
It takes only a small bowl of gardenia flowers to bloom in a small bowl in 5 days.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Gardenia evergreen all the year round, green and white, fragrant and pleasant, flowering in May-July, many gardenia flower friends should have a deep feeling, often yellow leaves, and bud drop in the flowering period is also very distressing. Now it's the gardenia.

Gardenia evergreen, green leaves and white flowers, pleasant fragrance, flowering in May-July, many gardenia flower friends should have deep feelings, often yellow leaves, and in flowering bud drop is also severe, let people very distressed.

Now is the gardenia flowering, you raise gardenia bloom it? Today, flowers will introduce some tips for raising gardenia flowers, so that they can not stop flowering, big and white.

In the normal maintenance process, Gardenia leaves will turn yellow, but also bud, this is not enough nutrients, in addition to phosphorus and potassium elements, but also need other elements, you can make some "flowering fertilizer", so that it does not yellow leaves, do not drop buds.

Specific practice: prepare a clean mineral water bottle, want to add vinegar and honey, the ratio control is about 1:5, and then exchange diluted 500 times, the lid is tightened and gently shaken, there are distillers 'grains at home can put a little in, accelerate fermentation, put in bright astigmatism, let it fully ferment, almost three days or so lid unscrew to breathe, ten days or so fermentation is good.

With fermented solution, and water exchange diluted 50 times, can be poured directly to gardenia or diluted 100 times spray leaves, 5 days a small bowl, can prevent leaves yellow, do not drop buds, promote flowering.

Note: If the flower friends are too troublesome, you can use ferrous sulfate directly, and the effect is also very good.

Special attention should be paid to these three points during flowering:

1, like wet

Gardenia likes humidity, high temperature and dryness in summer, so it should be given water frequently, the air humidity should not be lower than 70%, otherwise it will affect flower bud differentiation and bud growth, and it should not be too wet, otherwise it will cause rotten roots and yellow leaves to fall off.

Water can be poured once a day, tap water should be allowed to stand for more than a day to volatilize chlorine, etc., or water can be sprayed frequently to the leaves and surrounding areas, but be careful not to spray water on the flowers, otherwise the flowers will rot and fall off.

2. Spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution

When the flower is pregnant, 0.1 potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed every week, which can promote the flowering of Gardenia and prolong the flowering period.

3, pruning

To prune off yellow leaves, old leaves, residual leaves and overlapping dense parts in time, you can also prune some dense buds, trim off relatively thin ones, avoid excessive consumption of nutrients, concentrate on feeding, so that flowers bloom constantly, big and white.

Gardenia maintenance is introduced here, flower friends have other supplements, can share with you in the comment area below oh, want to know more flower cultivation knowledge, can pay attention to flowers see guests oh!