
macula Learn more about macula

  • What if the green pineapple leaves have macula?

    What if the green pineapple leaves have macula?

    It is believed that many people will raise this kind of plant, because it can not only decorate but also have many effects on the air, but there may be some bigger problems when breeding it, such as macular leaves. At this time, we should first determine the cause, and then solve it: if there is less light, it will increase the duration of light appropriately, and if the humidity is higher, it will be moderately reduced.

  • How to do if the leaves of Cymbidium have macula? spray medicine to change the basin soil.

    How to do if the leaves of Cymbidium have macula? spray medicine to change the basin soil.

    How to do if the leaves of Cymbidium have macula? spray medicine to change the basin soil.

  • What is the problem of macula on the leaves of Cymbidium? How to prevent and cure it?

    What is the problem of macula on the leaves of Cymbidium? How to prevent and cure it?

    What is the problem of macula on the leaves of Cymbidium? How to prevent and cure it?

  • Magnolia leaf macula

    Magnolia leaf macula

    Magnolia leaf macula

  • How does the gentleman orchid leaf have macula to do? quickly ventilate and spray the medicine.

    How does the gentleman orchid leaf have macula to do? quickly ventilate and spray the medicine.

    How does the gentleman orchid leaf have macula to do? quickly ventilate and spray the medicine.

  • What if the golden diamond leaves have macula?

    What if the golden diamond leaves have macula?

    It has a very good-sounding name, the growth is also very good-looking, whether in the office area or at home, is very effective for clean air, looking at the green leaves, the mood will become more wonderful, but in the maintenance process, a little carelessness, its leaves will grow small yellow spots, how is this caused, and how to deal with it?

  • The latest dripping Guanyin leaves have macular causes and solutions

    The latest dripping Guanyin leaves have macular causes and solutions

    Dishui Guanyin is very common in our daily life. It grows luxuriantly, and its ornamental value is very high in a suitable environment. Specific culture can refer to how to raise Dishui Guanyin. However, there will inevitably be some mistakes in the process of breeding. Make its leaves.

    2020-11-10 The latest dripping Guanyin leaves have macula causes and solve
  • The reason why the leaves of Guanyin have yellow spots and the solution

    The reason why the leaves of Guanyin have yellow spots and the solution

    The reason why the leaves of Guanyin have yellow spots and the solution

  • At the head of good luck, what's the matter with yellow spots on the leaves?

    At the head of good luck, what's the matter with yellow spots on the leaves?

    There are many reasons for macula in the leaves of Hongyun: if it is caused by unreasonable watering, it needs to be watered reasonably, to avoid pouring water on the flower heart, and to ensure that the potted soil is moist and not short of water; if the temperature is not suitable, it is necessary to control the growth temperature of the plant and maintain a constant temperature to ensure that the temperature difference is not too great.

  • How to control pseudocercospora brown spot?

    How to control pseudocercospora brown spot?

    Symptoms: mainly damage to leaves. The leaf initially appears chlorotic macula, the edge boundary is not clear, and then oval or oval yellowish brown disease spot appears on some macula, the edge is dark brown, the boundary is clear. There is a broad yellow halo in the periphery, and a thin mildew layer appears on the spot in the later stage. Prevention and treatment: ① strengthens management and properly removes branches and leaves

  • Why does the golden diamond leaf appear macula? Winter culture technology of golden diamond "evil king"

    Why does the golden diamond leaf appear macula? Winter culture technology of golden diamond

    Why does the golden diamond leaf appear macula? The golden diamond can also become the golden diamond vine green velvet and the "evil king". It is a popular indoor foliage plant that can purify the air in the flower market in recent years, but recently, some flower friends have left a message that when raising the golden diamond in winter, the golden diamond leaves will appear yellow spots, which is not conducive to the growth of the golden diamond.

  • What medicine is used for yellow spot of fruit trees?

    What medicine is used for yellow spot of fruit trees?

    When yellow spot infects fruit trees, it will cause large pieces of leaves to fall, and the fruit will be speckled and unable to store. What medicine does fruit tree yellow spot use? What kind of medicine can be used for fruit tree yellow spot? carbendazim, mancozeb, Bordeaux solution, oxime tebuconazole,

    2020-11-08 Fruit trees macula disease what medicine infection to fruit
  • Does the rubber tree keep falling off its yellow leaves? These three reasons must be known that if we don't fix it, there will be only branches left.

    Does the rubber tree keep falling off its yellow leaves? These three reasons must be known that if we don't fix it, there will be only branches left.

    Rubber tree leaves fat and glossy, with red buds like clouds, evergreen, is a very high ornamental value of foliage plants, but also absorb formaldehyde, hydrogen fluoride and other harmful gases, play the function of purifying the air.

  • What if the leaves of Brazilian beauty turn yellow?

    What if the leaves of Brazilian beauty turn yellow?

    Lack of fertilization Brazilian beauty needs continuous fertilization, long-term no ammonia fertilizer or no pot change soil, lack of nitrogen and other nutrients in the soil, resulting in thin branches and leaves, leaves withered and yellow. New loose and fertile cultivated soil should be replaced in time, and rarefied mature liquid fertilizer or compound flower fertilizer should be applied gradually.

  • Symptoms and control of black spot of lotus

    Symptoms and control of black spot of lotus

    Lotus is a plant that some friends like to raise in the courtyard. It can be cultivated in all parts of our country, and can be cultivated in soil, pot and other cultivation methods. But raising lotus is prone to black spot, which not only affects the ornamental value of lotus, but also affects the health of lotus.

  • The Culture method of Calamus angustifolia

    The Culture method of Calamus angustifolia

    According to the culture method of flower-leaf goose palm wood, the height of flower-leaf goose palm wood is 30-80 cm, the stem is erect, the branches are compact, the palmately compound leaves have long stalks, and the leaflets are 5-9 pieces, leathery, dark green and glossy, inlaid with irregular macula, beautiful plant shape, strong hierarchical and three-dimensional sense, high ornamental value.

  • What about the yellowing of lotus bamboo leaves?

    What about the yellowing of lotus bamboo leaves?

    When you move out to bask in the sun, avoid the sun when the light is strong. Otherwise, the strong light will burn the leaves, and it is not good to have macula. If the concentration of fertilizer in water and fertilizer treatment is high or too much fertilizer is applied, fertilizer should be stopped immediately and some fertilizers should be washed and washed seriously. After reading this article

  • What is the cause of yellow leaves? Green Rose Yellow Spot Solution

    What is the cause of yellow leaves? Green Rose Yellow Spot Solution

    Looking at the green green radish is not particularly comfortable, but the green radish will occasionally lose his temper, such as suddenly the leaves of the green radish yellow, Xiaobian and you discuss the reasons for the yellow leaves of the green radish and the solution to the yellow spots of the green radish.

  • Some knowledge of blue lice

    Some knowledge of blue lice

    Blue lice, also known as whitefly (TRIALEURODESVAPORARIORUM), adults and nymphs cluster host leaves, suck juice, form macula by the sea, and secrete honeydew, causing soot disease. Morphological features: the adult is about 1.1 mm long, light yellow, wings translucent, all covered with white wax powder. ...

  • How to control Magnolia leaf blight?

    How to control Magnolia leaf blight?

    How to control Magnolia leaf blight? Please introduce the main symptoms of Magnolia leaf blight occur on the leaves, serious can spread to petioles, buds. The disease spots mostly occur at the leaf margin, the initial stage is faded green macula, water stains, many disease spots even into pieces, fan shape outward expansion, black brown edge, gray yellow inside, can lead to...
