
No beating Learn more about No beating

  • How to process garlic into garlic powder

    How to process garlic into garlic powder

    Material selection: garlic with withered leaf yellow straw, big head, white flesh, no diseases and insect pests and no mechanical damage is selected as the raw material to eliminate the unqualified parts. Second, soak: wash the selected garlic in cold water, peel it off, soak it in cold water for about 1 hour, scrub off the skin, pick up the garlic cloves and drain the remaining water. Third, beating: put the drained garlic cloves into the beater for crushing and beating. When beating, add 1tap 3 to the garlic cloves to purify the water; after beating, filter the mashed garlic with coarse gauze to remove residual leather and other sundries. 4. Dehydration: use

  • Which crops can beat paraquat?

    Which crops can beat paraquat?

    Which crops can beat paraquat? Please introduce paraquat in detail, which is a rapid extinction herbicide with contact killing effect and certain internal absorption effect. It can be quickly absorbed by plant green tissue and make it die. It has no effect on non-green organizations. In the soil quickly combined with the soil and passivation, on the roots of plants and more.

  • Garlic powder common indicators

    Garlic powder common indicators

    Garlic powder Garlic powder 1. Select garlic with yellow straw, big head, white petal meat, no diseases and insect pests and no mechanical damage as raw materials when harvesting, and eliminate garlic with small head and petal meat with diseases and insect pests or mechanical damage. 2. Soak the selected garlic with clean water, peel it and divide it into petals, then soak it in cold water for about 1 hour, rub off the leather coat, pick up the garlic cloves and drain the remaining water. Third, beating the garlic cloves drained water into the beating machine or grinder for grinding beating. When beating, add 1/3 of pure water to garlic cloves; after beating, use roving

  • Processing technology of ginseng jujube tea

    Processing technology of ginseng jujube tea

    (1) this product is made of jujube, carrot and vine cyanine as the main raw materials. it has many functions, such as strengthening health brand, tonifying middle and tonifying qi, strengthening muscle strength, beauty and so on. (2) the main raw and auxiliary materials: jujube juice 30%, Fresh Carrot Juice 25%, sesbania juice 30%, sucrose 13%, citric acid 0.20% 0.5%, xanthan gum 0.2% 0.05%, quality improver (sodium hexametaphosphate) 0.1%, edible carmine.

  • What are the management methods of apricot trees after beating fruit?

    What are the management methods of apricot trees after beating fruit?

    What are the management methods of apricot trees after beating fruit? Please introduce some methods to control diseases and insect pests of apricot trees after fruit beating. Apricot trees are often harmed by diseases and insect pests after fruit picking. Spray control should be timely according to the situation to protect leaves and increase nutrition accumulation. Spray growth regulator apricot can be sprayed with multi-effect l-hey solution of 500ppm twice after harvest.

  • Yuan Longping broke tons of grain and the secretary of the county party committee beat rice.

    Yuan Longping broke tons of grain and the secretary of the county party committee beat rice.

    On the morning of October 10, the yield measurement results organized by the Ministry of Agriculture showed that the fourth stage of super rice in Xupu County, Hunan Province, led by Academician Yuan Longping, set a new record of 1026.7 kg per mu. The result is that in Hongxing Village, Hengbanqiao Township, Xupu County, 102.6 mu hybrid rice Y Liangyou 90

    2016-03-20 Yuan Longping broken ton grain and secretary of the county party committee dozen rice October
  • Processing of apricot jam

    Processing of apricot jam

    The technological process is as follows: raw material selection, → raw material cleaning, → cutting, core digging, finishing → softening, beating, → heating and concentration, → canning, sealed → sterilization, cooling → inspection, → labeling → finished products. . Operation points: ① raw material selection: choose fresh apricot without disease and insect pests, mildew-free rot and deterioration, 89 mature fresh apricot. ② cleaning, cutting in half, core digging, trimming: peeling can be done by alkali and peeling. The fruit is soaked in 10%-15% sodium hydroxide solution and boiled for 5 minutes for 10 minutes. Rinse with plenty of water immediately after peeling.

  • Production technology of fish meatballs

    Production technology of fish meatballs

    Fish balls are processed by beating, molding, cooking and so on. Fish balls of good quality have the characteristics of elasticity, toughness and freshness. This paper combines the production experience of traditional fish balls and modern food science. This paper introduces a scientific and reasonable production technology of fish balls: first, the necessary equipment: meat grinder, meatball beater, molding machine, boiling tank, quick-freezing warehouse and so on. Materials required: meat ball crispness enhancer (for fish), carrageenan (Dehui 636), seafood powder, white pepper powder, ginger powder, soybean protein isolate, corn

  • When to beat the foliar fertilizer of corn?

    When to beat the foliar fertilizer of corn?

    Corn is one of the crops widely cultivated in the world, and fertilizing it is to ensure its better growth. For example, the purpose of foliar fertilizer is to make up for the lack of nutrients absorbed by the root system. When will the foliar fertilizer of corn be hit? What should I pay attention to? What is the foliar fertilizer of corn?

    2020-11-08 Corn foliage fertilizer when hit corn yes in the world
  • "Children's slow Food Festival" 4 beat 3-4 Guanshan hydrophilic Park debut!

