
field dark Learn more about field dark

  • Control of Dark Gill Beetle in Peanut Field

    Control of Dark Gill Beetle in Peanut Field

    Dark Gill beetle is the dominant population of peanut in Xinyi area. Its larvae (grubs) not only seriously harm peanut pods, but also damage crop roots in soybean, corn, sweet potato, traditional Chinese medicine, flowers and seedlings. Production should be based on the occurrence of dark Gill beetles.

    2020-11-08 Species peanut field dark field dark Gill beetle control
  • Principle and control of stem blight of water chestnut

    Principle and control of stem blight of water chestnut

    Water chestnut, also known as horseshoe, chestnut, peony, peony, black taro, Bodhisattva, pear, belongs to the Monocotyledon Cyperaceae, is a perennial herb, oblate, pointed above, smooth and glossy surface, purplish red or dark brown, growing in ponds, dark green on the ground

    2020-11-08 Water chestnut stem withered disease principle and control water chestnut also known as horseshoe
  • The two-point nocturnal moth has appeared! Summer corn growers should be careful!

    The two-point nocturnal moth has appeared! Summer corn growers should be careful!

    The two-point nocturnal moth has appeared! Summer corn growers should be careful!

  • Harmful symptoms and control methods of cucumber blight

    Harmful symptoms and control methods of cucumber blight

    Cucumber blight can be infected from the seedling stage to the adult stage, and the seedlings begin to appear dark green and water-immersed rot on the tender tip, gradually dry up and form a bald tip, which mainly harms the base of the stem and the nodes of the tender stem at the adult stage, and begins to be immersed in dark green water, then softens and constricts obviously. the leaves above the disease site withered gradually.

  • How to control rice sheath blight?

    How to control rice sheath blight?

    What is the harm of rice sheath blight? How to control rice sheath blight? Netizens are also asked to help introduce the harm of rice sheath blight into leaf sheath disease, leaf disease and stem disease, which are described in detail as follows. Leaf sheath disease: dark green water-immersed edge blurred spots appear near the water surface, and then gradually expand into an oval or.

  • Disease control measures of watermelon

    Disease control measures of watermelon

    Disease control measures of watermelon

  • Control of diseases and insect pests of atractylodes macrocephala

    Control of diseases and insect pests of atractylodes macrocephala

    Control of diseases and insect pests of atractylodes macrocephala

  • Control techniques of false smut in Rice

    Control techniques of false smut in Rice

    Rice false smut is a kind of rice disease with a wide range of harm, which occurs in the main rice producing areas in the world, and the north and south rice in China are affected by it. After the occurrence of false smut, the mildew of rice will occur and the empty rate will increase, which will affect the rice quality, reduce the commodity value and affect human health.

    2020-11-08 Rice rice koji disease control technology yes a kind of
  • How to identify Tomato late Blight and Botrytis cinerea

    How to identify Tomato late Blight and Botrytis cinerea

    Late blight and Botrytis cinerea are important diseases that seriously affect the yield and output value of tomato in spring cropping facilities in North China. Early detection and accurate identification is the premise of effective prevention and control. The field symptoms often vary with different varieties and environmental conditions, and they are easy to be confused with each other or with other diseases, which puzzles growers.

  • Control techniques of watermelon diseases and insect pests

    Control techniques of watermelon diseases and insect pests

    Control techniques of watermelon diseases and insect pests

  • Symptoms and Control methods of main Diseases and pests in Potato

    Symptoms and Control methods of main Diseases and pests in Potato

    The main potato diseases are: potato ring rot, potato cancer, potato late blight, potato early blight, potato black shank, potato bacterial wilt and so on. The main pests are: potato tuber moth, 28 ladybug, underground pests (ground tiger, grub, golden needle beetle and mole cricket, etc.). Among them, there are three kinds of quarantine pests in the country: potato tuber moth, potato ring rot and potato cancer. The main disease of potato, potato ring rot, usually occurs after flowering in the field, and the initial symptom is between leaf veins.

