
Shedding Learn more about Shedding

  • How to prevent cotton bud and boll shedding from growing cotton

    How to prevent cotton bud and boll shedding from growing cotton

    (1) the general law of bud and boll shedding ① the ratio of bud and boll shedding in bud and boll shedding, the general trend of the ratio of bud to boll drop is that the boll drop rate is higher than the bud drop rate, and the ratio is about 3:2. At the age of bud and boll shedding in ②, the shedding was the most on the ll~20 day, more than 20 days after budding.

    2020-11-08 Plant cotton how to prevent flower bud boll shedding one
  • Cotton: Proper management can reduce boll shedding

    Cotton: Proper management can reduce boll shedding

    There are three main reasons for cotton bud and boll shedding: one is physiological shedding, which is also the main reason for shedding. Because of the mutual influence of meteorological conditions and nutritional conditions, it leads to metabolic imbalance in cotton plants and insufficient nutrition, resulting in physiological shedding of buds and bolls; The other is that adverse weather conditions aggravate the harm of diseases and insect pests. Cotton aphids, red spiders and other pests bite leaves, reducing the photosynthetic capacity of leaves, resulting in malnutrition of buds and bolls, increasing shedding, excessive spraying, high concentration of liquid medicine, short spraying time interval and other phytotoxicity, which will also increase.

  • Causes and Control measures of Cotton Bud and Boll shedding

    Causes and Control measures of Cotton Bud and Boll shedding

    Causes and Control measures of Cotton Bud and Boll shedding

  • The causes and Control measures of the latest Cotton Bud and Boll shedding

    The causes and Control measures of the latest Cotton Bud and Boll shedding

    The phenomenon of a large number of Lei Ling falling off often occurs in cotton production, which has a huge negative impact on the yield, which seriously leads to the failure of farmers' harvest and seriously affects the economic income. So what is the reason why cotton buds and bolls fall off? How to prevent and cure it? The following editor is big.

    2020-11-10 The latest cotton bud bolls shedding causes and control measures
  • Causes of Bud and Boll shedding in planting Cotton

    Causes of Bud and Boll shedding in planting Cotton

    First, physiological shedding accounts for about 60-70% of the total shedding of buds and bolls, mainly due to improper management and diseases and insect pests, resulting in plant malnutrition and insufficient nutrition needed for bolls. There are mainly the following three aspects: 1. Root system dysplasia and water absorption.

    2020-11-08 Species cotton bud bolls shedding cause one physiology
  • Cause of bone shedding of crab claw orchid

    Cause of bone shedding of crab claw orchid

    Cause of bone shedding of crab claw orchid

  • Causes and control methods of flower bud shedding of four-rowed bean

    Causes and control methods of flower bud shedding of four-rowed bean

    Causes and control methods of flower bud shedding of four-rowed bean

  • The causes of bud shedding of the latest four-rowed bean and its control methods

    The causes of bud shedding of the latest four-rowed bean and its control methods

    Four-rowed beans, also known as winged beans, quadrangular beans, are cultivated in Hainan, Guangxi, Taiwan and other places in China. Not only tender leaves and pods are edible, but also roots are edible, with high nutritional value. However, in the process of planting four-rowed beans, there is always a phenomenon of bud shedding, which is serious.

    2020-11-10 The latest quadrangular beans buds shedding causes and control methods
  • Prevention and control measures of flower and pod shedding of adzuki bean

    Prevention and control measures of flower and pod shedding of adzuki bean

    Prevention and control measures of flower and pod shedding of adzuki bean

  • The latest prevention and control measures for flower and pod shedding of adzuki bean

    The latest prevention and control measures for flower and pod shedding of adzuki bean

    In the process of planting adzuki bean, flowers and pods often fall off, which has a decisive impact on the high yield of adzuki bean, but flowers and pods can be avoided. The following editor brings you the prevention and control techniques of adzuki bean flower and pod shedding. Let's learn about it.

    2020-11-10 The latest red small bean flowers pods shedding control measures adzuki bean in
  • Emergency measures for Cotton Bud and Boll shedding

    Emergency measures for Cotton Bud and Boll shedding

    When cotton grows in high temperature and rainy climate, a large number of buds and bolls will fall off, resulting in plant height, size and emptiness, resulting in a large reduction in yield. According to the causes of different shedding, corresponding emergency remedial measures can be taken. For cotton fields that have been dry for a long time without rain and can not be watered, the leaves of cotton plants are thin and small, the leaves are light green and yellow, the chaff of buds is small, heavy rain falls heavily, light rain falls less, and no rain falls gradually. Remedial measures: 200 grams of multi-element boron fertilizer per mu plus 20 ml of Fengchengning, evenly sprayed with 50 to 60 kg of water, interval

  • Scientific fertilization can reduce cotton bud and boll shedding.

    Scientific fertilization can reduce cotton bud and boll shedding.

