
Lancai Learn more about Lancai

  • Emperor Suhanlan

    Emperor Suhanlan

    Guilin downhill new product broad leaf kind of cold element. Selected by local orchid friends with flowers in 2011, there were 12 seedlings + 2 (head) in total from three heads with one arrow at that time to re-blooming this year. Lancai was destined to buy most of the seedlings. Large-leaf variety Hanlan common chicken claw valve, holding tip long, outer valve slender, long pointed tongue, and grass type tall and powerful, common leaf length is larger than.

  • Pictures of Jian Lan Caifeng, when will Jian Lan Caifeng blossom?

    Pictures of Jian Lan Caifeng, when will Jian Lan Caifeng blossom?

    Caifeng orchid is one of the multi-color flowers in Jianlan varieties, which is popular in Guangzhou and Shantou, and Caifeng is also selected in Shantou. This kind of flower is a double product, because its leaf buds are green, round and yellow, and some of them have to wait until they are mature.

    2019-03-20 Jianlan Caifeng pictures Qinhua Qinya Mojian Lancai Phoenix
  • The personality of Cai, the editor said to you.

    The personality of Cai, the editor said to you.

    Hogwash, also known as Lancai, is an aquatic herb. Like still water, the leaves are round or oval, floating on the water surface. From May to October, there will be little yellow flowers, gorgeous and flourishing, and it couldn't be better to decorate the water!

  • The Culture method of Artemisia angustifolia

    The Culture method of Artemisia angustifolia

    Nymphoidespeltatum: Gentianaceae: Gentianaceae. Morphological characteristics: perennial floating herbs. Long branches prostrate on the bottom of the water, and short branches grow from the nodes of the long branches. Leaves ovate, base parted into heart-shaped. Umbels born in leaf axils with large and conspicuous flowers
