the self-breeding technology of snakes

    In March, the temperature picks up and the snake becomes active. In the snake room of Leicun Snake Farm, there are shiny black snakes, each 0.3 jin each, all small snakes hatched last year, and every staff member's face is covered with smiles of hope. Some Chinese and foreign scholars once thought: "it is impossible to raise snakes successfully, let alone hatched young snakes." after 17 years of repeated exploration and practice in Leicun Snake Farm, the dream has come true three years ago, from young snakes to more than one kilo.

  • Zhang Zhuang gang: a timid man raising snakes

    Zhang Zhuang gang: a timid man raising snakes

    Zhang Zhuang gang: a timid man raising snakes

  • Feed preparation for snake culture

    Feed preparation for snake culture

    The main results are as follows: (1) the live animal snake is a carnivorous reptile with a wide range of feed sources. The snake eats mainly by swallowing, it can swallow small animals several times larger than its head, and the snake's eyes are easy to find moving objects, in principle, it should be fed to live small animals. such as nutritious frogs, rats, fish, birds, earthworms, rabbits, chickens, lizards and so on. Different kinds of snakes have different requirements for feed. generally speaking, silver ring snakes like to eat eel and Loach; cobras like to eat rats; king cobras eat specially.

  • Breeding and Incubation Management Technique of Meat Snake

    Breeding and Incubation Management Technique of Meat Snake

    Snakes generally reach sexual maturity at 2 to 3 years of age, and the estrous season is in the spring of each year. Most of them begin to mate when they molt for the first time after waking up from hibernation every year. Because male sperm can survive for years inside female snakes, female snakes mate up to three to four times in their lives. During the breeding season, feed plenty of food. When approaching the spawning period, the female and male snakes with eggs should be kept separately to keep quiet and avoid all aspects of disturbance. The laying period of snakes is about July to August. During this period, once snake eggs are found, they should be collected in time for artificial incubation.

  • The "king" of raising snakes is on the road to becoming rich.


    The "king" of raising snakes is on the road to becoming rich.

  • How to grow snake chrysanthemum planting methods and matters needing attention

    How to grow snake chrysanthemum planting methods and matters needing attention

    Snake chrysanthemum is a very beautiful flower plant, which originated in Mexico and is now grown all over the country. Its flowers are similar to sunflowers in color and shape, but they are smaller and more delicate, have high ornamental value, and are deeply loved and pursued by everyone.

    2020-11-08 Snake order chrysanthemum how planting method and matters needing attention snake order
  • What should be noticed in the storage of dried snake venom?

    What should be noticed in the storage of dried snake venom?

    Dried snake venom has strong water absorption and is not heat-resistant. under the influence of high temperature, humidity or sunlight, dried snake venom should deteriorate and lose enzyme activity. Therefore, the following points must be done in order to preserve it for a long time. After weighing ⑴ dried snake venom, it should be put into brown or brown bottle as soon as possible, the bottle mouth should be corked tightly, and then sealed with wax or vacuum oil. For the dry poison of large bottles, in order to minimize unnecessary opening, some can be taken out and encapsulated in sample bottles before sealing, so that they can be checked at any time or meet sporadic small customers.

  • Venom processing precautions

    Venom processing precautions

    1. Attention should be paid to safety when extracting and processing snake venom. In order to prevent poisonous snakes from hurting people, the action of releasing poisonous snakes when extracting poison and after taking poison should be fast. Put the poisoned snake back into the cage, put the snake body first, and let go quickly when the snake head approaches the edge of the container entrance. If you can't release your hand in time when putting the snake, it is easy to be bitten by the snake back. 2. Poisoning supplies must be strictly disinfected. 3. If the snake bites the vessel, gently swing the snake's trunk; if it still does not let go, gently twist the neck, or use a small stick or finger to stimulate the snake's anus. Do not be hard

  • Matters needing attention in the processing of snake venom

    Matters needing attention in the processing of snake venom

    1. Attention should be paid to safety when extracting and processing snake venom. in order to strictly prevent poisonous snakes from hurting people, it is necessary to release poisonous snakes quickly during and after venom collection. When the venomous snake is put back into the cage, the snake body should be released first and release quickly when the snake head approaches the edge of the entrance of the container. if the snake cannot release its hand in time, it is easy to be bitten by the snake. two。 Drug supplies must be strictly sterilized. 3. If the venomous snake clings to the vessel, it can gently swing the trunk of the snake; if it still does not let go, it can gently twist the neck, or use a stick or

  • Recommend several species of meat snakes

    Recommend several species of meat snakes

    Do you know how many kinds of snakes there are in our country? According to statistics, there are 173 species of snakes in China, of which 48 species are poisonous snakes and the rest are non-poisonous snakes. Meat snake refers to the large body, fast growth, is a common edible or medicinal non-venomous snake. In order to make snake farmers familiar with and understand their performance of life and production, here are several species of meat snakes with large size, rapid growth, good development, more eggs (or offspring), fresh meat and good breeding efficiency. The black brow snake is commonly known as the home snake, the yellow worm, the cauliflower snake, the three-cable line, the wide snake and so on. The length of adult snake is about 1.