  • Potato green skin disease

    Potato green skin disease

    (disease diagnosis) occurs mainly on tubers during late growth or storage. In the field, after some potato pieces are arched out of the soil, they are exposed to sunlight, and the surface tissue changes from yellow to green. The green area varies depending on the exposed area. Green tissue can expand into the inside of the tuber and is often accompanied by purple pigment deposition. During storage, the surface of the potato will turn green when exposed to natural light, sometimes even affecting the deep tissue. Usually this greening is not restored by the tuber returning to dark storage. (etiology) the disease is physiological

  • The latest control of common diseases in rice

    The latest control of common diseases in rice

    1. Rice blast, also known as rice fever, can be divided into seedling blast, leaf blast, ear neck blast, branch blast, grain blast and so on. Seedling plague: the base is gray-black, the upper part turns brown, curls up and dies, and a large number of gray-black mildew layers are produced in the disease part when the humidity is high.

    2020-11-10 The latest rice common disease control rice blast also known as rice
  • Control of bacterial leaf spot of Hami melon

    Control of bacterial leaf spot of Hami melon

    Bacterial leaf spot is an important disease of Hami melon. It can occur in protected land and open field. The rate of diseased plants in severe plots or shed is more than 80%. The symptom mainly injures the leaf, when heavy also infects the stem vine and the fruit. blade

    2020-11-08 seed hami melon bacterial leaf spot disease control
  • Summary of spinach varieties suitable for planting in autumn and winter

    Summary of spinach varieties suitable for planting in autumn and winter

    Spinach is a common vegetable, many people like to eat, spinach is rich in iron and carotene, eating has a lot of health benefits. Now it is autumn, autumn and winter is a good time to grow spinach, so which variety is good to plant? Let's get to know Autumn and Winter.

    2020-11-27 Suitable for autumn and winter planting spinach variety summary yes
  • The latest course on the techniques and methods of watermelon pest control

    The latest course on the techniques and methods of watermelon pest control

    Watermelon is an annual vine of the genus Cucurbitaceae. The main diseases are watermelon anthracnose, watermelon quenching disease, watermelon virus disease, watermelon powdery mildew, watermelon blight, watermelon cotton rot, watermelon white silk blight, watermelon vine blight, watermelon brown rot, watermelon brown rot.

    2020-11-10 The latest watermelons diseases and insect pests control techniques methods tutorials
  • How to control the three major diseases of rice?

    How to control the three major diseases of rice?

    How to control the three major diseases of rice? Please introduce the control methods of the three major rice diseases can refer to the following methods for control: 1. Rice blast (1) Leaf blast: dark green, nearly round or oval spot, followed by a slight tip at both ends; usually when there are acute spots or disease centers, especially when nitrogen fertilizer is applied.

  • Occurrence and control techniques of sesame diseases

    Occurrence and control techniques of sesame diseases

    Occurrence and control techniques of sesame diseases

  • Common Rice Diseases and their Control

    Common Rice Diseases and their Control

    In the whole growth period of rice, the common diseases are rice blast, bacterial leaf spot, bacterial blight, sheath blight, rice false smut and so on. The main results are as follows: (1) Rice blast can occur from seedling to heading. According to the symptoms of the disease in different growth stages and different parts, rice blast can be divided into seedling rice blast, leaf rice blast, node rice blast, panicle rice blast and grain rice blast. 1. The main symptoms (1) seedling rice blast: the diseased seedlings turn gray-black at the base of the stem near the soil surface, and the upper part is reddish brown, which makes the whole seedling curl and die. (2) Leaf rice blast:

  • Tomato late blight

    Tomato late blight

    Tomato late blight, which is called persimmon blight by vegetable farmers, is a destructive disease of tomato. -symptom recognition can occur in both seedling and adult stage. When the seedlings fell ill, the leaves appeared dark green flooding spots, which quickly expanded to the petiole and stem, making it thinner and dark brown, causing the whole plant to wilt or fold. When the humidity is high, the disease department.
