
empty bract rate Learn more about empty bract rate

  • How to reduce the empty bract rate of Castanea mollissima

    How to reduce the empty bract rate of Castanea mollissima

    Chinese chestnut is one of the common dried fruits. It tastes delicious. High nutritional value, deeply loved by people, but in the process of planting Chinese chestnut, the reason of empty bud seriously affected the yield of Chinese chestnut. Is there any way to reduce the empty bract rate of Chinese chestnut? The following editor

    2020-11-10 The latest how reduce chestnut empty bract rate is common
  • How to reduce the empty bract rate of Chinese chestnut

    How to reduce the empty bract rate of Chinese chestnut

    How to reduce the empty bract rate of Chinese chestnut

  • How to prevent the chestnut from being empty?

    How to prevent the chestnut from being empty?

    How to prevent the chestnut from being empty? What methods can be used to guide the empty bud of Chinese chestnut, also known as empty canopy, empty shell, fruit growers are called "dumb chestnuts". The empty bract rate of Chinese chestnut is generally about 15%, the high 80%, and some almost the whole plant empty bud. Therefore, preventing empty buds is the key to improve the yield and quality of Chinese chestnut. A reasonable choice.

  • Application of Boron Fertilizer to Chestnut

    Application of Boron Fertilizer to Chestnut

    According to the investigation, there are 15% empty bracts in the normal growth areas, and some even reach more than 50%, which seriously affects the growth of chestnut. Boron deficiency was the main reason for the empty bract of chestnut. Boron fertilizer could obviously inhibit the formation of empty bract and increase yield of chestnut. In spring, chestnut sprout before the ring furrow or hole application...

  • Causes and control of empty buds of Chinese chestnut

    Causes and control of empty buds of Chinese chestnut

    Chinese chestnut, also known as chestnut, Fagaceae, is native to China, distributed in Vietnam, Taiwan and Chinese mainland, growing at an altitude of 370-2800 meters, mostly in mountains, and has been widely cultivated. Chestnut nutrition

    2020-11-08 Chestnut empty bud cause and control chestnut also known as chestnut
  • Chestnut "empty shell" is well controlled


    Chestnut "empty shell" is also called "empty canopy", empty shell rate can reach 30%~90%, affecting chestnut yield. The main reasons for producing empty bract of chestnut are: ① poor pollination and fertilization in flowering stage of chestnut. (2) Boron and available phosphorus deficiency in soil. 3. Influence of other factors. One is variety, different variety, male and female inflorescence quantity is different, all...

  • Supplement micro-fertilizer to Chinese chestnut after production

    Supplement micro-fertilizer to Chinese chestnut after production

    The main reason for the low yield and high empty bract rate of chestnut orchard is that it is not applied or sprayed with boron fertilizer in the process of management. When the content of available boron in soil is less than 0.5 parts per million, it will affect the normal fertilization process of Castanea mollissima, resulting in the early stagnation of embryonic development, thus forming the empty bud of Castanea mollissima. It can be grasped in production.

  • Causes and Prevention methods of Walnut empty Bud

    Causes and Prevention methods of Walnut empty Bud

    Causes and Prevention methods of Walnut empty Bud

  • The causes and preventive methods of the latest walnut empty bud

    The causes and preventive methods of the latest walnut empty bud

    Walnut is one of our common nuts, which is deeply loved by consumers, but the empty bud phenomenon often occurs in the production process of walnut. The so-called empty bud phenomenon means that part of the walnut fruit has no kernel. This phenomenon seriously affects the yield of walnut, so it is

    2020-11-10 The latest walnut empty bud cause and prevention method
  • How to fertilize Chinese chestnut in summer?

    How to fertilize Chinese chestnut in summer?

    How to fertilize Chinese chestnut in summer? Summer is the exuberant period of flowering, fruiting and branch growth of Chinese chestnut, and it is also the first peak period of root growth of chestnut. Lack of nutrition will affect the normal growth of chestnut, resulting in an increase in the number of empty bracts of chestnut.

