
insecticidal Learn more about insecticidal

  • The effect of insecticidal ring on thrips

    The effect of insecticidal ring on thrips

    The insecticidal ring, called Yi Wei, is a selective insecticide that can control a variety of pests. What is the effect of the insecticidal ring on thrips? 1. The effect of insecticidal ring on thrips 24 hours after application, the control effect of insecticidal ring on thrips reached 98%; 3-5 days after treatment, different concentrations of thistle

    2020-11-08 Insecticidal ring yes thrips effect insecticidal ring it's called
  • Classification and study of botanical insecticides

    Classification and study of botanical insecticides

    10% of cypermethrin EC is used 2 to 5 days before going on the market: 2.5% deltamethrin 2 days; 2.5% kungfu EC 7 days; 5% rifampicin EC 3 days; 50% aldicarb wettable powder 6 days; 1.8% epididyl EC 7 days; 10% kill the enemy.

  • How to mix insecticides and pesticides to increase efficacy

    How to mix insecticides and pesticides to increase efficacy

    With the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure and the rapid development of vegetable production, the planting area of cabbage in cruciferous crops is expanding year by year, which provides abundant food for Plutella xylostella and Pieris rapae. In addition, the generation cycle of Plutella xylostella and Pieris rapae is short. The characteristic of large number of eggs makes it a cruciferous family in our county.

  • must-see| Onions, leeks... These are all pesticides. Three days, the eggs are dead. The flowers are half a meter long.

    must-see| Onions, leeks... These are all pesticides. Three days, the eggs are dead. The flowers are half a meter long.

    Mosquitoes are the most common in summer. All the hard work of raising flowers has fed insects. What little black flies, red spiders, whitefly bugs, big insect pupae... Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps. I bought several kinds of insecticide sprays. Not only does it smell bad, but it can't be killed cleanly! don't worry,...

  • The best use of BT insecticide

    The best use of BT insecticide

    BT insecticide, namely Bacillus thuringiensis microbial insecticide, contains parasporal crystals and spore toxins that kill pests. It is safe to people and animals, has no harm to natural enemies, and is difficult to produce drug resistance. It has been widely used to control crop pests. However, in practical application, due to the lack of methods,.

  • Contact insecticide and permeable insecticide

    Contact insecticide and permeable insecticide

    Contact insecticide and permeable insecticide

  • Introduction to the characteristics of organophosphorus insecticides

    Introduction to the characteristics of organophosphorus insecticides

    Organophosphorus insecticides are the most widely used and most widely used insecticides in China, with a wide variety of varieties and different properties, but generally speaking, they have the following characteristics: (1) the insecticidal spectrum is wide. At present, some commonly used varieties of organophosphorus insecticides can control a variety of agricultural and forestry pests, and some can be used to control sanitary pests.

  • Types of pesticides and matters needing attention in their selection

    Types of pesticides and matters needing attention in their selection

    1.1 Inorganic pesticides are classified according to their composition and source, such as lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, arsenite, sodium fluoride, sodium fluorosilicate, sulfur, zinc phosphide, etc. Organic pesticides. Natural organic insecticides can be divided into plant insecticides (such as ivy, pyrethrum, tobacco, turpentine, anistemisin, azadirachtin, etc.) and mineral pesticides.

  • When should rice be sprayed with insecticides?

    When should rice be sprayed with insecticides?

    When should rice be sprayed with insecticides? Spraying insecticides on rice should pay attention to the following points: do not spray insecticides on rainy days, which is the basic knowledge of farmers, but many farmers often spray them at noon on sunny days, which is very undesirable and harmful, because: 1, 10 noon, light.

  • Bt insecticide technology is exquisite.

    Bt insecticide technology is exquisite.

    Ethephon is a broad-spectrum organophosphorus low-toxic plant growth regulator that promotes ripening, which can enter the plant through leaves, bark, fruits and seeds, and then spread to the active parts and release ethylene. It can promote fruit ripening and coloring, promote leaf and fruit shedding, dwarf plants and change the ratio of female and male flowers.

  • We should pay attention to the use of specific pesticides.

    We should pay attention to the use of specific pesticides.

    Generally speaking, the insecticidal active components of specific insecticides are different, each has its own characteristics, and it has different insecticidal mechanisms (that is, the principle of pesticides killing pests). Now the varieties that are often used in production are: acetamiprion, buprofezin, flufenuron, diflubenzuron, imidacloprid, Rui.

