
May-July Learn more about May-July

  • One cactus has 40 flowers. How many of these varieties have you seen?

    One cactus has 40 flowers. How many of these varieties have you seen?

    Huahua visited our flower friends community today and was scrubbed by the cactus of flower friends! There is a flower friend's cactus, blooming nearly 40 flowers. Oh, my God, I feel like I lost even a cactus if I didn't plant a cactus in summer. Cactus: Venus.

  • Cultivation method of button chrysanthemum in pot

    Cultivation method of button chrysanthemum in pot

    Button chrysanthemum is small white chrysanthemum, Compositae Compositae biennial herbaceous flowers, generally blooming in May-July, flowers shaped like daisies, white, with a strong chrysanthemum fragrance. Here is an introduction to the cultivation of button chrysanthemum in pots. 1. It is generally used to sow button chrysanthemum

    2020-11-09 Buttons chrysanthemums potted plants breeding methods buttons that is small
  • Introduction to the planting method of "plant gold" oat!

    Introduction to the planting method of

    When it comes to oats, most people should be familiar with it. It is not only a kind of miscellaneous grain with high nutritional value, but also a common nutritional tonic, which has the effect of lowering cholesterol and blood sugar, so it also has the reputation of plant gold.

  • How does snow winter in June?

    How does snow winter in June?

    June snow is an evergreen shrub of Rubiaceae, generally flowering in May-July of each year, so how does June snow winter? June snow is Rubiaceae, June snow is an evergreen shrub, plant height up to 90 cm, flowers solitary

    2020-11-08 June snow how winter yes Qian grass of
  • The latest daily maintenance methods of Yu Beauty

    The latest daily maintenance methods of Yu Beauty

    Yu beauty usually blossoms in May-July and will blossom again after autumn if the summer is properly managed. Yu Mei is a taproot flower and is not tolerant to transplantation, because the root system is easy to be damaged during transplantation, and the plant will grow poorly.

    2020-11-10 The latest Yu Mei Human Daily maintenance methods Yu Beauty General
  • In which month does the Phoenix blossom

    In which month does the Phoenix blossom

    Phoenix flowers bloom from May to September. Phoenix flowers can bloom two seasons a year, with May-July as the first season and September blooming as the second season. Phoenix flower is the campus beauty of Hainan University, as well as Xiamen University and Shantou University. Recently, some netizens said that the Phoenix flower is poisonous. Is this true? Together

    2020-11-09 Phoenix flower a few months blossom flower in May-September flowering .
  • A cactus blossoms 40 flowers, these varieties, you have never seen!

    A cactus blossoms 40 flowers, these varieties, you have never seen!

    Huahua visited our flower friends community today and was scrubbed by the cactus of flower friends! There is a flower friend's cactus, blooming nearly 40 flowers. Oh, my God, I feel like I lost even a cactus if I didn't plant a cactus in summer.

  • Gardenia blossoms in a few months

    Gardenia blossoms in a few months

    The flowering period of Gardenia jasminoides is from March to July each year, and the specific time of flowering varies from region to region. The temperature in the north is lower and the flowering time is later, usually in May-July, while the temperature in the south is warmer, so it will blossom earlier, usually in

    2020-11-09 Gardenia flowers months flowering gardenia is in every year
  • It takes only a small bowl of gardenia flowers to bloom in a small bowl in 5 days.

    It takes only a small bowl of gardenia flowers to bloom in a small bowl in 5 days.

    Gardenia evergreen all the year round, green and white, fragrant and pleasant, flowering in May-July, many gardenia flower friends should have a deep feeling, often yellow leaves, and bud drop in the flowering period is also very distressing. Now it's the gardenia.

