
Xida Learn more about Xida

  • Points for attention in the use of Amisida

    Points for attention in the use of Amisida

    Matters needing attention in the use of Amisida should not be mixed with strong alkali and strong acid agents, should not be used too many times, and should not be used continuously, and the effect of alternating use with other fungicides is better. When spraying, enough water must be added to make the surface of the garden plants fully contact with the medicine.

    2020-11-09 Ami Xida use precautions
  • Wheat straw fly

    Wheat straw fly

    Scientific name MeromyzasaltatrixLinnaeus Diptera, Stem Muscidae. Distribution from Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, * * in the north, Guizhou and Yunnan in the south, Xida * *, Xizang. It also occurs in Hainan in Qinghai, Ganzi and Aba in Sichuan. The damage is serious in Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and parts of Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu. Host wheat, barley, oats, alkali grass, white thatch and so on. The characteristic of the damage is that the larvae drill into the stem of hosts such as wheat to eat.
