
flushing Learn more about flushing

  • What are the types of flushing fertilization and how to use them?

    What are the types of flushing fertilization and how to use them?

    What are the types of flushing fertilization and how to use them? Please introduce that there are many varieties of flushing fertilization, which can be divided into three types in terms of chemical properties and nutritional composition: first, inorganic type, such as urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, high calcium type, high potassium type, etc.; second, organic type, such as amino acid type, humic acid marine biological type, etc.

  • The latest methods and misunderstandings of flushing fertilization for fruit trees

    The latest methods and misunderstandings of flushing fertilization for fruit trees

    Flushing fertilization of fruit trees has a great effect on the growth and yield increase of fruit trees. rational use of flushing fertilization and mastering the use method of flushing fertilizer can greatly improve the efficiency of fertilizer use. And many fruit growers also have a lot of misunderstandings in their use. Let's take a look at the fruit together with the editor.

    2020-11-10 The latest fruit trees flushing fertilization methods and misunderstandings
  • What should we pay attention to when using flushing fertilizer?

    What should we pay attention to when using flushing fertilizer?

    What should we pay attention to when using flushing fertilizer? Please introduce Flushing Fertilizer which is a way of topdressing. It is also called Water Flushing Fertilizer, that is, it dissolves solid quick-acting chemical fertilizer in water and carries fertilizer with water. Flushing fertilization usually uses water-soluble chemical fertilizer, mainly nitrogen fertilizer and potash fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer and potash fertilizer have strong water solubility.

  • What is irrigating fertilizer? How do I use it?

    What is irrigating fertilizer? How do I use it?

    What is irrigating fertilizer? What are the kinds of irrigating fertilizer? What are the characteristics of flushing fertilization? What should be paid attention to in the application of flushing fertilizer? Please also understand the netizens to help introduce that with the progress of China's agriculture, agriculture is gradually developing in the direction of labor-saving, labor-saving, efficient and energy-saving, so there are many varieties of irrigating fertilizer on the market, but.

  • How to use flushing fertilizer?

    How to use flushing fertilizer?

    How to use flushing fertilizer? How to apply it better? Please give guidance on the use of flushing fertilizer can be applied with reference to the following methods: the combination of topdressing and flushing fertilization, the selection of high-quality fertilizer is mainly multi-element compound fertilizer, and the combination of topdressing and flushing application is adopted to solve the problem of fertilizer demand for surface roots on the one hand. On the other hand.

  • Methods and misunderstandings of flushing fertilization for fruit trees

    Methods and misunderstandings of flushing fertilization for fruit trees

    Methods and misunderstandings of flushing fertilization for fruit trees

  • What should we pay attention to when using flushing fertilizer to grow vegetables in greenhouse?

    What should we pay attention to when using flushing fertilizer to grow vegetables in greenhouse?

    What should we pay attention to when using flushing fertilizer to grow vegetables in greenhouse? Solution as a new type of topdressing. Flushing fertilization is welcomed by the majority of farmers because of its simple application, easy absorption and fast fertilizer effect. Especially in the greenhouse cultivated in protected areas, it has been widely used and good economic benefits have been obtained. Greenhouse vegetables.

  • Which flushing fertilizers are commonly used in vegetables?

    Which flushing fertilizers are commonly used in vegetables?

    Which flushing fertilizers are commonly used in vegetables? What should you pay attention to when using it? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce the use of flushing fertilization in the process of growing vegetables, which can quickly and effectively provide nutrients for vegetables to promote the early listing of vegetables, so the farming network sorted out the common flushing fertilization of vegetables and matters needing attention, with the following.

  • What are the differences between flushing fertilization and how to use it?

    What are the differences between flushing fertilization and how to use it?

    Do you need organic fertilizer to grow watermelons now? What's the use of organic fertilizer? How to make watermelons sweet and refreshing is what every melon farmer strives for. Only by constantly improving the quality of watermelons can we win the market, be loved by the majority of consumers, and achieve the increase of production and income of melon farmers. The watermelon growth period is short, the yield is high.

  • Irrigation of farmland, pay attention to four kinds of fertilizers, do not flush them.

    Irrigation of farmland, pay attention to four kinds of fertilizers, do not flush them.

