
You can still make more money by growing good grain.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In Xichong County, Sichuan Province in early September, the weather was fine and most rice farmers were already immersed in the busyness and joy of a bumper harvest. On this day, when I walked into Guanfeng Township of the county, I saw Huang Yongxi, a big grain grower. The local people all knew that he had planted 10,000 mu of rice alone. I saw him full of ambition

In Xichong County, Sichuan Province in early September, the weather was fine and most rice farmers were already immersed in the busyness and joy of a bumper harvest.

On this day, when I walked into Guanfeng Township of the county, I saw Huang Yongxi, a big grain grower. The local people all knew that he had planted 10,000 mu of rice alone. I saw him walking proudly in the fields, guarding large tracts of good quality rice, looking forward to the harvest more than a week later.

'My way is to grow organic high-quality rice, build brands, achieve famous brand effect, and make money through the integrity of the industrial chain, 'Mr. Huang said.

Although the output is low, the benefit is more considerable.

Organic cultivation makes rice farmers more profitable

In the scorching sun, buildings crisscross, chatting with Huang Yongxi while walking around in the rice field.

Why did you choose to grow organic rice instead of conventional rice? Huang Yongxi said that now food safety is the most concerned issue, and organic rice makes consumers feel more at ease.

According to Huang Yongxi, organic rice does not use any chemical synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, growth regulators and so on in the process of growing organic rice, and crop growth completely follows natural laws and ecological principles. Because the amount of organic fertilizer used is about 2 times that of ordinary fertilizer, the cost of growing organic rice is higher, and the yield is lower, but the benefit is still considerable. Huang Yongxi calculated an account: the yield of conventional rice is about 450kg per mu, and the enterprise recovers dry grain at 3.26yuan per kilogram, with an output value of about 1467 yuan per mu; the yield of organic rice per mu is about 300kg, and the enterprise recovers it at 8 yuan per kilogram, with an output value of about 2400 yuan per mu, which is nearly 1000 yuan higher than conventional rice. Six years ago, Huang Yongxi invested all the money earned from liquor sales, rented 400 mu of paddy fields in Gulou Town, engaged in large-scale planting, and then founded the Air Grain Fragrance Rice Company.

"what we grow is high-quality rice with a unified standard by Hangzixiang Company, and the growing period is about 10 days longer than ordinary rice." Su Guiji, 57, who has been a village cadre for more than 10 years, is good at agricultural production. The 466 mu of paddy field he leased passed organic conversion certification in July this year, all growing according to organic standards. "the net income of these rice will be about 100000 yuan this year." Su Guiji said in a loud voice.

The reporter found that the west is full of hilly areas, surrounded by cypress forests, good ecology, no pollution, very suitable for the growth of organic rice.

Without mechanization, there will be no scale.

It is more efficient for iron oxen to replace farm cattle.

In the agricultural machinery warehouse of the Aviation Grain incense Company, seedling raising machines, tillage machines, rice transplanters, and other agricultural machinery are available. "usually, these iron cattle stay here obediently, do not need to feed water and grass, and just drive them out when it is time to do something." Zhu Jiaying, the caretaker, is a humorous person who is overhauling the harvester that is about to come in handy.

"if there is no mechanization, there will be no scale. It is these iron guys who say that I have planted 10,000 mu of rice alone." Huang Yongxi said.

"this is a ploughing machine, which can level 30 mu of land a day, which is worth 10 cattle; this is a four-row transplanter, which can grow 15 mu of rice a day, and this is a six-row sitting transplanter that can transplant 40 to 50 mu of rice a day, which is more than ten times higher than manual efficiency." Zhu Jiaying introduced the "baby" in the warehouse. He told reporters that the state can subsidize 60 percent of the purchase of agricultural machinery, and the company has invested a total of 11.7 million yuan to purchase a total of 127sets of agricultural machinery in six categories, including seedling raising machines, tilling machines, harvesters, and dryers. Rice has been mechanized in the whole process, from raising seedlings and planting to harvesting, drying and finishing.

"the cost of manual harvesting is as high as 200 yuan per mu, and it is very difficult to hire workers during the busy farming season. A harvester can harvest 20 mu of rice every day, at a cost of only 50 yuan per mu, which is more efficient and labor costs are saved."

In another 10 days, more than 500 mu of rice contracted to grow in the core area of Kangqin will have a bumper harvest. Before the rice harvest, farmers usually prepare drying tools and storage warehouses, but Kangqin just takes a leisurely walk in the fields. "the company will send a harvester to help us harvest, transfer the car and transport it to drying and storage. I just need to wait for the rice to be dried and weighed to get the money. With the company's agricultural machinery as the backing, every link can save money, and the savings are net profit. "

The villagers have the opportunity to work nearby.

Modern scale planting drives the increase of farmers' income

"he Zhishu, the rice will be harvested in a few days. If you need someone, just give a shout." He Cunzhi, a branch secretary of Dayu Huanggong Village in Guanfeng Township, is checking the growth of rice in the field. Several passing villagers have greeted him and asked to arrange a job. Since 2012, he has rented 400 to 500 mu of paddy fields every year to grow high-quality rice, while driving more than 40 villagers in the village to find jobs nearby. Most of the elderly in rural areas are left behind, and 80% of the farmers are over the age of 60.

"now farmers are actively asking to take part in labor." He Cunzhi said that what impressed him deeply was that in the past, when people were arranged to work in the village, there was disagreement and it was difficult to transfer. now everyone is scrambling to work in the fields. "my branch secretary is better than before." Because the villagers rent out the land to enterprises, they can get a land transfer fund of 675 yuan per mu and a direct subsidy of about 140 yuan for grain, and they come to work for enterprises or major grain growers to earn two pieces of money.

According to he Cunzhi, an ordinary farmer who comes to work can earn 12000 yuan per season of rice, but in terms of work intensity, it is much easier than traditional farming, and most of the operation is done by machine. manpower only does the work of field management, manual weeding, loading and unloading, and so on.

Wang Shuzhen, 66, is an empty-nest old man. her wife has died for many years, and her children are all migrant workers. The old man used to grow his own grain, and the annual output value of three mu of land is only about 4000 yuan. In case of drought and flood, the yield will be reduced or even the harvest will be lost. Today, after working for three months in this season of rice alone, her salary is more than 7000 yuan. together with the land transfer funds and direct grain subsidies for three mu of fields, her income can reach about 10,000 yuan.