
Ding Zi Learn more about Ding Zi

  • Cymbidium cymbidium

    Cymbidium cymbidium

    Guan Ding, Huilan old eight kinds of red Christine "second master". (eight kinds of Cymbidium are: freshman, Shanghai Mei, Pan Lv, Dang Zi, Cheng Mei, Guan Ding, Yuan Zi, Ding Zi) Why do you say "second Master"? Because it is old and ranks second. Guan Ding came from the Wanhe Hotel in Suzhou in the early Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, so it was also known as "Wan Hemei". By.

  • Selection and recommendation of Cymbidium varieties

    Selection and recommendation of Cymbidium varieties

    Tiantai Hu Jiang teacher selected and bred, Mr. Hu said before his death that the flower was bought in the hands of mountain farmers, but he could not confirm which mountain was dug up. However, several of the series of spring orchids he selected and bred have been named Huading, so they named the flower Huadingsu. The downhill grass is tall and rough, and the grass raised by Mr. Hu in the early stage is also relatively tall, with a leaf frame of up to 30 cm.

  • Summary of existing traditional varieties of Cymbidium

    Summary of existing traditional varieties of Cymbidium

    The flower demon was named after the primary election, and was later officially named "Crimson Pearl" by Mr. Wu Yuliang in Xiamen. "Crimson Pearl": the outer three petals together with two handfuls of petals are purple red, and the large and round tongue petals are called "beads".

  • Flowering stage of Handingzi

    Flowering stage of Handingzi

    Han Dingzi, also known as Crab Eye. The flowers are rich in colors, and bouquets made of this flower can often be seen at some weddings. So when is the florescence of Han Ding Zi? The flowering period of Handingzi blossoms from spring to autumn. It blossoms in the shape of ten colors.

    2020-11-09 Cold Ding Zi florescence Han also known as Crab Eye. Design and color
  • Collection of national orchid seal names

    Collection of national orchid seal names

    Collection of national orchid seal names

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Kudi Ding

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Kudi Ding

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Kudi Ding

  • Appreciation of Chinese Cymbidium

    Appreciation of Chinese Cymbidium

    Huilan's word "Hui" has appeared in the songs of Chu by qu Yuan, a great poet of the State of Chu during the warring States period. His words said: "since Zilan Xi Nine Yun (one mu 12 mu--...

  • Orchid friends love orchid ranking.

    Orchid friends love orchid ranking.

    Spring orchid lotus-shaped special pigment "Yulinsu", Guizhou, even with crystal, flower shape correct, overall elegant, strong grass flowering outer petal also with crystal, large round tongue, hemp shell crystal lotus element. This grass is selected in the field by Lan you Liu Qiang from the dragon root grass collected in Guizhou, with invisible crystal and crystal lotus-shaped tongue.

  • Appreciation and terminology of orchids

    Appreciation and terminology of orchids

    Through long-term domestication and cultivation of local orchids in China, there are many horticultural varieties. In order to sum up and distinguish, and to achieve a unified understanding, the previous artists of orchids had certain evaluation conditions and norms for each component of orchids according to their experience. Hence the emergence of special terms. These terms are not botanical names, but only magnolia.

  • The Story of celebrities and Orchids

    The Story of celebrities and Orchids

    Bright red U lip flaps, blossoming consistent, shoulder flat flowers keep good, light fragrance is not very good, should be Chunlan and Douban hybrid!

  • Market price of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

    Market price of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

    Market price of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

  • Common orchid species and their main horticultural varieties in China

    Common orchid species and their main horticultural varieties in China

    There are many kinds of terrestrial orchids in China. After long-term introduction and cultivation, many varieties with certain ornamental value have been gradually selected and bred. According to the different flowering seasons, those with one stem and one flower in February and March are called Cymbidium; those with several flowers per stem in mid-spring are called Cymbidium; those with more than one flowering stem in June and July are called Cymbidium.

  • Cultivation techniques of Vitex mandshurica Picture

    Cultivation techniques of Vitex mandshurica Picture

    Cultivation techniques of Vitex mandshurica Picture

  • How can the seeds of Shanding be planted?

    How can the seeds of Shanding be planted?

    Shan Ding Zi, also known as Bauhinia, is a deciduous tree born in hillside trees and shady shrubs in the valley. It is an excellent ornamental tree species. Wood can be used for engraving, cabinetwork, tool handles, etc., how can the seeds of that Shan Ding tree be planted? 1. Shan Dingzi

    2020-11-08 Mountain Dingzi tree seed how the seed can come out mountain tree again famous mountain
  • The efficacy and function of semen Celosiae

    The efficacy and function of semen Celosiae

    The efficacy and function of semen Celosiae

  • A Complete Collection of Chinese Spring Orchid Varieties

    A Complete Collection of Chinese Spring Orchid Varieties

    Spring orchid crystal lily, once in Jiangsu (Suzhou) spring orchid exhibition won awards.

  • A brief introduction of Orchid Culture in Shanghai

    A brief introduction of Orchid Culture in Shanghai

    Red Furnace Snow Shanghai in the Spring and Autumn period for Ji Hou State Wu, the warring States period for the Chu Chunshenjun feudal city, began to build the city, "Shencheng" is also the nickname of Shanghai now. The tradition of "three thousand guests under the Chunshen Gate" does not seem to be accidental. It has been branded with the character of Shanghai culture during the warring States period. Culture, definition five.

  • Chunlan Dafugui holographic archives

    Chunlan Dafugui holographic archives

    For Chunlan lotus petal inscription great wealth of this variety, orchid friends are all too familiar with. However, since ancient times, there must be Li Kui, and now there are too many "pseudo-rich" in the name of "great wealth". The text of the Lan Hui Little History says: "Shanghai flower cellar came out in the first year of Xuantong. ...

  • Little wildflowers of childhood, you win by knowing their names!

    Little wildflowers of childhood, you win by knowing their names!

    March season, wildflowers are in succession in the roadside is not to see a lot? Today, Huahua will bring you to enjoy the next ten common small wildflowers ~

  • Ganoderma lucidum bonsai modeling considerations

    Ganoderma lucidum bonsai modeling considerations

    1. Step by step, make each bonsai as the best. In addition to agile and ingenious thinking when cultivating Ganoderma lucidum, patience and care are needed in the later synthesis: the first step is to dry, sort and select spare rocks, coarse sand, stumps and dried foil mosses, branch-like underground and Selaginella, raw gypsum powder for fixation, pavilions and other small miscellaneous pieces; The second step is modeling, first from a single Ganoderma lucidum pictographic ideas such as "stand alone","auspicious grass","auspicious", etc., and then
