
Setaria Learn more about Setaria

  • Seed price and planting method of Setaria angustifolia

    Seed price and planting method of Setaria angustifolia

    Seed price and planting method of Setaria angustifolia

  • Seed price and planting method of Setaria angustifolia

    Seed price and planting method of Setaria angustifolia

    Setaria przewalskii is a common weed in dry land, which is distributed all over China. Despite the fact that dogtail grass is inconspicuous, its culms and leaves can be used as fodder and have a certain medicinal value. The whole dogtail grass boiled in water can be used to kill cabbage worms. The next one

    2020-11-08 Setaria angustifolia seed price and planting method dogtail grass yes
  • The latest seed price and planting method of Setaria angustifolia

    The latest seed price and planting method of Setaria angustifolia

    Setaria angustifolia, also known as Arrowhead, barnyard grass, hairy dog, etc., is an annual herb of the genus Gramineae. It is native to temperate and warm temperate regions of Eurasia and is now widely distributed in temperate and subtropical regions of the world. Its stalks and leaves can be used as fodder and medicine.

    2020-11-10 The latest bristlegrass seeds prices and planting methods
  • How does dogtail grass spread its seeds?

    How does dogtail grass spread its seeds?

    Dogtail grass, the full name of dogtail grass, is an annual herb of the genus Gramineae, which is a common weed in rural areas. Cattle, donkeys, horses and sheep like to eat it. So, how does dogtail grass spread its seeds? First, how does dogtail grass spread its seeds? Dogtail grass depends on the wind,

    2020-11-08 Setaria angustifolia shit what spread seed Setaria full name dog
  • What kind of plant is the latest dogtail grass?

    What kind of plant is the latest dogtail grass?

    Dogtail grass, also known as Arrowhead grass, barnyard grass, dogtail grass, etc., is an annual herb of the genus Gramineae, distributed all over China, native to temperate and warm temperate regions of Eurasia, and is now widely distributed in temperate and subtropical regions all over the world.

    2020-11-10 The latest dog tail grass what is it plant
  • Sweet potato ground, potato ground hits what herbicide effect is best? What are the precautions?

    Sweet potato ground, potato ground hits what herbicide effect is best? What are the precautions?

    With the modernization of agriculture, farmers also use a large number of high-tech products in agricultural production, such as biological pesticides, pesticide mixtures and a series of chemical products, but the most popular pesticide products are herbicides, so the sales of herbicides have always been pesticides.

    2020-11-09 sweet potato ground potato ground beating what herbicide effect
  • How to control weeds in cotton fields?

    How to control weeds in cotton fields?

    How to control weeds in cotton fields? Please introduce the methods of planting cotton and refer to the following methods to control weeds: (1) the species and occurrence characteristics of weeds in cotton fields China is one of the largest cotton producing countries in the world, with Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu, Hubei, New and Anhui provinces as the main cotton regions. There are mainly 2 weeds in cotton field.

  • What kind of plant is dogtail grass?

    What kind of plant is dogtail grass?

    What kind of plant is dogtail grass?

  • Herbicide-herbicide (sesame)

    Herbicide-herbicide (sesame)

    [trade name] Saturn [generic name] thiobencarb [processing agent] 50% EC, 90% EC [dosage] 2.25-3.0L per hectare, or 1.2l-1.5L per hectare. [usage period] Sesame was applied before seedling after sowing. [control object] barnyardgrass, Patrinia communis, Setaria pratensis, Kentucky bluegrass, sagittaria, Portulaca oleracea and so on. [using technology] liquid injection volume

  • The latest usage of herbicides in Corn Field

    The latest usage of herbicides in Corn Field

    The method of using herbicides in corn field, the main weeds in corn field are Equisetum, amaranth, Equisetum, Saxifraga, Rabdosia rubescens, Solanum nigrum, paspalum, Chenopodium, Chenopodium, Portulaca oleracea, amaranth, Portulaca oleracea, Salvia przewalskii, Saussurea przewalskii

    2020-11-10 The latest corn field herbicide method of use
  • How to control broadleaf weeds in potato field

    How to control broadleaf weeds in potato field

    Now it is the season of no-tillage potato harvest in Guangxi. In the no-tillage potato base of Baqiao Village, Shuangqiao Town, Wuming County, Guangxi, the average yield of no-tillage potato reached 25 sand kilograms per mu, which was more than 1.5 times of the national average potato yield per mu. Sun Huisheng, a famous potato expert, said that no-tillage planting covered with straw in Guangxi.