    The application method of flushing fertilizer with water is also called "flushing fertilization". Generally, it is a kind of topdressing to provide supplementary nutrition during the period of rapid crop growth. since it is supplementary fertilization, it can not replace the main fertilization methods such as base fertilizer. But because this method is both convenient and quick, it is used in vegetable fields and planting cash crops and special foods.

  • Which fertilizers should not be flushed?

    Which fertilizers should not be flushed?

    Flushing fertilization is widely used in greenhouse and open field vegetables, mainly in the peak period of vegetable growth. However, not all fertilizers can be flushed, only water-soluble fertilizers can be flushed with water. Nitrogen fertilizers are commonly used in urea, ammonia, ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride and potassium sulfate are commonly used in potash fertilizer, and potassium nitrate can also be used.

  • Scientific use of Flushing Fertilizer

    Scientific use of Flushing Fertilizer

    Scientific use of Flushing Fertilizer

  • What is irrigating fertilizer? How did it work?

    What is irrigating fertilizer? How did it work?

    What is irrigating fertilizer? How did it work? Please introduce "Flushing Fertilizer", also known as Flushing Fertilizer, it is a way of topdressing. Widely used in horticulture, the operation method is to dissolve solid available chemical fertilizer in water and fertilize in the way of water and fertilizer. Irrigation usually uses water-soluble fertilizers, mainly nitrogen and potassium.

  • Can irrigating fertilizer be used instead of compound fertilizer?

    Can irrigating fertilizer be used instead of compound fertilizer?

    What method of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can improve the fertilizer efficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer? Please introduce the following methods to improve the fertilizer efficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer: 1. The main nitrogen fertilizers commonly used in nitrogen fertilizer agricultural production are ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonia, liquid ammonia, ammonium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate, urea and so on. Research.

  • What are the kinds of irrigating fertilizer? What should you pay attention to when using it?

    What are the kinds of irrigating fertilizer? What should you pay attention to when using it?

    What are the kinds of irrigating fertilizer? What should you pay attention to when using it? Please guide that there are many varieties of flushing fertilization, which can be divided into three types in terms of chemical properties and nutritional composition: one is inorganic type, such as urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, high calcium type, high potassium type, etc.; second, organic type, such as amino acid type, humic acid marine biological type, etc.

  • The key to the good use of irrigating fertilizer lies in "using it well".

    The key to the good use of irrigating fertilizer lies in

    The key to the good use of irrigating fertilizer lies in "using it well".

  • Can the water from the reservoir be used to flush the pigsty?

    Can the water from the reservoir be used to flush the pigsty?

    Can the water from the reservoir be used to flush the pigsty?

  • How to apply flushing fertilizer to grow vegetables in greenhouse?

    How to apply flushing fertilizer to grow vegetables in greenhouse?

    How to apply flushing fertilizer to grow vegetables in greenhouse? In seeking technical guidance for greenhouse vegetable production, many farmers apply fertilizer too frequently, which often causes soil consolidation, rotten roots, retting roots, plant wilting and other phenomena, which seriously affect the economic benefits of farmers. To this end, it is suggested that in the production of greenhouse vegetables, fertilization should achieve "four combinations".

  • How to use good flushing fertilizer?

    How to use good flushing fertilizer?

    How to use good flushing fertilizer? Please introduce the correct selection of fertilizer types for irrigation and fertilization at first. Only water-soluble fertilizers can be applied with water. Urea, ammonia, ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate are commonly used in nitrogen fertilizer; potassium chloride and potassium sulfate can also be used in potash fertilizer. In phosphate fertilizer, even if it is water-soluble monoammonium phosphate and phosphorus.

  • What is the difference between irrigating fertilizer and compound fertilizer?

    What is the difference between irrigating fertilizer and compound fertilizer?

    What is the difference between irrigating fertilizer and compound fertilizer? Please introduce Flushing Fertilizer, also known as Water Fertilizer, that is, to dissolve solid quick-acting chemical fertilizer in water and take fertilizer with water. From the point of view of fertilizer use, crops mainly rely on the root system to absorb nutrients, and the root hair area about 1 cm from the root tip is the most active area for nutrient absorption. ...
