
Duanxiu Learn more about Duanxiu

  • Duanxiu Mei Jianlan

    Duanxiu Mei Jianlan

    Duanxiu plum leaves are not high, so strong seedlings (about 30 cm long leaves about 1.4 cm wide) 1-2 leaves are more upright middle leaves or the end of the fourth leaf looks like a dew leaf (with finger prints), the petiole ring is low and the Reed head is round. The flower is small and blossoms five. The proportion of flowers and leaves is coordinated, the flowers are correct, and the five-petal nest silkworm moth is happy.

  • How big is the lotus in Chunlan Duan? how much is the market price in Chunlan Duan Xiu?

    How big is the lotus in Chunlan Duan? how much is the market price in Chunlan Duan Xiu?

    Chunlan Duan Xiuhe, because the flowers are dignified and beautiful, and are lotus petals, so they are named Duan Xiuhe. Duan Xiuhe was selected and planted by Mr. Yang Zu (Chen). This kind of orchid is the outstanding one among the lotus petals of Chunlan, and it is seldom spread in China. The price is very high. Show the Dutch flower

    2019-03-17 Spring orchid Duanxiu lotus have how big price one seedling more
  • How to distinguish orchid hormone grass (figure)

    How to distinguish orchid hormone grass (figure)

    In orchids, there are some flower friends often say hormone grass (orchids that have played a certain hormone). Some flower friends have summed up some pictures and texts on how to distinguish orchid hormone grass, which can be used for reference for novice flower friends. In this paper, let's first look at how to grow hormone grass, and then to distinguish orchid hormone grass. ...
