
colorless Learn more about colorless

  • Spruce snow mildew

    Spruce snow mildew

    [distribution and harm] the disease occurs in North America, Northern Europe, Japan and other countries, harming fir (Abies), spruce (Picea), willow (Cryptomeriafortunei) and other tree species. In China, it is distributed in forest areas such as western Tianshan, western Junggar and Altai Mountains. The main affected areas are Gongliu, Yining, Tacheng and other places. Seriously ill nursery, the annual loss rate is 330.62%. In artificial regeneration of young forests, the disease is also very serious, especially with seedlings, weak seedlings and bands.

  • When washing clothes, using this kind of water is softer and more colorless than laundry detergent.

    When washing clothes, using this kind of water is softer and more colorless than laundry detergent.

    Clothes are what we wear every day, and choosing clothes is also a necessity for us every day, so a lot of people love beauty, basically changing a set of clothes a day, so our new clothes are basically washed every day, but we all know that clothes.

  • The courtyard without flowers has conquered countless people.

    The courtyard without flowers has conquered countless people.

    The general courtyard is full of flowers, the colors are lively and gorgeous. There is a kind of courtyard, simple and elegant, the use of plain charm, can also conquer your eyes. Plain color belongs to the colorless system, although it is colorless, but in plain color.

  • Potato Plateau No. 8

    Potato Plateau No. 8

    Main characters: plant type erect, less branched, plant height about 80cm, stem green with light purple, strong growth potential; leaves green, hairy, compound leaves large, leaf margin spreading, lateral leaflets 3-5 pairs, closely arranged Inflorescence peduncle light green with a small amount of purple spots, colored petiole nodes, Corolla light purple, colorless tip, medium size, no double, stamens orange, stigma 3-lobed, style longer, ovary colorless, medium amount of pollen, natural fruiting; berries green, small, seeded; tubers large and neat

  • Prevention and treatment of Primula spot

    Prevention and treatment of Primula spot

    The symptoms occur on the leaves. The spot is usually 3-4 mm in diameter, brown, and in severe cases, the diseased leaves die, resulting in fallen leaves. The disease spread from the lower lobe to the upper lobe. The pathogen RamulariaprimulaeThumen is Alternaria alternata. It belongs to a subphylum of semisciferous fungi. Conidiophores protruding from stomata, several branches clustered, extremely short, unbranched, colorless, slightly curved at the end; conidia cylindrical or short rod-shaped, unicellular or bicellular, colorless, 16-24 × 3-4 microns in size. The route of transmission and the conditions of the disease

  • Control of frost blight of growing litchi

    Control of frost blight of growing litchi

    Litchi from young fruit to ripe fruit, fruit stalk and fruiting branchlets can be damaged by litchi downy blight, and the leaves can also occur at high humidity. Local chlorosis on the symptomatic leaves, white mildew layer on the back, fruiting body of the pathogen, but usually at the peak of the disease, the leaves have aged, so the field

    2020-11-08 Species litchi frost blight disease control from childhood fruit to
  • Harm and control of powdery mildew of Angelica sinensis

    Harm and control of powdery mildew of Angelica sinensis

    The pathogen of powdery mildew of Angelica sinensis (ErysipheSP.) belongs to ascomycetes subphylum powdery mildew. The closed capsule accumulates and is buried in the mycelium, spherical or oblate, black or dark brown. The obturator shell contains 6 sub-cysts of 3 Mel. The ascus is subglobose, ovate, colorless, short stalked, thick membrane, and contains 6 ascospores. Ascospores are oval, colorless and transparent, unicellular. The main results are as follows: 1. the harmful symptom is harmful leaves. At the initial stage of the disease, gray-white powdery spots appeared on the leaf surface, and then enlarged and converged into large spots.

  • How much is the tourmaline necklace?

    How much is the tourmaline necklace?

    How much is the tourmaline necklace?

  • Control of diseases and insect pests of atractylodes macrocephala

    Control of diseases and insect pests of atractylodes macrocephala

    Control of diseases and insect pests of atractylodes macrocephala

  • How to prevent and cure the purple feather disease of peanut?

    How to prevent and cure the purple feather disease of peanut?

