
Rhea Learn more about Rhea

  • Introduction of bird species

    Introduction of bird species

    There are many species of birds, according to the classification, birds can be divided into three heads, namely, flat chest head, penguin head, chest protruding head. A bird, such as an ostrich, that cannot fly for good walking; a bird, such as an enterprise, that is unable to fly for swimming and diving.

    2020-11-11 Bird species introduction bird there are many according to
  • Introduction of African ostrich

    Introduction of African ostrich

    The African ostrich belongs to the ostrich family ostrich, which is the largest bird in the world. The adult bird is 2.5 meters tall and the male ostrich weighs up to 150 kilograms. Lives in the desert grasslands and savannas of Africa, because its feathers, skin and flesh are of high economic value.

    2020-11-11 Africa Ostrich introduction Rhea order Family