    The vegetative growth (root, stem, leaf growth) and reproductive growth (bud, boll, boll growth) of cotton are not coordinated, resulting in the imbalance of the supply, transport and distribution of photosynthates in cotton plants, which is an important reason for the shedding of cotton buds and bolls. Through comprehensive measures centered on fertilization, controlling cotton growth is an important means to reduce cotton bud and boll shedding. Practice has proved that controlling the stem and leaf growth of cotton in the early stage, setting up a high-yield shelf in the middle stage to make it grow steadily and preventing premature senescence in the later stage is an effective way to reduce the shedding of buds and bolls in the middle and lower parts. Therefore, in addition to reasonable close planting, strengthen the water

  • How to increase the proportion of cotton peach by planting cotton

    How to increase the proportion of cotton peach by planting cotton

    The types of cotton bud and boll shedding include physiological shedding, pest damage shedding and mechanical damage shedding. In terms of the reasons for physiological shedding, first, excessive application of fertilizer and water results in prosperous growth, excessive nutrient consumption in the early stage, and insufficient supply in the later stage; second, the density of cotton fields is too high and branches are in short supply.

    2020-11-08 Plant cotton how to improve peach proportion bud and boll
  • Preventive measures for flower and pod shedding of black bean

    Preventive measures for flower and pod shedding of black bean

    Preventive measures for flower and pod shedding of black bean

  • The latest preventive measures for the shedding of flowers and pods of black beans

    The latest preventive measures for the shedding of flowers and pods of black beans

    Black bean not only has a very high nutritional value, it also has a very high medicinal value, with the effect of reducing swelling, moistening lung dryness and heat, promoting blood circulation and promoting diuresis, dispelling wind and removing arthralgia. For the growers who grow black beans, the shedding of flowers and pods is the last thing they want to see, so if

    2020-11-10 The latest black bean flowers pods shedding preventive measures black beans not only
  • The reason for the yellowing and shedding of the leaves of the latest happiness tree

    The reason for the yellowing and shedding of the leaves of the latest happiness tree

    Happiness tree is a large foliage potted plant, generally raised indoors, but mostly in the home and office environment, can absorb harmful substances in the air, with the role of radiation protection. However, in the process of maintenance, the leaves often turn yellow and fall off, which is serious.

    2020-11-10 The latest happiness trees leaves yellowing shedding causes
  • How to prevent the shedding of soybean flowers and pods when planting soybean

    How to prevent the shedding of soybean flowers and pods when planting soybean

    First, topdressing because of the land and the seedlings. The field in which the plant can not be closed in time due to lack of fertilizer at flowering stage can be fertilized again at the early flowering stage. Generally, 5 kg urea or 10 kg ammonium sulfate per mu can reduce the shedding of flowers and pods. Second, spraying fertilizer outside the root. Usually use urine per mu during the flowering and pod period.

    2020-11-08 Species soybeans how to prevent big bean flowers pods shedding one due to the ground
  • Summary of Research on Sepal shedding and persistence of Korla fragrant Pear Fruit

    Summary of Research on Sepal shedding and persistence of Korla fragrant Pear Fruit

    Korla fragrant pear (PyrusbrestschneideriRehd), referred to as fragrant pear, is one of the three famous melon and fruit specialties along with Turpan grape and cantaloupe. It is a pear variety with excellent characters in color, aroma, taste and storage. it enjoys a high reputation in domestic and foreign markets and has become one of the important export agricultural products to earn foreign exchange. However, the exfoliation and persistence of sepals in fragrant pear fruit, coupled with irregular changes in fruit shape and rib grooves in some fruits, seriously affected fragrant pear.

  • There are many measures to prevent soybean from falling flowers and pods.

    There are many measures to prevent soybean from falling flowers and pods.

    The drop of flowers and pods is an important factor affecting the yield of soybean. Under general cultivation conditions, the shedding number of flowers and pods can account for more than 50% of the total number of flowers, and seriously up to 70%. The shedding of soybean flowers and pods is mainly due to the internal physiological imbalance of the plant and poor external environmental conditions. According to our practical experience, the following measures can be taken to prevent the shedding of soybean flowers and pods: 1. Increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, appropriate topdressing nitrogen fertilizer and micro-fertilizer. The application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to soybean can reduce the shedding of flowers and pods and promote the fullness of grains. Therefore, on the basis of applying sufficient base fertilizer, every 66 of the time of sowing

  • Prevention of soybean flower and pod shedding

    Prevention of soybean flower and pod shedding

    First, topdressing because of the land and the seedlings. The field in which the plant can not be closed in time due to lack of fertilizer at flowering stage can be fertilized again at the early flowering stage. Generally, 5 kg urea or 10 kg ammonium sulfate per mu can reduce the shedding of flowers and pods. Second, spraying fertilizer outside the root. In flowering and pod stage, 0.5 kg urea, 1.5 kg superphosphate, 0.25 kg potassium sulfate, 25 g borax and 50 kg water are used to spray the leachate per mu, which is suitable for spraying on cloudy days or after 4: 00 p. M., which is beneficial to flower protection, pod and grain increase.
