
blind Learn more about blind

  • Blind Toona sinensis: the occurrence of blind Toona sinensis on crops and the control of bamboo blind stink weevil

    Blind Toona sinensis: the occurrence of blind Toona sinensis on crops and the control of bamboo blind stink weevil

    Bamboo blind stink bugs, you must know this kind of pest. Then how to prevent it and eliminate its harm to agriculture? Let's take a look at it. At present, pesticide control can still effectively control bamboo blind stink bugs, but it is not suitable for pesticide control during the continuous bamboo shoot picking period (April-October).

    2019-01-04 Blind Toona sinensis elephant bamboo blind stink bug elephant in crop on occurrence
  • What is the reason for the blind branch of rose?

    What is the reason for the blind branch of rose?

    What is the reason for the blind branch of rose?

  • What is the reason for the blind branch of the latest rose?

    What is the reason for the blind branch of the latest rose?

    The protagonist of this issue is the rose. The rose is a kind of flower with many colors. The flower looks very beautiful and is loved by the growers. Many people often encounter the problem of blind branches of the rose after they buy the rose and go home for cultivation.

    2020-11-10 The latest rose blind branch what is the reason this issue to give
  • There are two blind spots in rose that need to be removed in time.

    There are two blind spots in rose that need to be removed in time.

    Flower friends, in the process of raising the rose, do you often find that the rose has some branches that do not grow buds, and some branches that basically do not grow? these two kinds of branches are the "blind spots" of the rose, which should be cut off in time. So, for.

  • Causes of blind branches and blind flowers of tulips

    Causes of blind branches and blind flowers of tulips

    Tulip belongs to Liliaceae, Tulip belongs to perennial bulb herb. It has tall and straight plants, large and gorgeous flowers, and high ornamental value. However, if the nursing is not proper, tulips are prone to blind branches and blind flowers. The symptoms of blind flowers are that the branches and leaves develop normally, the weak ones lose water, the flower buds are white, the leaves are pointed, and the flower stems are atrophied; in the strong ones, the flower stems are short, the petals remain green or white, and curl with stamens and pistils, which can not open completely. Blind branch, that is, the aboveground part of the plant has only one hypertrophic leaf and no leafy branches.

  • The rose is all blind shoots. What am I supposed to do with you?

    The rose is all blind shoots. What am I supposed to do with you?

    This is the 859th day of the blue demon's daily original article. This article is one of the blue demon's original theories, "three-step method of rose breeding" series of articles click on the top right corner [follow] the blue demon garden headline number, private message reply "flower encyclopedia", presented to you.

  • The obnoxious blind branch of rose raised its hand and cut it a few times to double the number of flowers.

    The obnoxious blind branch of rose raised its hand and cut it a few times to double the number of flowers.

    In the process of planting rose, one of the problems that puzzled me most was the blind branch of rose. What is the blind branch of rose? It is clear that the new buds have just been exposed, some grow well and successfully give birth to buds, and some grow to a certain extent.

  • The reason why your rose doesn't blossom may be because of blind branches.

    The reason why your rose doesn't blossom may be because of blind branches.

    First of all, we need to popularize a knowledge of science-blind branches. generally speaking, blind branches are the phenomenon that branches grow buds but do not grow buds, or grow buds but fail to blossom normally and wither halfway. There are many factors for the blind branches of rose, including the outside.

  • Blind 20-year-old 77-year-old blind florist made heaven with only his hands

    Blind 20-year-old 77-year-old blind florist made heaven with only his hands

    In a small town in England, there is such an old man named Joe Robinson, who is 77 years old and a blind gardener. He was completely blind and could not see any color, but he made a beautiful garden and welcomed gardening love.

  • Is Perciformes blind Cao fish a marine fish? How much is the price per jin? What are the nutritional values? How do you cook it?

    Is Perciformes blind Cao fish a marine fish? How much is the price per jin? What are the nutritional values? How do you cook it?

    The blind Cao fish is known as the golden perch, the blind Cao, a large food and fishing fish of the genus Lateolabrax of the family Percidae. Also known as Nile perch. Is it a sea fish? How much is the price per jin? What are the nutritional values? How do you cook it? From Mawangdui fresh City in Changsha

    2020-11-11 Sea bass blind Cao fish yes sea fish price more less money
  • How to control the blind Toona sinensis by planting cotton?

    How to control the blind Toona sinensis by planting cotton?

    How to control the blind Toona sinensis by planting cotton? Please introduce the method that cotton blind stink bug can cause harm in cotton seedling stage and bud and boll stage. Now it is the bud blooming and boll setting period of cotton reproductive growth, and it is also the main harmful period of blind stink bug, which can cause cotton buds and bolls to fall off. And the current transgenic insect-resistant cotton on the blind Toona sinensis and other piercing.