    How does peanut leaf spot happen? Peanut black spot and brown spot are diseases caused by fungi. The sexual generation of peanut black spot pathogen is Berkeley coccidiomycetes; aspergillum hemispherical, brown to black, buried under the host epidermis, conidiophores; terminal conidia, conidia olive.

  • Cotton white mildew

    Cotton white mildew

    The symptoms occurred in the middle and later stages of cotton growth in each cotton area. The white spot with a diameter of 3-4mm appeared at the beginning of a single leaf vein network, and then became irregular polygonal. The disease spot was light green to yellowish green on the front of the leaf, and there were many white frosty conidiophores and conidia on the back of the leaf. Pathogen RamulariaareolaAtk. It is called white spot column sporulation or cotton column sporulation, which belongs to the subphylum fungus. The conidiophores are colorless, protruding in bundles from the stomata on the back of the leaves, mostly branched at the base, with a dentate tip

  • Spruce snow blight

    Spruce snow blight

    [distribution and harm] Foreign countries are distributed in North America, Northern Europe and Central Asia, harming European spruce (Piceaabies), white spruce (P.glauca), black spruce (P.mariana) and so on. It is distributed in Tianshan Mountain, Altai Mountain, Western Junggar Mountain and Kunqu Mountain in China. Damage to spruce (P.schrenkiana), Siberian spruce (P.obovata), Qinghai spruce (P.crassifolia) and Sichuan spruce (P.balfouria7)

  • Control of black spot disease of growing soybean

    Control of black spot disease of growing soybean

    Soybean black spot is a common disease. The disease harms pods and stems, resulting in stem death, pods are not fruiting, and in serious cases, plants die. The bean grains in the diseased pods were thin and small, which affected the yield and quality, and the commodity value and oil yield of diseased beans decreased. 1)

    2020-11-08 Seed soybean black spot disease prevention and control yes
  • How to prevent and cure ginseng root rot?

    How to prevent and cure ginseng root rot?

    How to prevent and cure ginseng root rot? Please introduce the symptoms of ginseng root rot: it is mainly harmful to seedling roots and stems below the surface. The rotten ginseng root is dark brown and wet rotten, and it is rotten in the later stage, with only hollow root bark left. The shoot of the injured ginseng seedlings had no obvious symptoms in the early stage, and the leaves faded to yellow, wilted and died in the middle and later stage. ...

  • How much is sweet potato starch per jin?

    How much is sweet potato starch per jin?

    How much is sweet potato starch per jin?

  • Control measures of Potato late Blight

    Control measures of Potato late Blight

    Control measures of Potato late Blight

  • Sorghum downy mildew

    Sorghum downy mildew

    Sorghum seedling blight-symptom sorghum can occur when it grows to 4-5 leaves. It begins with the lower leaf and expands upward. The infected leaves produce purplish red stripes and gradually unite, causing the leaves to die gradually from the top and the seeds turn brown. Sorghum seedling blight-pathogen. Fusarium oxysporum, which is called Fusarium moniliforme, is a subphylum fungus. In PDA medium.

  • How to keep the latest Yulu?

    How to keep the latest Yulu?

    Yulu stuffy is to use colorless and transparent plastic products directly on the jade dew, you can open holes to facilitate ventilation, but also can not open holes, which should be combined with their own specific conditions. Plastic cups are generally used to buckle directly on the medium of flowerpots, so the tightness is not

    2020-11-10 The latest Yulu how stuffy that is use colorless
  • Does aquaculture crystal have the same composition as natural crystal? How can consumers tell the difference?

    Does aquaculture crystal have the same composition as natural crystal? How can consumers tell the difference?

    What is aquaculture crystal? Natural crystal is a national defense mineral, natural crystal after electrification will produce continuous and stable high-frequency oscillation, it is mostly transported in the military.

  • Analysis and treatment of Disease symptoms of Ping an Tree

    Analysis and treatment of Disease symptoms of Ping an Tree

    Anping tree disease analysis anthracnose, 1, the symptoms mainly harm the seedling stage and adult leaves. Leaf infection, mostly occurs on the leaf surface, leaf tip, leaf edge, brown, irregular shape, in the later stage often expand or merge into gray-brown spots, edges brown, wavy, there are many small black spots on the spot
