
Three departments jointly hold a video conference on speeding up water conservancy construction

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, On the morning of October 9, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance jointly held a video conference on speeding up water conservancy construction to thoroughly implement the central decision-making plan for water control and prosperity, aiming at the progress of key projects such as rural drinking water safety, water-saving and water-saving water conservancy projects.

On the morning of October 9, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Finance jointly held a video conference on speeding up water conservancy construction to thoroughly implement the central decision on water control and prosperity. In view of the progress of rural drinking water safety, water-saving and water-saving water conservancy projects and other key water conservancy projects, we will redeploy, supervise and implement the accelerated project construction to ensure that the annual key water conservancy construction tasks are completed in quality and quantity as scheduled. Chen Lei, minister of water resources, Lin Nianxiu, deputy director of the Development and Reform Commission, and Hu Jinglin, vice minister of finance, attended and delivered speeches. Qiao Yong, vice minister of water resources, presided over the meeting, and Zhou Xuewen, member of the party group and chief planner of the Ministry of Water Resources, attended the meeting.

Chen Lei pointed out: since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as general secretary has attached great importance to water conservancy work and made a series of major arrangements. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech on ensuring water security, clearly put forward the idea of "giving priority to water conservation, spatial balance, systematic governance, and two-handed efforts," which provided a scientific guide and basic compliance for us to do a good job in water conservancy work. Premier Li Keqiang presided over an executive meeting of the State Council, which made overall arrangements for speeding up the construction of major water conservancy projects for water conservation and water supply. Speeding up water conservancy construction is a major measure to stabilize growth, promote reform, adjust structure and benefit the people's livelihood, a concrete action to fulfill and fulfill the government's commitments, a fundamental requirement for implementing the decision-making and deployment of the executive meeting of the State Council, and an important measure to implement the supervision, rectification and reform opinions of the State Council. it is necessary to fully understand the great significance of speeding up water conservancy construction and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency of speeding up water conservancy construction. A number of key water conservancy projects will be built as soon as possible to lay the foundation, manage the long term, promote development and benefit the people's livelihood, so as to provide a solid guarantee of water security for sustained and healthy economic and social development.

Chen Lei stressed: it is necessary to accurately grasp the task of water conservancy construction and speed up the improvement of the water conservancy infrastructure system. First, it is necessary to speed up the construction of 172 major water conservancy projects deployed by the State Council for water conservation and water supply. It is necessary to speed up the construction of 40 projects under construction, such as major agricultural water conservation, pine water supply in central Jilin, and the regulation of the three rivers in the northeast, implement central and local investment, and strengthen construction organization and quality and safety supervision. It is necessary to promote the construction of 44 new projects this year and next year, on the basis of eight projects already started this year, including the water conveyance of the Guanyinge Reservoir in Liaoning, the Huaihe Water diversion Project in Anhui, and the Xizang Laluo Water Control Project. By the end of the year, we will strive to start nine more projects, including the diversion of Hanji-Wei in Shaanxi, Datengxia on the Xijiang River, Altash in Xinjiang, and Jiayan Water Control Project in Guizhou. Next year, we will strive to start 27 projects, including the second phase of water supply in Yintao, Gansu, and Shandian in Henan. It is necessary to do a good job in the preliminary demonstration of 88 projects, such as the diversion of water from the Yangtze River and Huaihe River in Anhui, the water diversion from central Yunnan, and the Guxian Water Control Project of the Yellow River, coordinate and solve the technical, economic, environmental, land expropriation, immigration and other problems, and strive to start construction as soon as possible during the 13th five-year Plan period. Second, it is necessary to comprehensively complete the task of planning for drinking water safety in rural areas. It is necessary to continue to strengthen supervision and inspection and technical guidance, implement various safeguard measures, and improve the mechanisms for project supervision and inspection, audit and inspection, performance assessment, evaluation, and rewards and punishments, so as to ensure that the problem of drinking water safety for another 60 million rural people is solved this year, and the task of rural drinking water safety construction during the 12th five-year Plan period will be completed in an all-round way next year. Third, we must make every effort to solve the problem of "the last kilometer" of irrigation. From the aspects of establishing reasonable agricultural water price formation mechanism, clarifying agricultural initial water rights, deepening the reform of agricultural water conservancy project management system, establishing agricultural water-saving precision subsidy mechanism, popularizing agricultural water-saving measures, strengthening the construction of agricultural water-saving engineering system, etc., promote agricultural water saving and increase efficiency. We will further promote the comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices, continue to carry out continuous construction and water-saving transformation of large-scale irrigation districts, and strive to strengthen the construction of supporting facilities for irrigation and water conservancy terminals. Fourth, great efforts should be made to carry out capital construction of irrigation and water conservancy in winter and spring. Recently, the State Council will hold a special meeting to deploy the capital construction of irrigation and water conservancy this winter and next spring. In accordance with the arrangements of the State Council, all localities should, in accordance with the arrangements of the State Council, seize the favorable opportunities in winter and spring, strengthen organization, coordination, supervision and inspection, innovate systems and mechanisms, increase input, integrate resources, and organize and mobilize all sectors of society to greatly promote irrigation and water conservancy construction. we will ensure that investment and earthwork will increase by more than 10% and 5% respectively over the previous year in this winter and next spring, and that machinery, farmers and comprehensive benefits will increase steadily over the previous year.

