
Alum root Learn more about Alum root

  • Habits of alum root and matters needing attention in maintenance

    Habits of alum root and matters needing attention in maintenance

    Alum root, also known as coral bell, is a perennial cold-resistant herbaceous flower, because the alum root was introduced into our country for a short time, planting people are also relatively few, so the maintenance experience of alum root is also less. The editor has sorted out the key points about the maintenance of alum root for you, and novice friends can learn together.

  • How to raise alum root

    How to raise alum root

    1. Culture environment alum root likes to grow in a warm, moist and well-ventilated environment, and it has strong cold resistance and shade tolerance, but it likes sunlight very much. During its growth period, it should be given enough sunlight, so that it can grow well, and there is another thing.

  • How to raise alum root?

    How to raise alum root?

    Alum root is a common greening plant, mostly used for courtyard greening, forest flower border, flower bed, flower belt, etc., but also relatively easy to grow, so how should alum root be raised? What are the main varieties of alum root? What is the alum root? Alum root is a kind of perennial hardy.

    2020-11-09 Alum root how raise alum root is a kind of common greening plant
  • How does alum root propagate? What are the breeding methods?

    How does alum root propagate? What are the breeding methods?

    Alum root is a kind of plant with beautiful leaves, which is loved by many flower friends. It is a very nourishing plant, as long as a little attention, can have a beautiful alum root. Alum root, with colorful leaves, a short and delicate figure, and small but still beautiful flowers

  • How to raise alum root culture methods and matters needing attention

    How to raise alum root culture methods and matters needing attention

    Alum root is a kind of ornamental plant with leaves as an ornamental. Its size is relatively small, and the colors of leaves are diversified. Generally, red, yellow, green and purple are the most common. Nowadays, many people will choose alum root for breeding, but before breeding, most people will

    2020-11-08 Alum root how to raise breed method and precautions alum root yes
  • How to raise alum root? Can the alum root be kept indoors?

    How to raise alum root? Can the alum root be kept indoors?

    The unwilling mediocre gardener always wants to try his best to fill the garden with color, and the colored leaf elf alum root can help you achieve this wish. The leaf color of alum root is various, and the leaf color varies in different seasons, environments and temperatures, so it is called God's color palette. Like succulent plants.

  • What are the points for attention in the planting method of alum root

    What are the points for attention in the planting method of alum root

    There are few people who raise alum root in China, so many people do not know the planting method of alum root, and there is not much experience to learn from it. Let's talk about the planting method of alum root. Alum root planting method: first, the best time to enter the seedling is spring, autumn and winter. Try to avoid buying seedlings in summer; second, when buying seedlings

  • How to grow alum root seeds

    How to grow alum root seeds

    Alum root, also known as coral bell, is a perennial cold-resistant herbaceous flower of Saxifragaceae. This plant has a very beautiful shape and is mainly white and red when it blossoms. It is a good ornamental plant. Alum root is a plant native to the United States, which has begun to grow in large quantities in China in recent years.

    2020-11-08 Alum root seed how alum root aka coral bell yes tiger ear
  • Daily maintenance and management of alum root shading and sun protection in summer

    Daily maintenance and management of alum root shading and sun protection in summer

    Alum root has become popular in the past two years, so the corresponding alum root culture methods (experience) are also more. In order to save the time of flower friends, we only talk about the main points in this article. We can understand the alum root through a brief introduction. Alum root has cold resistance.

  • This flower is a palette and whoever matches it is beautiful. 10 pots can be turned into a garden.

    This flower is a palette and whoever matches it is beautiful. 10 pots can be turned into a garden.

    The weather is hot, the flowers in the house are drooping and losing their brains, only the alum roots are still hot and lively, colorful, looking full of anger. Alum root is very versatile, what kind of flower around the point of alum root, will immediately become good-looking! I'm going to take you home."

  • Stunning | this flower is a color palette with whom it is beautiful. 10 pots can change into a garden.

    Stunning | this flower is a color palette with whom it is beautiful. 10 pots can change into a garden.

    The weather is hot, the flowers at home are in full bloom, only the alum root is still lively, colorful, looking full of life. Alum root is very versatile, what flowers planted around a little alum root, will immediately become beautiful! Huahua will take you today.

  • Can you grow rice indoors?

    Can you grow rice indoors?

    Alumen root is a kind of color leaf shade ground cover plant, has certain ornamental value, so it is also used as greening plant, then alum root can be planted indoors? What are the planting precautions? Can I grow my plants indoors? Alum roots can be in the room

    2020-11-09 alum root can be planted indoors is it is a kind of colored leaf
  • Planting method and Propagation of Flowers-Alum Root

    Planting method and Propagation of Flowers-Alum Root

    Alum root is a new variety of domestic potted plant introduced in recent years, and few people know about it. Alum root for Saxifragaceae alum root genus, also known as coral bell, is for many years.

  • The alum root can survive at minus 15 degrees Celsius. It is an ornamental plant with special tolerance to shade and nutrition.

    The alum root can survive at minus 15 degrees Celsius. It is an ornamental plant with special tolerance to shade and nutrition.

    The plant to be introduced to you below is alum root, also called coral bell, because its flowers look like small bells, leaves have colorful colors, like coral, alum root is extremely cold-resistant plants, at minus 15 degrees...

  • How to reproduce alum root-alum root leaf insert propagation method

    How to reproduce alum root-alum root leaf insert propagation method

    Alum root because of its bright leaves alone and get everyone's favor, but you know what? With the right measures, you can regenerate new plants from its beautiful leaves. The propagation of alum roots is mainly rooted, and it is difficult for leaf cuttings to grow leaves and buds. Today, Xiaobian will share the cutting propagation technology of alum roots for everyone

  • Planting method of potted alum root

    Planting method of potted alum root

    Soon after the introduction of alum root, the number of species is relatively few, and there is a lack of maintenance experience summarized by enthusiasts. Many flower friends want to know the planting method of alum root. Alum root is also called coral bell in Saxifragaceae. It is a perennial cold-tolerant, shade-tolerant herbaceous flower, which is very suitable for planting in semi-shady environment. Alum root is a new superior ground cover plant.

  • Propagation method of alum root ramet

    Propagation method of alum root ramet

    Alum root is a kind of plant with beautiful leaves, which is loved by many flower friends. It is a very nourishing plant, as long as a little attention, you can have a beautiful potted alum root. There are several ways of propagation of alum root, such as tissue culture, cutting, ramet and so on. For most flower lovers, ramets are more convenient.

  • What are the characteristics of alum root?

    What are the characteristics of alum root?

    Alum root is a beautiful foliage plant, which is native to the United States. It has been introduced and cultivated in China in recent years and is loved by many flower friends.

  • Can alum roots be planted indoors?

    Can alum roots be planted indoors?

    Alum root is famous for its gorgeous leaves. However, its origin is not in China, and it has only been introduced in recent years. Therefore, many people will encounter problems of one kind or another when planting. First of all, can it be planted in the house? Can alum root be planted indoors? can it be planted indoors? alum root is native to America.

  • Pi Shi | you will never be able to keep these flowers. The colder the weather, the more beautiful it will be.-it won't freeze to death at 30 degrees.

    Pi Shi | you will never be able to keep these flowers. The colder the weather, the more beautiful it will be.-it won't freeze to death at 30 degrees.

    If you want to say what flowers are best to raise, there is nothing better than alum roots, which can not only withstand a high temperature of 40 degrees, but also freeze to death in extremely cold weather of-34 degrees! What a notoriously strong flower! Not only easy to raise, but also its beauty is obvious to all, the color one.
