
The latest preventive measures for the shedding of flowers and pods of black beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Black bean not only has a very high nutritional value, it also has a very high medicinal value, with the effect of reducing swelling, moistening lung dryness and heat, promoting blood circulation and promoting diuresis, dispelling wind and removing arthralgia. For the growers who grow black beans, the shedding of flowers and pods is the last thing they want to see, so if

Black bean not only has a very high nutritional value, it also has a very high medicinal value, with the effect of reducing swelling, moistening lung dryness and heat, promoting blood circulation and promoting diuresis, dispelling wind and removing arthralgia. For the growers of black beans, the shedding of flowers and pods is the last thing they want to see, so how to prevent the shedding of flowers and pods of black beans? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction.

1. Reasonable close planting

When planting, we should first pay attention to the planting density. In order to increase the yield, some farmers are too dense. In this case, during the flowering and pod stage of black beans, the field is closed, the permeability is poor, and the flowers and pods are crowded with each other, resulting in the weakening of leaf photosynthesis and the lack of synthetic nutrients. At the same time, it will hinder the transport of nutrients, and the phenomenon of flower and pod shedding will occur in this environment. Therefore, excessive density will not play the role of high yield, on the contrary, it will also play a role in reducing yield, so it must be planted in a reasonable density to improve the permeability of the field and increase the yield.

2. Rational fertilization

Black beans need a large amount of fertilizer when growing, so pay attention to this when planting. If the soil is not fertile enough, flowers and pods will fall off because of vegetative growth. Fertilization is mainly based on base fertilizer, supplemented by topdressing, dominated by organic fertilizer and supplemented by chemical fertilizer, especially after the flowering of black beans, but we should also pay attention to the application of nitrogen fertilizer so as not to cause it to grow too much, and pay attention to the combined use of phosphate fertilizer to avoid the shedding of flowers and pods.

3. Proper irrigation

The flowering and podding period of black beans is in the middle of summer, when the high temperature is hot, the soil water evaporates quickly, the soil is prone to drought and lack of water, the root absorption of black beans will be weakened, and the phenomenon of falling flowers and pods will occur at one time. Therefore, after the occurrence of this situation, it is necessary to irrigate regularly in the middle of summer, but it is not suitable for flooding, mainly with small water. if it is watered too much each time, it may lead to too much water, causing its roots to absorb slowly and even unable to absorb nutrients and water. In addition, summer is also a redundant season, in order to avoid soil water retting roots, drainage measures should be done after the rain.

4. Weeding

Weeds should be weeded in time during the growing period, weeds will not only compete with black beans for water and fertilizer, but also lead to closeness in the field and poor permeability, and weeds will also provide the best hidden habitat for diseases and insect pests. In general, flowers and pods will fall off at one time, so for the purpose of increasing production, regular weeding is suggested, which can not only improve the growth environment of black beans, increase permeability, but also reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests.

The above is the introduction of the preventive measures against the shedding of black bean pods. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.