Chen Lei stressed: at present, it is necessary to highlight the following key tasks. First, efforts should be made to speed up the construction of the project. Projects under construction should formulate a careful schedule, do everything possible to ensure construction conditions, reverse the construction period, control nodes, organize scientifically, and complete project construction tasks in strict accordance with the target; projects that have not yet started should pay close attention to the implementation of various construction conditions. solve the outstanding problems affecting the progress of project construction, do a good job in bidding, construction preparation and other work as soon as possible, and strive to start construction as soon as possible. Second, efforts should be made to implement the funds for project construction. Provinces whose investment plans and budget funds have not yet been issued should step up efforts to decompose and release specific projects. It is necessary to implement the responsibility of raising funds for local construction, increase financial input, increase the proportion of funds at the provincial level as far as possible, and urge cities and counties to implement matching funds. Make full use of financial policies and measures to support water conservancy, innovate the mode of water conservancy investment and financing, and encourage and guide social capital to participate in the construction of water conservancy projects. Third, efforts should be made to ensure the quality of project construction. Firmly establish the idea of "quality first, safety first", and conscientiously grasp the quality management in the whole process of water conservancy project construction. Implement the quality and safety responsibilities of the project legal person, design, construction and supervision units, standardize the market access for water conservancy construction, strictly implement the project quality leadership responsibility system and the project quality lifelong responsibility system of the participating units, especially strengthen the quality supervision of water conservancy projects implemented by organizations at the county level. We will increase special quality inspection of key livelihood water conservancy projects such as rural drinking water safety, reinforcement of diseased and dangerous reservoirs, treatment of small and medium-sized rivers, as well as major water conservancy projects, so as to ensure that there are no quality problems. Fourth, efforts should be made to strengthen supervision and inspection. It is necessary to strengthen random spot checks, special inspections, cross-inspection, and key inspections, carry out regular supervision and inspection, and urge city and county water conservancy departments to implement their supervision and inspection responsibilities. It is necessary to strengthen the pertinence and effectiveness of supervision and inspection, strengthen penalties for problems found by supervision and inspection, and rectify areas and projects that are not timely and not in place, and at the same time organically combine supervision and inspection with guidance and help. we will effectively improve the level of construction management. Fifth, efforts should be made to build clean water conservancy projects. It is necessary to take the construction of clean water conservancy projects as an important part of the main responsibility and supervision responsibility for the building of a clean and honest party style and government, and earnestly implement the "two responsibilities." It is necessary to comprehensively find out the risks of clean government in all aspects of water conservancy construction and strengthen measures to prevent and control the risks of clean government. In terms of examination and approval, it is necessary to reduce links, standardize procedures, and prevent power rent-seeking. In terms of tendering and bidding, it is necessary to vigorously promote the entry of tendering and bidding for water conservancy construction projects, and it is strictly forbidden to break up engineering projects into parts and avoid bidding, and it is strictly forbidden to borrow qualifications, surround bids, subcontract, and illegally subcontract. In the management of funds, it is necessary to strictly enforce financial and economic discipline, improve the internal control system, use and accept supervision in strict accordance with regulations, and prevent the occurrence of embezzlement, misappropriation, misappropriation, interception, and other problems. It is necessary to give full play to the role of discipline inspection, supervision, audit, inspection and other departments to form a joint force of supervision.

Chen Lei demanded that all localities should make full use of the golden construction period after the flood season, fully implement various safeguard measures, and further intensify their work to ensure the successful completion of the annual targets and tasks on schedule. First, we should earnestly strengthen organizational leadership. It is necessary to formulate a detailed work plan according to the actual situation of the province and the weak links in the implementation of the project, and report to the provincial government in a timely manner. Principal responsible comrades of water conservancy departments at all levels should personally ask, deploy, and coordinate important links, major issues, and important matters in water conservancy construction, and leaders in charge should conscientiously implement them and solve existing problems in a timely manner. The second is to fully implement the work responsibility. The principal leadership responsibility system should be implemented at all levels, links, and aspects of water conservancy construction work, and the responsibilities of all departments, cities and counties, project responsibility units, and relevant responsible personnel should be clearly defined, so as to ensure that the work is managed and the tasks are grasped. Responsibility is borne by others, and implementation is carried out layer by layer. For departments, units and relevant responsible personnel whose work is not carried out, tasks cannot be completed, and supervision is not in place, in addition to investigating those who are directly responsible in accordance with the relevant provisions, they should also be held accountable to the heads of departments and units. Third, pay attention to overall planning, coordination and cooperation. Water conservancy departments at all levels should make overall arrangements for management, technology, and construction forces, further strengthen coordination and communication with departments such as development and reform, finance, land, and environmental protection, and implement various conditions for project construction in a timely manner. All river basin institutions and relevant directly subordinate units should speed up the progress of local project examination and technical review, strengthen technical guidance, and assist local governments in doing a good job in the work of key water conservancy construction projects. The relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Water Resources should strengthen guidance and do a good job in supervision and inspection. Fourth, planning ahead of time for water conservancy construction next year. Next year is the last year to complete the task of water conservancy construction in the 12th five-year Plan, and it is also a key year to speed up the promotion of major water conservancy projects. In order to ensure the completion of the planning tasks set by the State Council by the end of next year, central investment in some key projects such as the safety of drinking water in rural areas, the treatment of small and medium-sized rivers, and the elimination and reinforcement of small and dangerous reservoirs will be arranged ahead of schedule by the end of this year. All localities should formulate annual construction plans as soon as possible, measure local construction investment, speed up the preliminary work of major water conservancy projects, and do a good job in project examination and approval, so as to lay a good foundation for the construction of projects ahead of schedule.