  • Application of herbicides in Corn Field

    Application of herbicides in Corn Field

    Application of herbicides in Corn Field

  • Herbicide-Weiba (sesame)

    Herbicide-Weiba (sesame)

    [trade name] WhiPSuper [general name] fenoxaprop-p-ethyl [processing agent] 6.9% concentrated emulsion, 8.05% EC [dosage] to control annual grasses such as barnyardgrass, bristlegrass, golden bristlegrass, Matang, etc., with 6.9% Weiba 750mm 900ml or 8.05% Weiba 600-750ml per hectare. Control wild oats with 6.9% dominating 900 million 1050 milliliters per hectare

  • How to weed when planting corn?

    How to weed when planting corn?

    How to weed when planting corn? Please guide the spring sowing corn field to be dominated by perennial weeds, perennial weeds and early spring weeds, such as Bowl flower, field rotation, borage, shepherd's purse, puccinellia oleifera, quinoa, etc., the weed community is generally composed of one or two kinds of weeds, the dominant weeds are Baicao, Datang, dog.

  • Can cotton field weeding use acetochlor?

    Can cotton field weeding use acetochlor?

    Can cotton field weeding use acetochlor? What do you need to pay attention to when spraying acetochlor in cotton fields? Acetochlor is a widely used herbicide. It is one of the most important herbicides in the world and one of the most widely used herbicides in China. Acetochlor on crabgrass,...

  • Herbicide-nazepine (sesame)

    Herbicide-nazepine (sesame)

    [trade name] Nabu [general name] sethoxydim [processing agent] 12.5% oil emulsion, 20% EC [dosage] to control annual Gramineae weeds with 12.5% EC or 20% EC, 1.0 litres per hectare for 2-3 leaves, 1.5 litres per hectare for 4-5 leaves, and 2.0 litres for 6-7 leaves. Under drought conditions, 12.5% of the dosage is the same as above; 2

  • Weeding in Summer Sesame Field

    Weeding in Summer Sesame Field

    Summer sesame seedling stage is in high temperature and rainy season, the root system is few, the growth is weak, and the weeds emerge quickly, the density is large, the growth is vigorous, and the sesame seedlings are easy to cover and form grass shortage, so the corresponding herbicides should be selected at different stages for elimination. 1. Soil sealing treatment after sowing and before seedling emergence. After sesame seeds are sown, spray 50% acetochlor EC 100ml or Dur (72% metolachlor EC) 200ml with 50kg water evenly on each mu to control many kinds of annual grass weeds such as Setaria, Digitaria, Alopecurus chinensis and Eleusine grass, etc.

  • How to use diachlor in tobacco fields?

    How to use diachlor in tobacco fields?

    How to use diachlor in tobacco fields? Please give guidance to tobacco with small seeds and slow seedling growth, which are often harmed by weeds, such as Setaria mandshurica, Artemisia angustifolia, barnyard barnyard, sophora, sedge, pig calamity, plume, plantain, dandelion and so on. The control of weeds in tobacco field can.

  • What kind of herbicide should be used for corn?

    What kind of herbicide should be used for corn?

    What kind of herbicide should be used for corn? What is the method of use? It is rainy in summer, and weeds are common in corn field. the main weeds are Magnolia mandshurica, barnyardgrass, Setaria angustifolia, Euphorbia angustifolia, Portulaca oleracea, amaranth, aconite and so on. Corn seedlings are the most harmed by weeds, so the chemical control of weeds should be.

  • The latest flower words and legends of dogtail grass

    The latest flower words and legends of dogtail grass

    Setaria angustifolia, also known as Artemisia, barnyard grass, Setaria przewalskii, etc., is an annual herb of the genus Gramineae. It grows in the wilderness below 4000 meters above sea level and is a common weed along the roadside. It is native to temperate and warm temperate regions of Eurasia and is now widely distributed in temperate regions all over the world.

    2020-11-10 The latest dog tail grass of flower language and legend