  • The economic value of honeysuckle

    The economic value of honeysuckle

    Honeysuckle (LonicerajaponicaThunb) is a perennial semi-evergreen vine of honeysuckle family, also known as honeysuckle. The length of the vine can be up to 8 Mel 9 meters, and the stem is hollow. Leaves simple opposite, entire, ovate. Flowers born in pairs in leaf axils, with total pedicels, bracts leaflike; Corolla lip-shaped, upper lip 4-lobed erect, lower lip reversed; flowers at the beginning of blooming white, and then gradually become golden, florescence on the same vine of different ages of flowers yellow and white, hence the name "honeysuckle", florescence May-July. The berries are globose, mature

  • How and when to grow beans

    How and when to grow beans

    The planting time of eyebrow bean: open field planting is generally carried out in summer, may-july in yangtze river basin and june in north china. Selection of sites: should be selected rich in humus warm areas planted. Soil preparation and seeding: weed removal, soil tillage and application of decomposed farm manure,

    2020-11-08 eyebrow beans planting time and method abstract
  • Planting time and method of green onion

    Planting time and method of green onion

    Planting time: from May to June in spring, from September to November in summer and autumn, and from November to December in winter. Planting method: raise seedlings in fertile land, then apply appropriate amount of compound fertilizer, Fulandan, carbendazim powder, and then choose the appropriate planting time.

    2020-11-08 Green onion planting time and method summary spring
  • Seedling raising technique of Robinia pseudoacacia

    Seedling raising technique of Robinia pseudoacacia

    Black locust (RobiniahisPida). Safflower Robinia pseudoacacia, also known as Robinia pseudoacacia, is a small deciduous tree or tree of the genus Robinia pseudoacacia in Leguminosae, branchlets, pedicels and petioles densely covered with brown fine prickles, famous for its beautiful shape and colorful flowers, its rose red or lavender flowers, pods 5m long, with glandular bristles, florescence May-July, is a rookie of garden trees, usually using Robinia pseudoacacia as rootstock for grafting propagation. Native to America, it is cultivated and propagated by grafting in Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, Henan and Liaoning.

  • The method of making bonsai in June how to water the snow in June

    The method of making bonsai in June how to water the snow in June

    June snow, is a small evergreen shrub of Rubiaceae, the plant growth is not high, every May-July will open reddish or white flowers, beautiful posture, and do not have high requirements for soil and other conditions, so many people use June snow plants to make bonsai for viewing. that

    2020-11-08 June snow bonsai production method potted plant how watering
  • Rosewood florescence

    Rosewood florescence

    The flowering period of mahogany is from May to July. However, it generally takes two or three years to blossom, and the flowering period can reach about 200 days after flowering. If we give 4-6 hours of light every day, water once every two or three days and do some basic management work such as ventilation, the whole flowering period can be extended to October-November.

    2020-11-09 Red wood incense florescence red flowering in May-July. but
  • Sea immortals are so chic, will you like them?

    Sea immortals are so chic, will you like them?

    Sea immortal is a deciduous shrub, colorful and colorful, with high ornamental value, blooming in late spring and early summer, symbolizing the link between the past and the future, carrying on the past and opening up the future, deeply loved by people!

  • Colored leaf landscape tree species: red leaf cherry

    Colored leaf landscape tree species: red leaf cherry

    Red-leaf cherry: a variety of magnificent cherry blossoms, deciduous small trees, pink double flowers. The leaves are purple in three seasons, dark red in early spring, bright red in May and July, dark purple in late autumn and orange in frost season. Cherry blossoms are famous flowers and trees. Red-leaf cherry blossoms can not only see flowers but also leaves. They are precious ornamental color-leaf trees in landscape gardens and urban greening, and they are also the most promising tree species.

  • How to raise lilies in family farming

    How to raise lilies in family farming

    How to raise lilies in family farming

  • What season is spinach a vegetable?

    What season is spinach a vegetable?

    Spinach is a spring vegetable. Now, due to the progress of planting technology and the cultivation of out-of-season vegetables in the greenhouse, spinach can be eaten in all seasons. Spinach is a vegetable in what season spinach is divided into spring spinach, summer spinach and winter spinach. 1. Spring spinach is in bloom

    2020-11-09 Spinach what is it season vegetables spinach yes spring
  • Is perfume pineapple pineapple? Introduction to the fruit characteristics of Taiwan Tainong No. 11 perfume pineapple

    Is perfume pineapple pineapple? Introduction to the fruit characteristics of Taiwan Tainong No. 11 perfume pineapple

    Tainong No. 11 is also called perfume pineapple. Because the fruit has special fragrance, it is commonly known as perfume pineapple. What kind of fruit characteristics does this kind of pineapple have? Fruit characteristics: medium plant, erect leaves, unarmed leaf margin, cylindrical fruit, slightly raised fruit, more fruit juice.

    2019-05-13 Perfume pineapple yes Mo Taiwan Tainong ten number one