  • Zinc and Boron should be supplemented in Postharvest Chestnut

    Zinc and Boron should be supplemented in Postharvest Chestnut

    At present, the yield of most chestnut orchards is not high, the plant yield is only 4-5 kg. Many Chinese chestnuts hang fruit trees with bracts and no chestnuts (that is, empty buds). The reason is that in addition to extensive management, it has a great relationship with the application of zinc and boron. Practice has proved that the supplementary application and spraying of zinc and boron micro-fertilizer after fruit picking of Chinese chestnut can promote flower, differentiation and improve flower quality.

  • What are the characteristics of chestnut trees?

    What are the characteristics of chestnut trees?

    What are the characteristics of chestnut trees? Castanea mollissima is the same as other fruit trees in fertilizer requirement. The difference is that it is particularly sensitive to medium element magnesium and small amount of element manganese and boron except for sufficient nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. If it is deficient or insufficient, serious physiological obstacles will occur and affect its growth and development. It has been determined that...

  • How to grow more empty chaff grains in hybrid rice?

    How to grow more empty chaff grains in hybrid rice?

    How to grow more empty chaff grains in hybrid rice? What methods can be used to control the empty seeds of hybrid rice can be controlled by the following methods: 1, according to local conditions, select good hybrid varieties with good recoverability. One is to select varieties with strong tillering ability, sufficient effective panicles, seed setting rate and high 1000-grain weight. The second is to choose.

  • When does the corn apply nitrogen fertilizer? How much is it per mu? What are the fertilization techniques?

    When does the corn apply nitrogen fertilizer? How much is it per mu? What are the fertilization techniques?

    Corn alias maize, stick, Bao Gu, Baomi, Baomi, Zizania latifolia, bract rice, pearl rice, bract lotus, big Reed millet, northeast Liaoning is called pearl grain. It is the crop with the highest total yield in the world. Do you know when it will apply nitrogen fertilizer? One mu should be applied.

    2020-11-09 Corn when apply nitrogen fertilizer one mu how much?
  • What are the main points of planting Chinese chestnut in summer? How to apply fertilizer skillfully?

    What are the main points of planting Chinese chestnut in summer? How to apply fertilizer skillfully?

    Autumn is a good time to eat Chinese chestnut, which is rich in nutritional value and medicinal value. At home, Chinese chestnut is called the king of dried fruit, while abroad, Chinese chestnut is called ginseng fruit. Chinese chestnut is usually planted in spring or autumn, of course, it can also be planted in summer.

    2020-11-08 Summer chestnut planting key points what how skillful fertilization
  • How to fertilize chestnut scientifically?

    How to fertilize chestnut scientifically?

    How to fertilize chestnut scientifically? Please give a detailed description of chestnut fertilizer requirements like other fruit trees, the difference is that in addition to sufficient nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, it is particularly sensitive to medium element magnesium and a small amount of manganese and boron, such as lack or deficiency, serious physiological obstacles will occur and affect growth and development. According to the measurement.

  • High yield planting techniques of Castanea mollissima

    High yield planting techniques of Castanea mollissima

    If we want to have a high yield in the coming year, we must break the practice of planting Chinese chestnut, otherwise it will affect the yield and quality of Chinese chestnut in the following year. In particular, chestnut trees in the full fruit period should do a good job in post-harvest management, focusing on the following four points. 1. The winter pruning date for winter pruning chestnut trees should be arranged in mid-December.

  • Technology of promoting early ripening in Maize

    Technology of promoting early ripening in Maize

    Technology of promoting early ripening in Maize

  • The latest course of fertilization techniques for High yield of Chinese Chestnut

    The latest course of fertilization techniques for High yield of Chinese Chestnut

    Chinese chestnut is mostly planted in mountain areas, which has strong adaptability, but its management is relatively extensive. When Chinese chestnut blossoms and bears fruit, it needs a lot of nutrition to grow. If the nutrition is insufficient, it will lead to a high rate of empty bracts, affecting yield and quality, and reducing income.

    2020-11-10 The latest chestnut high yield fertilization techniques methods tutorials
  • How to manage the popcorn period?

    How to manage the popcorn period?

    How to manage the popcorn period? Please introduce the flowering and kernel stage refers to the period from tasseling to maturity of corn. This stage of vegetative growth basically ends, from the panicle stage of vegetative growth and reproductive growth go hand in hand, into flowering and pollen, fertilization and fruiting as the center of reproductive growth period, is the formation of yield, determine the number of grains per panicle and grain weight.