Lin Nianxiu pointed out that speeding up the construction of major water conservancy projects is an important measure to implement targeted regulation and control, stimulate vitality, make up for weaknesses, strengthen entities, and benefit the people's livelihood. The development and reform departments should persist in taking reform and innovation as the leadership and spare no effort to do a good job in speeding up water conservancy construction. First, the development and reform departments at the provincial level should step up consultation with the water conservancy departments, decompose the investment plans and issue them to specific projects as soon as possible, and timely and fully implement local supporting construction investment to ensure that they are in place at the same time as the central investment. The second is to speed up the construction of major water conservancy projects for water conservation and water supply, further promote the preliminary work of major water conservancy projects, increase government input, improve the market environment, and strengthen project construction management, especially for the major water conservancy projects to be started this year, it is necessary to formulate a timetable item by item, reverse the schedule, implement project investment, and step up efforts to start construction. Third, we should make every effort to speed up the implementation of the 12th five-year Plan of the National Rural drinking Water Safety Project and the progress of the annual project construction, and comprehensively complete the targets and tasks set this year. Fourth, we should earnestly strengthen the management of the use of funds to ensure the safety of projects, funds, and cadres.

Lin Nianxiu stressed: it is necessary to improve and improve the mechanism for the division of responsibilities, the incentive mechanism for fund-raising, and the supervision and inspection mechanism for project implementation, and properly implement the project territorial responsibility and government investment responsibility. strengthen the responsibility constraints on engineering consulting, investment project decision-making, design, construction, supervision and other departments and units, further speed up water conservancy construction, and ensure that annual construction tasks are completed on schedule.

Hu Jinglin pointed out: water conservancy is an important foundation for economic and social development, and it is the unshirkable responsibility of finance at all levels to support water conservancy construction and development. Local financial departments at all levels should actively work with water conservancy and other relevant departments to further implement and improve various policies and measures for financial support for water conservancy construction and development. First, we should include water conservancy as the focus of support in the medium-term planning of the financial budget, clarify financial support policies and key investment, and enhance the sustainability and pertinence of water conservancy investment. The second is to speed up the implementation of the budget of financial water conservancy funds, take the initiative to grasp the progress of the construction of major water conservancy projects, scientifically mobilize funds, optimize allocation procedures, and ensure the capital needs of major water conservancy projects. Third, vigorously support the establishment of a multi-subject, multi-channel and multi-form investment and financing mechanism, steadily increase investment in water conservancy reform and development, and explore and use various ways to encourage, guide and promote social capital investment in water conservancy construction.

Hu Jinglin stressed that more effective measures should be taken to improve and strengthen the management of water conservancy funds. It is necessary to establish and improve an institutional system covering the whole process of the operation of water conservancy funds and project construction, constantly improve the risk prevention and control mechanism for the allocation and use of water conservancy funds, and explore the establishment of an incentive mechanism linked to the performance of fund allocation and fund use management. Closely centering on major water conservancy plans and projects, we should actively create a platform for the integration of water conservancy-related funds, strengthen the integration and overall planning of water conservancy funds, and speed up the construction of major water conservancy projects.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Qiao Yong stressed that all units should promptly report the spirit of this meeting to the principal responsible comrades and leaders in charge of the government, convey it in the development and reform, financial, and water conservancy systems, and in accordance with the spirit of this meeting, combined with the specific conditions of water conservancy construction in various localities, further clarify objectives and tasks, implement the division of responsibilities, strengthen supervision and inspection, and earnestly grasp the work of speeding up water conservancy construction. Government departments at all levels should earnestly give full play to the responsibilities of organizations and supervisors in speeding up water conservancy construction, efficiently implement investment plans, issue construction funds in a timely manner, strictly supervise and inspect construction projects, and ensure the progress, quality, and safety of projects.

At the meeting, the Water Resources departments of Hubei, Sichuan, Hebei and Heilongjiang provinces, the Development and Reform Commission of Shandong and Shaanxi provinces, and the Department of Finance of Guangdong Province made exchange speeches. The responsible comrades of the relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Water Resources, the relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Water Resources, the Development and Reform Commission, and the relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Finance attended the meeting, and the relevant responsible comrades of the governments of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government). Responsible comrades of various river basin institutions and provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), cities separately listed on the State plan, and Xinjiang production and Construction Corps water conservancy, development and reform, and finance attended the meeting at local branch venues.