
octanesulfide Learn more about octanesulfide

  • What method is there to deal with wheat seeds sown in autumn?

    What method is there to deal with wheat seeds sown in autumn?

    What method is there to deal with wheat seeds sown in autumn? Please give guidance to sow wheat seeds in autumn to achieve the following points: first, insect control treatment. For wheat underground pests, such as mole cricket, grub, golden needle worm, etc., 50% 1605 emulsion 0.5kg, water 50kg, seed dressing 500kg, soaking for 4 hours, or 75% octanesulfide can be used.

  • What kind of medicine does the beetle kill?

    What kind of medicine does the beetle kill?

    Beetles can be killed with phoxim microcapsules, chlorpyrifos EC, kung fu EC, Baode EC, fenvalerate, quick killing EC and so on. Generally, 25% phoxim microcapsules or 50% phoxim EC or 40% chlorpyrifos EC can be used per mu after being unearthed.

    2020-11-11 Beetle use what medicine kill beetle available octanesulfide