
Cut flowers Learn more about Cut flowers

  • After the flower fades, 8 buds will pop out in 3 days, and the pot will burst in 20 days!

    After the flower fades, 8 buds will pop out in 3 days, and the pot will burst in 20 days!

    Some flowers no longer bloom after a crop, but some flowers can bloom for several crops in a row, and the difference lies in whether they are pruned or not. Today, Huahua teaches you post-flower pruning skills, feed the flowers after cutting, rub and burst again!

  • Pruning and management techniques of cut rose

    Pruning and management techniques of cut rose

    In order to ensure the high quality and high yield of cut roses, the cuttings are generally replaced every 3~4 years and the grafted seedlings are replaced every 5~6 years. In recent years, the planting of cut rose varieties has been replaced with the change of popular varieties in the market. There are differences in leaf shape, axillary bud shape, axillary bud growth speed and flower type among different varieties of rose branches. The bud at the top of the branch develops into flower bud and blossoms at the earliest, and 1~6 axillary buds below the flower develop new branches in turn and grow in turn to form flower bud and bloom; the axillary buds at the base and middle of the branch form flowers.

  • Adopting Cold Storage Technology of fresh cut Flowers to improve Flower quality

    Adopting Cold Storage Technology of fresh cut Flowers to improve Flower quality

    Adopting Cold Storage Technology of fresh cut Flowers to improve Flower quality

  • The rose gardenia clicked and the bud rubbed and burst the pot.

    The rose gardenia clicked and the bud rubbed and burst the pot.

    Do you know why your flowers don't bloom? Not knowing how to trim is a big reason! Flowers can not control how many branches should grow, how many buds should be bulged, the responsibility is all on the master. Today, let's learn about these five kinds of flowers with Huahua.

  • Conservation Methods of Fresh Cut Flowers of Freesia

    Conservation Methods of Fresh Cut Flowers of Freesia

    Because of its rich colors, flowers, ornamental value is often used as ornamental potted cultivation, and can be both soil culture, but also hydroponics. Not only that, but it is also usually applied to fresh cut flowers, inserted into glass bottles for maintenance, often with a pleasing feeling for individuals. so

  • Rose gardenia. Click a knife, the bud rub off, burst the basin!

    Rose gardenia. Click a knife, the bud rub off, burst the basin!

    Do you know why your flowers don't bloom? Not knowing how to trim is a big reason! Flowers can not control how many branches should grow, how many buds should be bulged, the responsibility is all on the master. Today, let's learn the pruning methods of these five kinds of flowers with Huahua.

  • Why are your roses and roses getting smaller and smaller? The reason is this.

    Why are your roses and roses getting smaller and smaller? The reason is this.

    Some people ask why their roses are getting smaller and smaller. One of the possible reasons is that there is no pruning, of course, it needs to be trimmed correctly, but you can't do it randomly! Garden rose pruning: first of all, the general garden roses, this bag.

  • The sooner the rose is raised, the more it will help it to grow the next crop of flower buds.

    The sooner the rose is raised, the more it will help it to grow the next crop of flower buds.

    [potted roses on the balcony] the sooner you cut the residual flowers, the more helpful it is to grow the next crop of buds. Today Greater Heat, Chongqing is 40 degrees high. Some people are complaining about the temperature, others are complaining about 40 degrees. The director is still on the balcony, watering and repairing.

  • Cut in May, the survival rate of these three kinds of flowers will blossom in autumn.

    Cut in May, the survival rate of these three kinds of flowers will blossom in autumn.

    Now is May, the temperature is neither hot nor cold, it is a good time to cut flowers, three kinds of flowers, the roots and branches touch the soil to live, the survival rate is 99%, now cutting, autumn can enjoy flowers! First, the flower of longevity flower is exquisite and lovely, variety.

  • Cut flowers can be kept fresh by these methods without withering for a week or two.

    Cut flowers can be kept fresh by these methods without withering for a week or two.

    If the bought flowers are inserted directly into the water, they will wither completely in a few days, even if the water is changed every day, it can only slightly prolong its shelf life, and the effect is really not obvious. Here are some maintenance tips, which can not only increase.

