
How to raise alum root? Can the alum root be kept indoors?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The unwilling mediocre gardener always wants to try his best to fill the garden with color, and the colored leaf elf alum root can help you achieve this wish. The leaf color of alum root is various, and the leaf color varies in different seasons, environments and temperatures, so it is called God's color palette. Like succulent plants.

The unwilling mediocre gardener always wants to try his best to fill the garden with color, and the colorful leaf elf, alum root, can help you achieve this wish. The leaf color of alum root is various, and the leaf color varies in different seasons, environments and temperatures, so it is called God's color palette.

Like succulent plants, alum root is also good at seducing people with leaves. Its horticultural cultivation species are extremely many, and its leaf color is rich and changeable. Coupled with the good quality of cold resistance, shade tolerance and damp-heat resistance, it has gradually become a new favorite of people.

The following is a brief introduction of alum root maintenance basin, soil, light, temperature, water, fertilizer and other details, teach you to easily raise alum root, bring you a colorful alum root world.

1. Selection of basin

Alum root selection pot does not need light transmission, the principle is "large seedling big pot, small seedling small pot", the root-shoot ratio is 4:6 is more suitable. That is, the seedling with 6cm crown width chooses the pot organ with 4cm diameter as reference. Avoid the occurrence of "small seedlings holding big pots, big seedlings eating small bowls". (the root growth space is not coordinated and the management of water and fertilizer operation is difficult.) in addition, the pot should have hydrophobic holes.

2. Soil

The lightweight medium with low bulk density should also have larger porosity, and the ratio of capillary pore to aerated pore is reasonable. It can not only fix and support the plant, but also provide good water and fertilizer holding capacity and aeration capacity for plant growth. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the weak acidity of the selected medium. It is recommended to choose small bags of peat soil for sale in the market. After finishing the basin, a thin layer of granular beautification medium can be laid on the cultivation medium.

3. Lighting

Alum is cold-resistant, sunny and shady, so it is very suitable for maintenance in a cool semi-shady place. In summer, avoid direct sunlight, properly shade, and remember to keep ventilated. The alum root can be kept in the sun in winter.

4. Temperature

The cold resistance of alum root is very strong, and the data show that the limit can resist the low temperature of minus 38 ℃. The main consideration of family maintenance is not to have a high temperature of more than 35 ℃ as far as possible in summer. 10 ℃-30 ℃ is the most suitable for its growth.

5. Ventilation

It is mainly ventilated during the day, and its purpose is to coordinate the water distribution rate in the plant body and in the basin soil medium, while maintaining the dynamic balance of air composition in its living environment (the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide is stable). It is almost necessary to have a certain degree of ventilation in summer, spring and autumn, which can cool down to a certain extent and improve its living environment.

6. Watering

Aquaculture alum root, watering should be moderate, it does not like the growth environment that is too wet, so watering should see dry and wet, wait for the surface of the soil to dry and then water, in summer, watering must be controlled, watering must be thoroughly, this can promote the normal growth of alum root.

7. Fertilization

Culture alum root, we should also pay attention to proper fertilization, in fact, alum root in the soil with less fertilizer content, the growth will be better, but can also tolerate the soil with higher fertilizer content. You can add a little more nitrogen fertilizer.

8. Diseases and insect pests

The diseases that may occur in alum root home are mainly fungal diseases, and the regular use of market-selected fungicides can effectively prevent and treat them. The possible pests in alum root domestic cultivation are mainly self-migration transmission (such as moths flying into the succulent living environment, and spawning, hatching) and transmission (with seedlings, media in the form of eggs or nymphs). Alum root domestic support is more need to pay attention to these. The use of pesticides is not recommended.

Alum root as a foliage plant, of course, the most prominent feature is its colorful, highly textured color leaves. And as a foliage plant, you do not need to work hard to grow flowers, as long as there are leaves, you can appreciate its beauty. Of course, its flowers are also very beautiful.

Alum root plants have strong cold resistance, and it is said that they can withstand a low temperature of minus 34 degrees at most, so in most parts of our country, alum roots can be cultured outdoors without special measures such as heating and heat preservation.

Can the alum root be kept indoors? Alum root must avoid direct sunlight in summer, alum root is not afraid of cold, but afraid of heat, summer should pay special attention, it is best to put it in a cool place or a room with cold air conditioning.

Time: 2019-05-31 Click: