
Sycamore tree Learn more about Sycamore tree

  • What are the varieties of sycamore in France? What's the market price? Is French sycamore a sycamore?

    What are the varieties of sycamore in France? What's the market price? Is French sycamore a sycamore?

    In late autumn, roadside trees begin to shed their leaves one after another. there is a kind of tree whose leaves look like a fat palm and its bark peels off. This kind of tree is today's "protagonist"-French sycamore. French sycamore, also known as split-leaf Platanus, is

    2020-11-27 French sycamore have what variety market price how is
  • The difference between French sycamore, paulownia and sycamore

    The difference between French sycamore, paulownia and sycamore

    Sycamore is a deciduous tree of sycamore family, and it is not related to paulownia (Euphorbiaceae), paulownia of Scrophulariaceae and sycamore (Platycladaceae). The sycamore tree is tall and burly, with a jointless trunk, rising upward, holding a huge emerald-like green umbrella, holding high momentum. The bark is smooth and green, the leaves are thick, from the branch to the branch, a lush, elegant and clean, no wonder people call it "Qingtong". "A green jade stand, a thousand leaves green cloud committee", these two poems, write the Chinese parasol's green leaves and dry, Tongyin whirling scenery

  • Cultivation and management techniques of sycamore in China

    Cultivation and management techniques of sycamore in China

    Chinese sycamore is a large deciduous tree of the genus Polygonaceae, also known as Qingtong and Ma Tong. The tree is up to 15 meters tall with a straight trunk, smooth green bark and beautiful leaves. It is a common ornamental tree species. Next, let's introduce the cultivation and management of sycamore in China.

    2020-11-09 China sycamore cultivation management technology is
  • Is French sycamore a sycamore? the cultivation techniques of French sycamore

    Is French sycamore a sycamore? the cultivation techniques of French sycamore

    Is French sycamore a sycamore? the cultivation techniques of French sycamore

  • Cultivation and utilization of sycamore tree

    Cultivation and utilization of sycamore tree

    Sycamore, as an ancient native tree species, is mostly planted in the courtyard, which is legendary because of the legend of Indus introducing Phoenix. However, it is rarely used as a timber tree, and according to records, wood is used to make wooden boxes and musical instruments. First, the beautiful legend mentions the legend of Wutong introducing the Phoenix, thinking of the story of "planting a sycamore tree to attract the golden Phoenix". According to legend, the Phoenix likes to live in the sycamore tree. In ancient times, it symbolized a good boy, and there was no worry that there would be no girl to marry you. The new era gives new connotations. As long as the environment is good, someone will invest.

  • When do plane trees usually lose their leaves? Is French sycamore really a plane tree?

    When do plane trees usually lose their leaves? Is French sycamore really a plane tree?

    Sycamore trees are also known as Qingtong and Tongma. In the sycamore family, there are 15 classifications of sycamore. Chinese branches include sycamore, Hainan and Yunnan, which usually lose their leaves in late autumn, about October in the north and November in the south. What we are often familiar with.

    2020-11-09 Sycamore general when deciduous French sycamore really
  • How to plant sycamore seeds? can sycamore be planted?

    How to plant sycamore seeds? can sycamore be planted?

    Before sowing, soak the seeds in cold water for a whole night, change the water every 12 hours, light the soaked seeds for about 30 ℃, and sprout in about two days. Sowing: it is suitable to sprinkle the seeds evenly on the ridge surface on a cloudy day or evening, and then use none.

    2020-11-08 Sycamore tree seed how plant sycamore seed can be planted can it
  • How do plane trees survive the winter?

    How do plane trees survive the winter?

    In ancient Chinese legend, Phoenix is a symbol of nobility and splendor in traditional culture. Many legendary guqins are made of sycamore wood and musical instruments made of sycamore wood. Their sounds are melodious, clear and melodious.

    2020-11-08 Plane tree how winter China ancient times legend Phoenix
  • How many years can the plane tree live?

    How many years can the plane tree live?

    Sycamore is a very common tree, many urban roads will plant sycamore, and even the legendary Phoenix non-sycamore does not inhabit, so how many years can sycamore live? First, how many years can the plane tree live? Sycamore trees can generally live for more than a hundred years, in Xinjiang and

    2020-11-08 Plane tree can live how many years plane tree is a kind very common
  • The difference between maple and sycamore

    The difference between maple and sycamore

    The difference between maple and sycamore

  • What is the function of sycamore? how to prune sycamore

    What is the function of sycamore? how to prune sycamore

    What is the function of sycamore? how to prune sycamore

  • How to distinguish between Fatong, sycamore and paulownia

    How to distinguish between Fatong, sycamore and paulownia

    In the construction of urban greening and beautification, it is an important work to identify and plant tree species. The three tree species, Fatong, paulownia and sycamore, look like the three sisters in urban landscaping. In fact, these three tree species are different families and genera, and there are also great differences in shape. Fatong is a large deciduous tree of the genus Platanus of the family Platanus. Fatong is called Fatong because its leaves are like sycamore, which was introduced from abroad in old China and planted in the French concession in Shanghai. Fatong is actually three-ball Platanus and two-ball Platanus.