    The first Taitung slow Food Festival in 2021 is coming! County magistrate Rao Qingling invited adults and children to join hands for a picnic in Guanshan hydrophilic Park from 10:00 to 3 pm on April 3-4. They ate healthily, had fun and felt the slow travel in Taitung.

  • Planting trees in high mountains, planting paulownia in low mountains, beating cattle craftsmen in deep mountains on the road to prosperity.

    Planting trees in high mountains, planting paulownia in low mountains, beating cattle craftsmen in deep mountains on the road to prosperity.

    Planting trees in high mountains, planting paulownia in low mountains, beating cattle craftsmen in deep mountains on the road to prosperity.

  • Questions and answers on Field Management techniques of Cotton at Flower and Boll stage

    Questions and answers on Field Management techniques of Cotton at Flower and Boll stage

    1. What is the flowering and boll period? From flowering to opening bolls, generally from early July to early September, there is a saying that "flowers see flowers 48". In fact, it takes 50-70 days in the Yellow River basin in China. When 10% of the cotton plants in the cotton field bloom, it is called the initial flowering stage; when there is 50% flowering, it is called the flowering stage; when the first fruit node of the fourth fruit branch of 50% of the cotton plant blossoms, it is called the full flowering stage. 2. What are the management principles of the flower and boll period? In the early flowering stage, the vegetative growth mainly changes to the reproductive growth stage, and the management should give priority to control and prevention.

  • What are the skills of beating foliar fertilizer?

    What are the skills of beating foliar fertilizer?

    What are the skills of beating foliar fertilizer? Please guide the method when spraying foliar fertilizer can refer to the following methods: first, to be symptomatic. In order to promote early development or increase 1000-grain weight in later stage, nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer can be sprayed; nitrogen and potassium fertilizer can be sprayed to increase leaf area and promote vegetative growth;

  • Female Internet celebrity beat a pregnant woman to her premature birth Wang Sicong diss. She has an ugly soul.

    Female Internet celebrity beat a pregnant woman to her premature birth Wang Sicong diss. She has an ugly soul.

    Recently, a female online celebrity with 3 million fans has really refreshed the editor's understanding of the world. For the first time to know that there is such a person, there is no lower limit! It is also the first time to be confused, as a public figure.

  • Beat the workbook and talk to the big tree. Meinong's "Children's fun Market" glows on the grass with thousands of people in the countryside.

    Beat the workbook and talk to the big tree. Meinong's

    Beat the workbook and talk to the big tree. Meinong's "Children's fun Market" glows on the grass with thousands of people in the countryside.

  • Processing technology of ginger jelly

    Processing technology of ginger jelly

    Ginger jelly is a rare product on the market, which is because the manufacturer is afraid to increase the cost. In fact, it can add one more variety to the jelly, and it can still sell well in summer or winter, but it just increases the cost of ginger juice. Processing techniques are as follows: 1. Raw material treatment: first, use tender ginger as raw material, wash and peel, then beat by chopping and beating machine. Because tender ginger is used, a small amount of water can be added to beat pulp appropriately. 2. Filter ginger juice: filter and remove residue by manual pressure filtration, heat and boil ginger juice and set aside. Ginger residue can be used to make seasoning powder.

  • When is the right time to beat foliar fertilizer, when can't you do it?

    When is the right time to beat foliar fertilizer, when can't you do it?

    The more suitable time for foliar fertilizer is when the new shoots of tea sprouts in spring, summer and autumn, and when a bud and a leaf first develop. However, attention should be paid to spraying on windless sunny days in the morning or in the evening, in the crop seedling and flowering stage, as well as on high-temperature and rainy days.

    2020-11-08 Beat foliage fat right when can't
  • Processing of clarified peach juice beverage

    Processing of clarified peach juice beverage

    (1) technological process: → washing, → beating, → enzymatic hydrolysis, → juice extraction, → clarification, → blending, → degassing, sterilization, → filling, sealing. (2) Technical essentials: ① raw material selection: select the fruits with good maturity, if the maturity is low, the fruits should be ripened after ripening, and the diseased, insect and rotten fruits should be removed. Rinse with clean water. When the peach hair is too much, it can be washed off with detergent and then rinsed with clean water. ② beating: peach fruit is directly beaten with a beater after being washed, so that the skin and core are separated. Also OK

  • Processing technology of carambola sauce

    Processing technology of carambola sauce

    (1) process raw material selection and treatment → heating softening → shredding → deployment → heating concentration → canning sealed → sterilization and cooling (2) operation key points (1) raw material selection and treatment: select 89 ripe, fresh, normal flavor, disease-free, insect-free, non-rotten fruit, washing, cutting head and tail and edges. Handled carambola strictly prevent overstocking and discoloration. (2) heating and softening: soak the carambola in boiling water and soften for 2-3 minutes, so that the beating and sugar solution can penetrate, destroy its enzyme activity and prevent discoloration.

  • Succulent frozen into Crispy Sugar-Coated Fruit, a simple step, unexpectedly beat the chicken blood-like life!

    Succulent frozen into Crispy Sugar-Coated Fruit, a simple step, unexpectedly beat the chicken blood-like life!

    A flower friend cried to Hua Hua that he had been under Lesser Snow these days, and because he was busy with his work, he forgot all about the meat on the roof. as a result, the meat was frozen like Crispy Sugar-Coated Fruit, but he regretted it to death. Do not worry, according to Huahua method to save, must let the flesh and blood come back to life!