  • New Technology of fresh-keeping of cut Flowers Tulip

    New Technology of fresh-keeping of cut Flowers Tulip

    Harvesting and cutting stage: for Darwin varieties, cut when the buds are half colored and half green, and for other varieties, when the whole buds are colored. Tulips should be cut several times a day, which can make the cut flowers neat and consistent and have the best postharvest life. Storage and transportation conditions: cut tulip flowers can be stored for short-term dry storage and wet storage. Varieties with short postharvest life (such as Apollo) can be stored in water for 3 days at 3 °C or dry at 0-1 °C for 6 days, while varieties with longer life (such as Aladdin, etc.) can be stored for about 3 days under the same conditions. From the soil

  • Keep your eyes high... this is called fresh cut flowers

    Keep your eyes high... this is called fresh cut flowers

    Most people like fresh cut flowers, roses colorful, hydrangea delicate, baby's breath fresh, lily clear fragrance... How to choose the right cut flowers, just look at the appearance you are wrong. Not only do you want to know all kinds of flowers...

  • Skill | cut the flowers in spring. The flowers grow more and more vigorously and the leaves burst into blossom.

    Skill | cut the flowers in spring. The flowers grow more and more vigorously and the leaves burst into blossom.

    Flower cultivation Daquan & nbsp; Subscription account Click to follow, Hua Hua teaches you to grow flowers! Some flower friends are not willing to prune the flowers. They feel that it is not easy to raise them, but it is a pity to cut them off for nothing, but if the branches are allowed to grow all the time, the plant shape will become ugly.

  • The action of raising rose determines the beauty and ugliness of flowering.

    The action of raising rose determines the beauty and ugliness of flowering.

    When many flower lovers know about rose, they see that the category of rose is cut rose, so what does cut rose mean? What is cut rose? In fact, cut rose is a kind of rose, mainly used for commercial cut flowers, fresh.

  • The leaves of Zhu Dinghong are too luxuriant to cut and cut. I didn't expect the flowers to bloom more.

    The leaves of Zhu Dinghong are too luxuriant to cut and cut. I didn't expect the flowers to bloom more.

    Zhu Dinghong, also known as safflower lotus, beautiful plants, beautiful flowers, elegant and generous, bright flowers, large and full. If it is properly maintained, it can even spend more than one arrow and blossom many times a year, often as an ornamental plant. There are many flower friends.

  • Longevity crab claw orchid…Cut 1 knife after flowering, raise 1 pot prosperous 1 pot, how to open it...

    Longevity crab claw orchid…Cut 1 knife after flowering, raise 1 pot prosperous 1 pot, how to open it...

    Recently, many flower friends said that the long-lived crab claw orchid at home has finished blooming a crop of flowers. Can we wait for it to bloom again next year? Flowers tell you: NO! Today, Huahua will teach you a small method, so that your home flowers can also open two crops of flowers, three crops of flowers... want to open a few times!

  • How long can the cut flowers of sweet cherry stay in water?

    How long can the cut flowers of sweet cherry stay in water?

    Xiangxue orchid is not only rich in flowers and colors, but also very fragrant in bloom, and its foil is extracted from the base of the plant alone. Because of its beautiful flowers, many colors, and its soft branches and leaves, it is easy to lodge, so it is very suitable for spring cut flowers, especially double varieties. So, how to raise cut flowers of sweet cherry?

  • Succulent copper grass... Cut it quickly after blooming, or you'll die right away!

    Succulent copper grass... Cut it quickly after blooming, or you'll die right away!

    Huahua has a friend, finally carefully raised the pot succulent, did not appreciate a few days after flowering, the whole plant is dead, simply heart-piercing! In fact, in addition to some succulent plants, there are many flowers that either die directly or grow more and more slowly after flowering. What on earth is going on? Let Huahua tell you slowly!

  • Want to keep the rose from attracting worms? Learn this trick to grow more and more flowers.

    Want to keep the rose from attracting worms? Learn this trick to grow more and more flowers.

    Every time I see the flower branches grow crazy into a mass, messy, flower obsessive-compulsive disorder is going to be committed, a scissors down, serve more, did not expect to rub flowers! Today, Huahua will share with you the pruning skills of flowers. Fujimoto.

  • Cut a small haircut for the flowers in spring, the flowers grow more and more prosperous, and the long leaves burst into blossom!

    Cut a small haircut for the flowers in spring, the flowers grow more and more prosperous, and the long leaves burst into blossom!

    Some flower friends are not willing to prune the flowers, feeling that it is not easy to raise them, but it is a pity to cut them off for nothing, but if the branches are allowed to grow all the time, the plant shape will become ugly and even bloom less. It is better not to grow flowers than not to know how to prune them. Today, Huahua teaches you a few simple pruning methods, and let the flowers grow with one knife!