  • Sycamore in Yunnan

    Sycamore in Yunnan

    FirmianamajorHand.-Mazz. Alias: safflower sycamore, black-skinned sycamore deciduous tree, up to more than 14 meters. Bark greenish black, old bark black, slightly scabrous; branchlets stout, pubescent. Leaves palmately 3-lobed, 17ml 30cm long and 19Mel 40cm wide, often larger in width than length, apex acute. Base cordate, leaf surface glabrous, abaxially densely yellowish brown pubescent, then gradually deciduous, basal veins 5 murine 7; petiole stout, 15 Mel 45 cm long

  • The implication of sycamore

    The implication of sycamore

    Noble character: Indus in the story symbolizes the meaning of noble and beautiful character, the ancients used Indus crazy growth, dressed in brilliant sunrise to symbolize noble and beautiful character. Loyal love: legend has it that Wu is a male tree and Tong Tong is a female tree. They grow old and die at the same time. According to the poet, it has become a symbol of loyal love.

  • How to harvest tree seeds? What are the breeding methods?

    How to harvest tree seeds? What are the breeding methods?

    Chinese parasol tree, also known as green tung, tung hemp, is a deciduous tree, can be as high as 15 meters. Indus tree trunk straight, bark green, smooth, native to China, the northern and southern provinces have cultivation. Its wood is suitable for making musical instruments, bark can be used for paper and rope, seeds can be used for

    2020-11-27 Chinese parasol tree seed how harvest seedling method have which
  • Talking about the control of sycamore planthopper

    Talking about the control of sycamore planthopper

    Sycamore is one of the main urban landscaping tree species in the north, with tall and straight trunk, beautiful leaf shape and good shading effect. However, the harm of sycamore planthopper is great, which greatly affects its ornamental effect. After long-term observation, garden staff gradually found out the law of occurrence and development of sycamore planthopper, carried out effective control, and accumulated some experience, which are introduced as follows for reference and reference. I. damage characteristics and symptoms of sycamore planthopper, also known as sycamore planthopper, which belongs to the family Homoptera. With nymphs, adults in sycamore leaves or

  • American sycamore

    American sycamore

    Who can tell me American sycamore, mainly where to grow, where to sell reply content: American sycamore originated in North America. There is introduction and cultivation in our country. For good garden trees and street trees. If you want to buy, you can register as a member of China Green net (free) and publish your purchase information, and the relevant suppliers will contact you when they see it, or you can search in our supply information and contact the supplier directly. Thank you!

  • The method of sowing and raising seedlings of sycamore in spring

    The method of sowing and raising seedlings of sycamore in spring

    Indus is a deciduous tree of the genus Indus of the family Indus with straight ends and green bark. It is an excellent street tree species and has been widely used in urban and rural greening in recent years. Through several years of practice, the author has explored a set of techniques for raising seedlings by spring sowing of sycamore, which is introduced as follows: the sowing time can be carried out in Beijing Plain from late March to early April after soil thawing in spring. The soil is prepared to turn the soil 30 cm deep before sowing, remove weeds, roots and other sundries, and then do ridges or bed and soil disinfection to do ridges and bed sycamore seedlings should be raised in high beds and wide ridges.

  • What are smelly sycamore leaves? what are the effects of smelly sycamore leaves?

    What are smelly sycamore leaves? what are the effects of smelly sycamore leaves?

    What are smelly sycamore leaves? what are the effects of smelly sycamore leaves?

  • Stinky sycamore that can tolerate salt and alkali

    Stinky sycamore that can tolerate salt and alkali

    Changshan, Haizhou, alias smelly sycamore, paulownia, etc., is a garden plant of the genus Verbenaceae. Originated in East China, Central China to Northeast China, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shaanxi, North China, Yanqing Horticultural Center has been introduced. Most of them were born on hillsides, roadsides, streams and villages. Deciduous shrubs or small trees, twigs brown pubescent, leaves opposite, leaves ovoid, 5-16cm long, apex acuminate, base much truncate, entire or undulate-toothed, both surfaces subglabrous, petiole 2-8cm, corymbose Cymes inserted apically or between axils, fuchsia 5-lobed to base.
