
Look Learn more about Look

  • Know-how to see the value of these five-year-old jade fans?

    Know-how to see the value of these five-year-old jade fans?

    Thank you for the material of the Moon Fire Machine Gun. Not much to say. Look at the picture! Okay, no more talking, look at the picture! Okay, no more talking, look at the picture! Okay, no more talking, look at the picture! Okay, no more talking, look at the picture! Okay, no more talking, look at the picture! Well, not much to say, look at the picture!...

  • It is said that succulent plants look good. What about these fairy ball brocades?

    It is said that succulent plants look good. What about these fairy ball brocades?

    Thank you Mengxuan for his hard work. Let me be lazy. Look at the picture. If you have any questions, I will reply to the code word. If you have any questions, let me be lazy. If you have a problem, let me be lazy. If you have any questions, I will reply the code word.

  • Look at the food trough feces, eat the belly, raise the calf well, learn to look at the four

    Look at the food trough feces, eat the belly, raise the calf well, learn to look at the four

    Look at the food trough feces, eat the belly, raise the calf well, learn to look at the four

  • Bonsai appreciation: look at figure 1 the curved and enchanting branches of this bonsai look like a monster.

    Bonsai appreciation: look at figure 1 the curved and enchanting branches of this bonsai look like a monster.

    Look at figure 1 of this bonsai, the curved and enchanting branches look like monsters, and the winding posture is really unique. ...

  • Eight look at sheep disease

    Eight look at sheep disease

    With the adjustment of animal husbandry breed structure, Boer goat breeding has become the first choice for farmers to become rich and well-off. Boer goat is an exotic breed with small quantity and high price. in addition to strengthening feeding and management, the growth activities of Boer goat should be observed frequently to ensure timely treatment and reduce loss in the early stage of illness. Generally through the following aspects of careful observation and comprehensive judgment of whether the disease. 1. Look at the look. The healthy Boer goat is energetic, agile and bright-eyed. The sick sheep are mentally dull, like to lie down, droop their heads, shed tears, and are afraid of light. 2. Look at the mining

  • The bonsai of succulent plants will look good if they are planted casually.

    The bonsai of succulent plants will look good if they are planted casually.

    Succulent plant bonsai, any plant appears to be very good-looking succulent plant bonsai, casually.

  • "Seven look" method to feed the rabbit.

    "Seven look" method to feed the rabbit.

  • "Seven look" to check silkworm disease

    Look at development: healthy silkworms develop and grow neatly. If the body is enlarged, the development is too fast, and the age is obviously shortened, we should be on guard against the occurrence of silkworm pus. If the body is too thin and of different sizes, we should be on guard against short silkworm disease, chelating of golden caterpillars, exhaust gas poisoning and so on. Look at eating mulberry: there is a sound of eating mulberry, if the voice is low or silent, we should be on guard against silkworm disease. Pesticide poisoning. Silkworms will crawl and gradually stop eating and spit milk. Look at the behavior: the behavior of healthy silkworms is lively, alert and responsive. Unhealthy silkworms react abnormally. For example: ① crawling mania with purulent disease

  • Several new species collected from the mountains of Guangxi

    Several new species collected from the mountains of Guangxi

    In the past two years, the team has been developing and selecting new products from the mountain, and there have been several ways to promote the collection. These include (Zhaojun, Meiyan, Song Yu, Fan Dai Chunshan, Cailu, Lijiang God, Cherry, etc.). There are still some not yet.

  • Why do you like bird tongue and yellow poplar? Enjoy the boxwood bonsai, just look at these points.

    Why do you like bird tongue and yellow poplar? Enjoy the boxwood bonsai, just look at these points.

    Why do you like bird tongue and yellow poplar? Enjoy the boxwood bonsai to see these things. Why do you like boxwood with finch tongue? Enjoy the boxwood bonsai to see these things. Why do you like boxwood with finch tongue? Enjoy the boxwood bonsai to see these things. Why do you like boxwood with finch tongue? ...

  • The beautiful cactus blossomed in the middle of summer.

    The beautiful cactus blossomed in the middle of summer.

    See other people blossom like flowers, see yourself alone, see others bloom like flowers, see your own form.

  • Global water shield look at China China water shield look at Chongqing

    Global water shield look at China China water shield look at Chongqing

    Global water shield look at China China water shield look at Chongqing

  • What does the crystal vine look like?

    What does the crystal vine look like?

    Now there are many kinds of grapes on the market, and the price of each variety is not the same. Crystal grapes are very popular in the market at present. Do you know what crystal vines look like? Let's have a look! What does the crystal vine look like? the appearance and common appearance of the crystal vine

    2020-11-08 Crystal vine look what now the market face grape
  • Double-spore mushroom spray water must be "five look"

    Double-spore mushroom spray water must be

    Look at the weather. Sunny and dry weather or when the temperature is appropriate should spray more water; rainy weather or when the temperature is high, low should spray less or stop spraying water. Second, look at the mushroom house situation. The mushroom house with serious air leakage and poor heat preservation should spray more water and less ventilation; the mushroom house with no serious air leakage and strong moisture retention should spray less water and pass more water.

  • It's okay to look like an animal. You look like a talented person.

    It's okay to look like an animal. You look like a talented person.

    Orchid plants are really very easy to grow strange flowers, it is extremely easy to look like animals, and many orchid varieties have grown in more difficult shapes, such as looking like a person. Down.

  • The hot June is coming soon. Don't look at the green plants. Look at some beautiful flowers.

    The hot June is coming soon. Don't look at the green plants. Look at some beautiful flowers.

    It's hot summer again, and in addition to the hot sun, the exciting World Cup is about to begin. Hot June is coming! Don't look at the green plant, look at some beautiful flowers! Come and listen to the editor, our little boy next month.

  • What does Gastrodia elata look like

    What does Gastrodia elata look like

    Gastrodia elata is one of the common traditional Chinese medicine, many growers have begun to plant Gastrodia elata, so what does Gastrodia elata look like? Let's take a look. What does Gastrodia elata look like? Saprophytic herbs. Plants 30-100 cm tall, sometimes up to 2 m; rhizomatous

    2020-11-08 Gastrodia elata what does the tree look like is a kind of common traditional Chinese medicine
  • Green Luo, stop pruning these two points and look at the green Luo so that it will look good.

    Green Luo, stop pruning these two points and look at the green Luo so that it will look good.

    The green turnip grows tall is a kind of natural growth law, so the green radish grows taller, what should we do after all? Let's take a look. The first reason for growing taller is that green turnips grow tall is not a disease, but a natural growth law. It.

  • How do you know the soil is fat and thin?

    How do you know the soil is fat and thin?

    How do you know the soil is fat and thin? Please introduce how to know how to distinguish between fat and thin soil by referring to the following methods: look at the color of the soil. The color of fertile soil is darker, while that of lean soil is lighter. Second, look at the depth of the soil. The fertile soil layer is generally more than 60 cm, while the lean soil is relatively shallow. Third, look at the tillability of the soil. The fertile soil is loose.

  • Reasonable attention should be paid to "Nine look and Nine taboos" in Mushroom Water Management

    Reasonable attention should be paid to

    Reasonable attention should be paid to "Nine look and Nine taboos" in Mushroom Water Management