  • Talk about the use of BT insecticide on vegetables

    Talk about the use of BT insecticide on vegetables

    It is reported in the newspaper that BT insecticide is used to kill pests. Many vegetable farmers called, some asked how to use BT pesticides, and some talked to reporters about the experience of using BT pesticides in vegetable production. The reporter sorted out the experience of the vegetable farmers who called. BT insecticide, that is, Bacillus thuringiensis.

  • What is Insecticidal Shuang?

    What is Insecticidal Shuang?

    How is the effect of Shachongshuang? Which pests can be controlled by Shachongshuang? What do you need to pay attention to when using Shachongshuang? Please also know the netizens to help introduce the farming network to sort out the information of the insecticidal Shuang, listed below in detail for netizens' reference. The insecticidal principle of Shachongshuang: Shachongshuang has strong contact and stomach.

  • Introduction to the characteristics of benzoylurea insecticides

    Introduction to the characteristics of benzoylurea insecticides

    Early sweet pepper, want to increase the fruit setting rate, in addition to physical mediation, but also need to choose a good regulator, two-way combination, in order to better improve the fruit setting rate: 1. Improve the light conditions and increase the temperature. In case of overcast, snowy and low temperature weather, supplementary lights can be added in the shed and a reflective screen can be hung on the back wall to increase.

  • List of insecticidal and germicidal herbicides for 30 common crops, such as rice, wheat, cotton, etc.

    List of insecticidal and germicidal herbicides for 30 common crops, such as rice, wheat, cotton, etc.

    In the process of growing crops, different insecticides and herbicides need to be used. Isn't it troublesome to always find out what medicine to use when you need it? Here are 30 kinds of insecticidal and herbicidal agents for common crops, so collect them quickly! 1. Rice ⑴ insecticide: methoxyfenazide

  • What is an insecticidal order? Which pests can be controlled?

    What is an insecticidal order? Which pests can be controlled?

    Shachongdan, also known as Chongdan and monosodium salt, is a sand silkworm insecticide with very similar chemical structure and insecticidal double. That is, Shachongshuang is disodium salt, while Shachongshuang is monosodium salt, so its insecticidal characteristics and control objects are the same as those of Shachongshuang, and the methods and matters needing attention in use are also the same as those of Shachongshuang. As a result of killing insects.

  • What is the insecticidal effect of azadirachtin? What is the insecticidal effect of azadirachtin?

    What is the insecticidal effect of azadirachtin? What is the insecticidal effect of azadirachtin?

    Neem-an insecticide of nature, neem has insecticidal and sterilizing properties and has long been used as an herbal medicine. Do you know its effect on insects, the residual effect of azadirachtin, the systematicness of azadirachtin, the efficacy of azadirachtin products, and so on? I don't know.

    2019-01-04 Neem vegetarian insecticidal effect how India neem nature
  • What kinds of pesticides do you have? Introduction to the price and function of six commonly used insecticides

    What kinds of pesticides do you have? Introduction to the price and function of six commonly used insecticides

    In agricultural production, pesticides are indispensable agricultural agents, which can effectively prevent orchards and vegetable gardens from being disturbed by pests and ensure the high yield and high quality of agricultural products. But there are many kinds of pesticides on the market. Do you know what they are? Let's learn more about it.

    2020-11-27 Insecticide have what kind 6 kinds commonly used price and function
  • Notes on the use of bacterial biological insecticides

    Notes on the use of bacterial biological insecticides

    In order to achieve the best insecticidal effect in the use of pesticides to control crop pests, we must select the right insecticides and use them in an appropriate period, and at the same time, according to the three factors that affect the efficacy, we should pay attention to solve the two problems which are easy to be ignored, such as timely application and delivery. 1. Three factors that affect the efficacy. 1. Climate. Shi.

  • What are the characteristics of organophosphorus insecticides

    What are the characteristics of organophosphorus insecticides

    (1) the insecticidal spectrum is wide. At present, some commonly used varieties of organophosphorus insecticides can control a variety of agricultural and forestry pests, and some can be used to control sanitary pests and ectoparasites of livestock and poultry. (2) the methods of killing insects are diversified, which can meet the needs of many aspects. Most varieties have contact and stomach toxicity, and some varieties.