  • Production of cut tulip flowers and prevention of blind flowers

    Production of cut tulip flowers and prevention of blind flowers

    Tulip (TulipagesnerianaL.), also known as lotus and musk grass, is a perennial bulb ornamental flower of Liliaceae. It is one of the famous flower varieties in the world, known as "king of flowers" [1Jing 2jue 3]. In China, the production technology of box cut tulip flowers, the causes of blind flower formation and prevention techniques are still relatively backward, which restricts the development of tulip cut flower production. The flower base of Hebei Academy of Forestry Sciences has made great efforts to develop soilless cultivation of tulips.

  • Is lettuce blind?

    Is lettuce blind?

    Is lettuce blind? Right. A certain substance in lettuce has a stimulating effect on the optic nerve. It is recorded in ancient books that eating too much lettuce makes people blurred, and if they stop eating for a few days, they can recover on their own, so people with weak vision should not eat more, and people with eye diseases, especially night blindness, should also eat less.

    2020-11-08 Lettuce yes blind vegetables lettuce blind vegetables
  • Prevention and control of cotton blind Toona sinensis

    Prevention and control of cotton blind Toona sinensis

    The occurrence of blind stink bug is very sensitive to the ecological environment. The blind Toona sinensis likes the temperature of 25 ℃ ~ 30 ℃ and the relative humidity of 80% to 90%. The recent wet weather is very beneficial to the occurrence of the blind Toona sinensis. The planting of flower arrangement in cotton field is also beneficial to the parasitism and transfer of Toona sinensis. Now, soybeans, broad beans and other vegetables are interspersed in cotton fields, which is beneficial to their reproduction. Therefore, some cotton farmers in Hanchuan, Yunmeng and other counties and cities in Hubei Province have recently revealed the occurrence and harm of blind stink bugs.

  • Prevent sheep from blindness in spring

    Prevent sheep from blindness in spring

    Sheep eating poisonous Hemerocallis (cauliflower) root will cause poisoning. The clinical manifestations are characterized by blindness, dilated pupils, bladder paralysis, urine accumulation and systemic paralysis, which is called "blindness". In early spring, when the forage grass is green and yellow, when Hemerocallis sprouts, grazing sheep often lead to poisoning after eating, and usually die after 2-4 days. Those with mild poisoning can recover, but those with blindness and dilated pupils can not recover. For this disease, there is no effective detoxification, mainly to do a good job of prevention.

  • Pruning and distinguishing methods of blind branches for the reason why rose does not bloom

    Pruning and distinguishing methods of blind branches for the reason why rose does not bloom

    Now many people like to breed rose very much, but in the process of cultivating rose, others have blossomed. Why don't their own roses blossom? It turns out that there is a blind branch, how to distinguish the blind branch? How to trim it correctly? As long as the rose is cultivated properly

  • Rose leaves green but all blind branches how to do?

    Rose leaves green but all blind branches how to do?

    This is the 892nd day of the Blue Monster Daily Original Article Rose Culture Series: The 89th article Blue Monster has been sharing articles about rose culture in the last two or three months. If you have been reading Blue Monster's articles, you should...

  • Land flow Network "big data": put an end to the blind circulation of land

    Land flow Network

    Land flow Network "big data": put an end to the blind circulation of land

  • Now give flowers a pinch a bury, 1 branch open 10 flowers, want not to burst basin is difficult!

    Now give flowers a pinch a bury, 1 branch open 10 flowers, want not to burst basin is difficult!

    Yangchun March, the temperature gradually rises, the flowers raised at home are also in the flower bud, long new branches, if you only know silly waiting for flowering, do not take advantage of now to give flowers a pinch buried, want to let flowers bloom more and bigger is simply delusional, hurry to see how flowers are done!

  • At present, it is still necessary to prevent cotton blind stink bugs.

    At present, it is still necessary to prevent cotton blind stink bugs.

    This year's cotton pests are different from previous years. In most of cotton growth, the first and second generations of cotton bollworms have not had much impact on cotton. It can be said that cotton bollworms did not occur on a large scale. However, in the later stage of cotton growth, some cotton farmers only pay attention to the control of aphids, but do not pay attention to the control of other insect pests. In fact, the insect pests in the later stage of cotton is often another important factor that cotton can not be high-yielding. The main pest in the later stage of cotton growth is the blind Toona weevil, which belongs to Hemiptera cotton pest, and its fecundity is very strong.
